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Java Security

This repository contains several Java web applications and command line applications covering different security topics. Have a look at the slides from various events covering the applications in this repository. The Java Web Security Workshop talks about all these applications in much greater detail.

#Web Applications in Detail Using Mozilla Firefox as browser is strongly recommended.

The smaller web applications all come with a ready to use Tomcat7 Maven plugin which can be started via mvn tomcat7:run-war. The web applications which require a Servlet 3.1 capable server contain the Jetty Maven plugin which can be started via mvn jetty:run-war.

##access-control-spring-security Access control demo project utilizing Spring Security. Shows how to safely load user data from a database without using potentially faked frontend values. After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/access-control-spring-security.

##crypto-spring Crypto demo project using Jasypt to secure Spring configuration (property) files. Requires a system property APP_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD with the value spring-jasypt present on startup (set automatically by the Tomcat7 Maven plugin). After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/crypto-spring.

##csrf-spring-security Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) demo project preventing CSRF in a JavaServer Pages (JSP) web application by utilizing Spring Security. After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/csrf-spring-security.

##csrf Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) demo project preventing CSRF in a JavaServer Pages (JSP) web application. Sample code is based on the Enterprise Security API (ESAPI). After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/csrf.

##direct-object-references Direct object references (and indirect object references) demo project using plain Java. Sample code is based on the Enterprise Security API (ESAPI). After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/direct-object-references.

##intercept-me Simple web application to experiment with OWASP ZAP as intercepting proxy. Target is to receive SUCCESS (in uppercase) from the Servlet which will be returned when the name parameter in the form is inject (in lowercase). After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/intercept-me.

##security-header Security response header demo project which applies X-Content-Type-Options, Cache-Control, X-Frame-Options, HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), X-XSS-Protection and Content Security Policy (CSP) (Level 1 and 2) headers to HTTP responses. After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/security-header or https://localhost:8443/security-header.

##session-handling-spring-security Session handling demo project utilizing Spring Security. Shows how to restrict access to resources (URLs), how to apply method level security and how to securely store and verify passwords. Uses Spring Security for all security related functionality. Requires a web server with Servlet 3.1 support. After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/session-handling-spring-security.

##session-handling Session handling demo project using plain Java. Uses plain Java to create and update the session id after logging in. Requires a web server with Servlet 3.1 support. After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/session-handling.

##sql-injection SQL Injection demo project using normal (vulnerable statements), statements with escaped input, prepared statements and Hibernate Query Language. This web application creates a sample database in the user.home directory. In case this file is deleted it will be recreated during the next server start. After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/sql-injection.

##xss Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) demo project preventing XSS in a JavaServer Pages (JSP) web application by utilizing input validation, output escaping with OWASP Java Encoder and the Content Security Policy (CSP). After launching, open the web application in your browser at http://localhost:8080/xss.

#Command Line Applications in Detail All projects contain main methods to get started.

##crypto-hash Crypto demo project using Java to hash passwords with different hashing algorithms. All classes contain main methods to execute the samples.

##crypto-java Crypto demo project using plain Java to encrypt and decrypt data with asymmetric (RSA) and symmetric (AES) keys as well as to sign and verify data (DSA). All classes contain main methods to execute the samples.

##crypto-keyczar Crypto demo project using Keyczar to encrypt and decrypt data with asymmetric (RSA) and symmetric (AES) keys as well as to sign and verify data (DSA). All classes contain main methods to execute the samples.

The latest Keyczar dependency is not available in any public Maven repo so far. Download the jar and add it to your local Maven repository manually.

##crypto-shiro Crypto demo project using Apache Shiro to encrypt and decrypt data with symmetric (AES) keys as well as hash data (passwords). All classes contain main methods to execute the samples.

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