;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
Packages and utilities needed for this config.
(require 'dash)
(require 's)
(require 'f)
(require 'noflet)
(template "2 = <<(+ 1 1)>>")
(defmacro template (text)
"Template literals"
(let ((pattern "<<\\(.*?\\)>>"))
;; The regexp matches anything between delimiters, non-greedily
(save-excursion (insert text))
(let ((matches '()))
(while (re-search-forward pattern nil t)
(push (match-string 1) matches)
(replace-match "%s" t t))
`(format ,(buffer-string) ,@(reverse (mapcar 'read matches)))))))
(defalias 't! 'template)
(defmacro ignore-args (fnc)
"Return function that ignores its arguments and invokes FNC."
`(lambda (&rest _rest)
(funcall ,fnc)))
(defalias 'η 'ignore-args)
Prevent async-shell-command
displaying a popup or a buffer.
(defun async-shell-command-no-window (command)
"Execute async command without showing the result buffer."
(let ((display-buffer-alist (list (cons "\\*Async Shell Command\\*.*" (cons #'display-buffer-no-window nil)))))
(async-shell-command command)))
(defun shell-command-to-list (cmd)
"Split output from shell-command to list"
(split-string (shell-command-to-string cmd) "\n" t))
I don’t want some processes to exit, when I close emacs.
(defun +my/start-inferior-process-shell-command (command)
(let ((name (format "*nohup: %s*" command)))
(start-process-shell-command name nil (format "nohup %s" command))))
(defun +my/start-inferior-process (name buffer program &rest program-args)
(let ((nohup-name (lambda (&optional text)
(if (not (null text))
(format "*nohup: %s*" text)
(args (-some->> program-args
(s-join " "))))
(funcall nohup-name name)
(funcall nohup-name buffer)
(template "nohup 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<program>> <<args>>"))))
(defun +my/nohup-shell-command (cmd &optional &rest args)
"Launch a shell command, without opening a message buffer.
The proram persists when emacs is closed."
(let ((args-str (or (-some->> args
(s-join " "))
(template "nohup 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <<cmd>> <<args-str>> &") nil nil)))
(defun +mpv/play-external-url (url)
(-when-let* ((quality-val
(-some->> (completing-read
"Max height resolution (0 for unlimited): "
'("720" "0" "480" "1080"))
(quality-arg (if (> 0 quality-val)
(template "--ytdl-format=\"[height<=?<<quality-val>>]\"")
(message (template "Opening <<url>> at <<quality-val>> with mpv…"))
(+my/nohup-shell-command "mpv" quality-arg (s-wrap url "\""))))
(defun noop (&optional args) nil)
(defun +my/kill-and-message (x)
"Executes kill-new but with a message log side effect."
(kill-new x)
(message "Copied to clipboard: %s" x))
(defmacro without-undo (&rest forms)
"Executes FORMS with a temporary buffer-undo-list that is discarded afterwards.
Taken from http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/UndoCommands with some
`(let* ((buffer-undo-list)
(modified (buffer-modified-p))
(inhibit-read-only t))
(progn ,@forms)
(set-buffer-modified-p modified)) ()))
(defun +my/bool-to-enabled-string (x)
"Convert bool X to string for messaging.
t -> \"Enabled\")
nil -> \"Disabled\""
(if x "Enabled" "Disabled"))
(defun +my/bool-state-message (x)
"Log message if a bool is enabled or not"
(message (t! "<<(symbol-name x)>>: <<(+my/bool-to-enabled-string (symbol-value x))>>")))
Run a side effect fn
on the initial input x
But Return the original input x
(defun -tap (fn x)
"Function docstring"
(funcall fn x)
(defmacro --tap (fn it)
"Anaphoric form of `-tap'."
`(-tap (lambda (it) ,fn) ,it))
Log the current input without breaking the pipe.
(defun -log (x)
"Function docstring"
(--tap (message "%s" it) x))
(defun -when (pred fn x)
"When FN equals t forward X."
(if pred
(funcall fn x)
(defmacro --when (pred form xs)
"Anaphoric form of -id-when"
(declare (debug (form form)))
`(let ((it ,xs))
(if ,pred
(defun -id-when (fn x)
"When FN equals t forward X."
(when (funcall fn x) x))
(defmacro --id-when (form xs)
"Anaphoric form of -id-when"
(declare (debug (form form)))
`(let ((it ,xs))
(when ,form ,xs)))
(defun -append (elem list)
"Append ELEM to the end of list.
This is like -snoc but it takes the ELEM as the first argument for easier composition"
(-snoc list elem))
(defun swap-list-items (LIST el1 el2)
"in LIST swap indices EL1 and EL2 in place"
(let ((tmp (elt LIST el1)))
(setf (elt LIST el1) (elt LIST el2))
(setf (elt LIST el2) tmp)))
(defun -shuffle (LIST)
"Shuffle the elements in LIST.
shuffling is done in place."
(loop for i in (reverse (number-sequence 1 (1- (length LIST))))
do (let ((j (random (+ i 1))))
(swap-list-items LIST i j)))
(defun -f-join (x path)
"Reversed argument order for f-join"
(f-join path x))
(defun f-tildify (path)
"Replace the HOME directory in path"
(s-replace-regexp (t! "^<<(getenv \"HOME\")>>") "~" path))
(defun s-match-or (regex x)
"Return match groups or original"
(-if-let ((match (s-match regex x)))
(cdr match)
(list x)))
(defun s-match-or-1 (regex x)
"Return 1st match group or original."
(-if-let ((match (s-match regex x)))
(car (cdr match))
(defun +my/buffer-contains-line (string)
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward string nil t))))
(defun +my/line-indent ()
"Get the indent of the current line."
(or (-some->> (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'line))
(s-match "^\\(\s*\\).*\n$")
(nth 1)
(defun +my/buffer-line-has (regexp)
"Check for REGEXP at current line."
(goto-char (point-at-bol))
(search-forward-regexp regexp (point-at-eol) t)))
(defun +my/delete-current-line ()
"Delete (not kill) the current line."
(progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
(progn (forward-visible-line 1) (point)))))
(defun +my/map-lines (fun &optional start end)
"Map lines in buffer with FUN, fn gets called with the line contents."
(let ((start (or start (point-min)))
(end (or end (point-max)))
(lines (list)))
(goto-char start)
(while (< (point) end)
(add-to-list 'lines
(funcall fun (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
(forward-line 1))
(->> lines
(s-join "\n")
(defun +file/timestamp (path)
(->> (file-attributes path)
(nth 5)))
Get the last created file in a directory.
(defun +file/latest-file-in-dir (path)
(->> (f-entries path)
(-sort (lambda (a b) (not (time-less-p (+file/timestamp a)
(+file/timestamp b)))))
(defun +file|chmod-this-file ()
"Chmod +x the current file."
(shell-command (template "chmod +x \"<<(buffer-file-name)>>\"")))
Has hidden entry
(defun f-has-hidden-entry (dir)
"Check if a DIR has any hidden entries.
Return the first found file when one is found."
(--find (s-starts-with-p "." (f-filename it)) (f-entries dir)))
(defun +my|toggle-window-split-direction ()
"Toggle current window split between horizontal and vertical."
(if (= (count-windows) 2)
(let* ((this-win-buffer (window-buffer))
(next-win-buffer (window-buffer (next-window)))
(this-win-edges (window-edges (selected-window)))
(next-win-edges (window-edges (next-window)))
(this-win-2nd (not (and (<= (car this-win-edges)
(car next-win-edges))
(<= (cadr this-win-edges)
(cadr next-win-edges)))))
(if (= (car this-win-edges)
(car (window-edges (next-window))))
(let ((first-win (selected-window)))
(funcall splitter)
(if this-win-2nd (other-window 1))
(set-window-buffer (selected-window) this-win-buffer)
(set-window-buffer (next-window) next-win-buffer)
(select-window first-win)
(if this-win-2nd (other-window 1))))))
Lock a window so the buffer can’t be changed or it cant be deleted.
(defun +my|toggle-window-dedicated ()
"Control whether or not Emacs is allowed to display another
buffer in current window."
(let* ((window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
(is-locked (window-dedicated-p window))
(txt (if is-locked "Window unlocked" "Window locked")))
(set-window-dedicated-p window (not is-locked))
(message (template "<<(current-buffer)>>: <<txt>>!"))))
(defun +ui/get-display-dpi (&optional display)
"Get the DPI of DISPLAY.
DISPLAY is a display name, frame or terminal, as in
(cl-flet ((pyth (lambda (w h)
(sqrt (+ (* w w)
(* h h)))))
(mm2in (lambda (mm)
(/ mm 25.4))))
(let* ((atts (frame-monitor-attributes))
(pix-w (cl-fourth (assoc 'geometry atts)))
(pix-h (cl-fifth (assoc 'geometry atts)))
(pix-d (pyth pix-w pix-h))
(mm-w (cl-second (assoc 'mm-size atts)))
(mm-h (cl-third (assoc 'mm-size atts)))
(mm-d (pyth mm-w mm-h)))
(/ pix-d (mm2in mm-d)))))
(defun +ui/adjust-font (size line-space &optional font-family)
(let* ((font-family (or font-family)))
(setq-default line-spacing line-space)
(setq-default doom-font (font-spec :family font-family :size size))
(setq-default doom--font-scale nil)
(set-frame-font doom-font 'keep-size t)
(run-hooks 'after-setting-font-hook)))
(defun +ui/active-display-name ()
(-some->> (shell-command-to-string "xrandr | grep \"connected primary\"")
(s-split " ")
(nth 0)
(s-replace "-" "")))
(defun +ui|adjust-ui-to-display ()
"Adjust the UI to the current attached display."
((string= (system-name) "mbair")
;; Not actually a retina display, but this looks best
(+ui/adjust-font 13 5 "Fira Code"))
((string= (system-name) "Florians-iMac.local")
(+ui/adjust-font 14 10 "Menlo"))
((string= (system-name) "thinknix")
(if (string= (+ui/active-display-name) "eDP1")
;; Internal Screen
(+ui/adjust-font 15 7 "Fira Code")
;; HiDPI External
(+ui/adjust-font 18 8 "Fira Code")))
((string= (system-name) "Florians-MacBook-Air.local")
(+ui/adjust-font 14 10 "Menlo"))))
Bookmarks for projects with using a bookmarks.json file at the project root.
(defvar +bookmarks:local-bookmarks-file nil)
(setq +bookmarks:local-bookmarks-file (f-join doom-local-dir "bookmarks.json"))
(defun +bookmarks/find-bookmarks (x &optional &key other-window?)
"Jump to a X relative to the project root, go to character POS."
(-when-let* ((find-fn (if other-window? 'find-file-other-window 'find-file))
(item (car x)))
(let* ((file (-some->> (alist-get 'file item)
(--when (alist-get 'relative item)
(f-join (projectile-project-root) it))))
(buffer-is-open (when file (get-file-buffer file))))
(when file
(funcall find-fn file)
(when-let ((fn (alist-get 'fn item)))
(funcall fn))
;; goto, disable-relocation
;; Go to a location matched by regex
;; Unless disable-relocation is enabled and the file is already visited
(-some--> (alist-get 'goto item)
(--id-when (or (not buffer-is-open)
(not (alist-get 'disable-relocation item))) it)
(--tap (progn
(goto-char (point-min))
((eq 'integer (type-of it))
(goto-line it))
((eq 'string (type-of it))
(search-forward it))))
;; action
;; Execute a function after find file
(-some--> (alist-get 'action item)
(call-interactively it))
;; goto-bol
;; Go to the beginning, since the regex search
;; will leave the cursor at the end of the search
(-some--> (alist-get 'goto-bol item)
(defun +bookmarks/local/save (xs)
"Save an alist as json to the +bookmarks:local-bookmarks-file"
(->> xs
((lambda (x) (f-write x 'utf-8 +bookmarks:local-bookmarks-file)))))
(defun +bookmarks/find-bookmarks-other-window (x)
"Open bookmark X in other window, used with ivy action 'j'."
(+bookmarks/find-bookmarks (cdr x) :other-window? t))
(defun +bookmarks/local|save ()
(let ((entry `((file . ,(buffer-file-name))
(goto . ,(line-number-at-pos))
(name . ,(read-string "Bookmark Name: ")))))
(->> (+bookmarks/local/list)
(-append entry)
(defun +bookmarks/local/kill (x)
(--remove (cl-equalp (car (cdr x)) it) (+bookmarks/local/list))
(defun +bookmarks/local/rename (x)
(require 'a)
(-let ((item (car (cdr x))))
(-log (a-get (cdr item) :name))
(--map-first (cl-equalp item it) (a-update it 'name (lambda (x) (read-string "Rename Bookmark: " x))))
(defun +bookmarks/local/list ()
(-some->> +bookmarks:local-bookmarks-file
(-id-when #'f-exists?)
(-map 'identity)))
(defun +bookmarks (&optional bookmarks-list)
"Either take alist BOOKMARKS-LIST or look for bookmarks.json in project root.
If found, show an ivy window with the bookmarks"
(or bookmarks-list
(bookmarks (--map (list (alist-get 'name it) it) bookmarks)))
(ivy-read "Bookmark: " bookmarks
:action (lambda (x) (+bookmarks/find-bookmarks (cdr x)))
:caller #'+bookmarks|find-bookmarks)
(user-error "No bookmarks file found at project root.")))
(after! ivy
'(("j" +bookmarks/find-bookmarks-other-window "open in other window")
("k" +bookmarks/local/kill "Remove")
("r" +bookmarks/local/rename "Rename"))))