find . -name "*.orig"
$ diff ./Include/Acidanthera/Library/OcConfigurationLib.h.orig ./Include/Acidanthera/Library/OcConfigurationLib.h
> _(BOOLEAN , EnableForAll , , FALSE , ()) \
$ diff ./Library/OcConfigurationLib/OcConfigurationLib.c.orig ./Library/OcConfigurationLib/OcConfigurationLib.c
> OC_SCHEMA_BOOLEAN_IN ("EnableForAll", OC_GLOBAL_CONFIG, Acpi.Quirks.EnableForAll),
$ diff ./Application/OpenCore/OpenCore.c.orig ./Application/OpenCore/OpenCore.c
> CHAR16 *DevicePathText;
> if (Chosen->DevicePath != NULL) {
> DevicePathText = ConvertDevicePathToText (Chosen->DevicePath, FALSE, FALSE);
> if ((Chosen->Type & OC_BOOT_APPLE_ANY) != 0 || StrStr(DevicePathText, L"\\System\\LibraryCoreServices\\boot.efi") != NULL) {
> if (!mOpenCoreConfiguration.Acpi.Quirks.EnableForAll) {
> DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport for macOS...\n"));
> OcLoadAcpiSupport (&mOpenCoreStorage, &mOpenCoreConfiguration);
> }
> DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadPlatformSupport...\n"));
> OcLoadPlatformSupport (&mOpenCoreConfiguration, &mOpenCoreCpuInfo);
> DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadDevPropsSupport...\n"));
> OcLoadDevPropsSupport (&mOpenCoreConfiguration);
> }
> FreePool (DevicePathText);
> }
< DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport...\n"));
< OcLoadAcpiSupport (&mOpenCoreStorage, &mOpenCoreConfiguration);
< DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadPlatformSupport...\n"));
< OcLoadPlatformSupport (&mOpenCoreConfiguration, &mOpenCoreCpuInfo);
< DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadDevPropsSupport...\n"));
< OcLoadDevPropsSupport (&mOpenCoreConfiguration);
> if (mOpenCoreConfiguration.Acpi.Quirks.EnableForAll) {
> DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport...\n"));
> OcLoadAcpiSupport (&mOpenCoreStorage, &mOpenCoreConfiguration);
> }
> // DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport...\n"));
> // OcLoadAcpiSupport (&mOpenCoreStorage, &mOpenCoreConfiguration);
> // DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadPlatformSupport...\n"));
> // OcLoadPlatformSupport (&mOpenCoreConfiguration, &mOpenCoreCpuInfo);
> // DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "OC: OcLoadDevPropsSupport...\n"));
> // OcLoadDevPropsSupport (&mOpenCoreConfiguration);
Path: ACPI/Quirks/EnableForAll/false
$ diff ~/Desktop/EFI-Official/OC/config.plist ~/Desktop/EFI-Mod/OC/config.plist
< <key>EnableForAll</key>
< <false/>
- clone or download OpenCorePkg source code from github;
- modify differences in files listed above;
- Install nasm,
brew install nasm
; - Assure you can visit github, enable http/https proxy and git proxy;
- cd ${OpenCoreSourceCodePath},
; - copy your EFI ACPI/config.plist/kexts to modified OC EFI directory;
- add EnableForAll to Config.plist(ACPI/Quirks)
- backup your EFI and replace with modified OC EFI;
- reboot;