Create a Kubernetes Cluster - Create your first Kubernetes cluster. Start here!
Kubernetes Next Steps - You have successfully deployed a Kubernetes cluster, now what?
Troubleshooting - Running into issues? Start here to troubleshoot Kubernetes.
Features - Guide to alpha, beta, and stable functionality in acs-engine.
For Kubernetes Developers - Info for devs working on Kubernetes upstream and wanting to test using acs-engine.
Nodes might appear in the "NotReady" state for approx. 15 minutes if master stops receiving updates from agents. This is a known upstream kubernetes issue #41916. This fixing PR is currently under review.
ACS-Engine partially mitigates this issue on Linux by detecting dead TCP connections more quickly via net.ipv4.tcp_retries2=8.
Here are recommended links to learn more about Kubernetes:
- Kubernetes Bootcamp - shows you how to deploy, scale, update, and debug containerized applications.
- Kubernetes Userguide - provides information on running programs in an existing Kubernetes cluster.
- Kubernetes Examples - provides a number of examples on how to run real applications with Kubernetes.