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30d1d10 · Oct 3, 2017


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File metadata and controls

116 lines (86 loc) · 4.44 KB


Simple tool untuk mengconvert ass2json/json2ass dan auto translate dengan API


To install the dependencies, run:

cpanm --installdeps .


  • - converts the ASS file in JSON with the possibility of translating subtitles via Google Translate API
  • - converts the generated file in JSON by tool in ASS file

This tool accepts the following parameters:

  • -f -- required -- ASS file
  • -c -- optional -- Counts the number of characters used in the subtitles. (Useful for measuring the Google Translate API use)
  • -v -- optional -- Print progress during execution (There are two levels: (-v) prints information about the progress and (-v -v) prints the contents of the previous level with the JSON result.)
  • -t -- optional -- Translate subtitles using Google Translate API (You must set the environment variable GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY)
  • -i -- required if -t is set -- Subtitle language in the file (input language)
  • -p -- required if -t is set -- Output language

Important: -c and -t are mutually exclusive. Use one at a time.

For a complete list of parameters used for each language, see here

The file produced by the tool has the name of the input file, increased by the extension .json.

This tool accepts the following parameters:

  • -f -- required -- ass file

The file produced by the tool has the name of the input file, increased by the extension .ass.

Translate ASS file (with verbose)

export GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY='example-api-key'
./ -f sub.ass -t -i pt -o en -v
-> Checking file permissions (sub.ass)
-> Translating 1 of 5
-> Translating 2 of 5
-> Translating 3 of 5
-> Translating 4 of 5
-> Translating 5 of 5
-> Write results file (sub.ass.json)

> cat (pretty printed)
        "end_time": "00:00:05,752",
        "original": "\u00c3\u0089 preciso sofrer depois de ter sofrido,",
        "start_time": "00:00:03,084",
        "subtitle": "You need to suffer after having suffered,"
        "end_time": "00:00:07,887",
        "original": "e amar, e mais amar, depois de ter amado.",
        "start_time": "00:00:05,754",
        "subtitle": "and love, and more love, having loved."
        "end_time": "00:00:12,325",
        "original": "Se todo animal inspira ternura,",
        "start_time": "00:00:07,889",
        "subtitle": "If every animal inspires tenderness,"
        "end_time": "00:00:14,894",
        "original": "que houve, ent\u00c3\u00a3o, com os homens?",
        "start_time": "00:00:12,327",
        "subtitle": "What happened, then, with men?"
        "end_time": "00:00:16,696",
        "original": "Guimar\u00c3\u00a3es Rosa",
        "start_time": "00:00:14,896",
        "subtitle": "Guimar\u00c3\u00a3es Rosa"

Translate ASS file (with super verbose)

export GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY='example-api-key'
./ -f sub.ass -t -i pt -o en -v -v
-> Checking file permissions (sub.ass)
-> Translating 1 of 5
-> Translating 2 of 5
-> Translating 3 of 5
-> Translating 4 of 5
-> Translating 5 of 5
-> Write results file (sub.ass.json)

[{"start_time":"00:00:03,084","end_time":"00:00:05,752","subtitle":"You need to suffer after having suffered,","original":"� preciso sofrer depois de ter sofrido,"},{"subtitle":"and love, and more love, having loved.","original":"e amar, e mais amar, depois de ter amado.","end_time":"00:00:07,887","start_time":"00:00:05,754"},{"start_time":"00:00:07,889","subtitle":"If every animal inspires tenderness,","original":"Se todo animal inspira ternura,","end_time":"00:00:12,325"},{"start_time":"00:00:12,327","end_time":"00:00:14,894","subtitle":"What happened, then, with men?","original":"que houve, então, com os homens?"},{"end_time":"00:00:16,696","original":"Guimarães Rosa","subtitle":"Guimarães Rosa","start_time":"00:00:14,896"}]

The generated file is the same as the previous example.


If you have any questions that this documentation does not resolve, or want a feature, open an issue.

If you want to contribute code, please send a pull-request.