Please share any general questions, feature requests, or product feedback in our Convex Discord Community. We're particularly excited to see what you build on Convex!
Please ensure that rust code is formatted with cargo fmt and markdown files are formatted with prettier.
Convex is a fast moving project developed by a dedicated team. We're excited to contribute to the community by releasing this code, but we want to manage expectations as well.
- We value a cohesive developer experience for folks building applications across all of our languages and platforms.
- We value transparency in how we operate.
Smaller PRs that affect documentation, comments, or small bugfixes are easy to review and integrate. For any larger or more fundamental changes, get in touch with us on Discord before you put in too much work to see if it's consistent with our product plans. We are generally unlikely to take large or fundamental changes as community contributions. We think carefully about how our APIs contribute to a cohesive product in line with our roadmap, so we cannot promise that larger PRs will get the same level of attention.