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Tutorial for AgentBench

How to Start Evaluation

We provide two ways to start evaluation.

Method I: Perform Evaluation Directly

You can use the to directly perform evaluation. The usage of this script is as follows.

python \
    --task <TASK_CONFIG_PATH> \
    --agent <AGENT_CONFIG_PATH> \
    --output <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> \
    --workers <NUMBER_OF_WORKERS> 


  • task: The path of the task configuration file.
  • agent: The path of the agent configuration file.
  • output: Optional. The path of the output directory.
  • workers: Optional. The number of workers. This will override the worker configuration in the specified task file.

Method II: Create Assignments

Step 1. Write an assignment file (Recommended in configs/assigments).

You can see the How to Write Configurations section for more detailed information. You can also see the Example Section or Assignment Directory for examples.

Step 2. Create an Assignment

You can use the to create an assignment. The usage of this script is as follows.

python \
    --assignment <ASSIGNMENT_CONFIG_PATH> 


  • assignment: The path of the assignment configuration file.

Step 3. Run the Assignment

After running script, you will get a bash script in the .assigments directory. You can run this bash script to start evaluation.


How to Write Configurations


We use YAML as the configuration file format. The structures of our configurations are shown in the following list.

  • Instance: object
    • Properties:
      • module: string (The class of the instance related to the root directory of this project)
      • parameters: dict (The parameters of the instance)
    • Grammar Sugar:
      • Inherit configurations from another file
        • Method 1: import a configuration and override some properties.
          • from: str
          • Example:
                from: <file-path>
                    max_new_tokens: 128
        • Method 2: Simply import a configuration file.
          • str
          • Example:
            Instance: <file-path>
        • More detailed examples can be found in the Example Section.
  • Agent: Instance
  • Task: Instance
    • Properties:
      • docker_image: string (Optional. The docker image of the task)
  • Assigment: object
    • Properties:
      • agent: Agent (The agent of the assignment)
      • task: Task (The task of the assignment)
      • output: string (The parameters of the assignment)

Constructure of Assigments

When you want to create an assignments file, you should write an assignment file. The structure of the assignment file is shown in the following list.

  • default: Assignment (Optional. The default assignment configuration. Each of the following assignments will inherit the properties of this object if not specified)
  • assignments: List[Assignment] (The list of assignments)


Example 1: Evaluation an Agent on Multiple Tasks

    agent: <YOUR AGENT PATH>
        workers: 15
    - task: "configs/tasks/os_interaction/dev.yaml"
    - task:
        from: "configs/tasks/dbbench/dev.yaml"
            workers: 10
    - task: "configs/tasks/lateralthinkingpuzzle/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/lateralthinkingpuzzle_zh/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/knowledgegraph/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/alfworld/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/mind2web/dev.yaml"
    - task:
        from: "configs/tasks/webshop/dev.yaml"
            workers: 6
    - task: "configs/tasks/card_game/dev.yaml"

Example 2: Evaluate Multiple Agents on a Task

    task: "configs/tasks/os_interaction/dev.yaml"
    - agent: <YOUR AGENT1 PATH>
    - agent:
        from: <YOUR AGENT2 PATH>
            max_new_tokens: 128

Example 3: Compose Multiple Assignments

    - task: "configs/tasks/os_interaction/dev.yaml"
      agent: <YOUR AGENT1 PATH>
    - task: "configs/tasks/dbbench/dev.yaml"
      agent: <YOUR AGENT2 PATH>

How to Create Your Agent

Recommand Way

We recommend that you deploy your agent as an HTTP service first (you may refer to OpenAI or FastChat). Then you can simply write a configuration file to specify your agent like this:

module: src.agents.HTTPAgent
    name: "YOUR_AGENT_NAME" # Necessary
    headers: # header dict pairs that your server needs
        Content-Type: application/json
    body: # body dict pairs that your server needs
        Key1: Value1
        Key2: Value2
        name: role_content_dict
            agent_role: assistant

Parameters for prompter: (Refer to src/agents/

  • role_content_dict (besides body field specified in your configuration file, a dict filed will be added to the body dict.)
    name: role_content_dict
        message_key: messages   # the key of the message list in the body dict
        role_key: role          # the key of the role in each message dict
        content_key: content    # the key of the content in each message dict
        user_role: user         # the value of role field for the user
        agent_role: assistant   # the value of role field for the agent
  • prompt_string (besides body field specified in your configuration file, a string filed will be added to the body dict.)
    name: prompt_string
        prefix: ""                            # The prefix of the prompt
        suffix: "AGENT:"                      # The suffix of the prompt
        user_format: "USER: {content}\n\n"    # The format of the user message, {content} represents the real content
        agent_format: "AGENT: {content}\n\n"  # The format of the agent message, {content} represents the real content
        prompt_key: "prompt"                  # The key of the prompt in the body dict

Alternative Way

Alternatively, you can implement your own agent by inheriting the Agent class and override the inference method.

Step 1. Create a file named in the src/agents folder. Write the following code in the file:

from typing import List
from src.agent import Agent

class YourOwnAgent(Agent):
    """This agent is a test agent, which does nothing. (return empty string for each action)"""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        # load your model here

    def inference(self, history: List[dict]) -> str:
        """Inference with the given history. History is composed of a list of dict, each dict:
            "role": str, # the role of the message, "user" or "agent" only
            "content": str, # the text of the message

        # Finally return a string as the output
        return "AAAAA"

Step 2. Add an import statement in src/agents/

from .your_own_agent import YourOwnAgent

Step 3. Implement the config file configs/agents/your_own_agent.yaml:

module: "src.agents.YourOwnAgent" # The module path to your agent class
    name: "Your Agent Name"
    key1: value1 # The parameters fed into the constructor of your agent class
    key2: value2 # The parameters fed into the constructor of your agent class

How to Create Your Task

Implement a task class

Create a folder src/tasks/<your_task>.

Create a file src/tasks/<your_task>/ to override the following methods: (You can refer to src.tasks.OSInteraction)

from src.task import Task

class YourOwnTask(Task):
    def __init__(self, **config):
        # Pop the neccessary parameters from config

    def metrics(self): # Change the metrics if necessary
        return {"EM": lambda outputs, targets: len([1 for o, t in zip(outputs, targets) if o == t]) / min(len(outputs), len(targets))}

    def get_data(self): # return Dataset(Generic[T_INPUT, T_TARGET], List[DataPiece[T_INPUT, T_TARGET]]), T_INPUT and T_TARGET need to be json serializable
        raise NotImplementedError

    def predict_single(self, session, data_item): # return OUTPUT object, need to be json serializable
        raise NotImplementedError

Create a file src/tasks/<your_task>/ and write the following code:

from .task import YourOwnTask

Import your task in src/tasks/

from .<your_task> import YourOwnTask

Put your data if necessary

Put your data in data/<your_task>/*.

Create a task configuration file (YAML)

Create a file configs/tasks/<your_task>.yaml to specify your task's configuration:

module: "src.tasks.YourOwnTask"
    name: "your_task" # Necessary
    key: value # the parameters in YourOwnTask's constructor
    key2: value2 # the parameters in YourOwnTask's constructor

Execute Unit Test with DoNothingAgent

Run the following command to test your task:

python --task configs/tasks/<your_task>.yaml --agent configs/agents/do_nothing.yaml --workers 30

Check your output in output/<timestamp>/<your_task>.

How to Run All tasks in AgentBench

1. Prepare the Environment

Step 1. Prepare all the Requirements described in

Step 2. Prepare Docker Environment

Some of the tasks in AgentBench are evaluated in docker containers, you need to install docker first. You can refer to Install Docker for more detailed information.

And then, run docker --version and docker ps to verify that you have successfully installed docker.

After that, you can run the following command to build all of the docker image:

bash scripts/

Step 3. Prepare the Requirements for Each Task

For OS, DB, KG, you need to build the requirements outside the docker container. For LTP, you need to configure your gpt-3.5-turbo Agent as a host.

Task: Operating System

Install requirements.

pip install -r src/tasks/os_interaction/requirements.txt

Create local images. This process may takes 5 ~ 10 minutes.

python src/tasks/os_interaction/ build -c configs/tasks/os_interaction/dev.yaml -r .

Run the following command to verify that you have successfully prepared the requirements.

python \
    --task configs/tasks/os_interaction/dev.yaml \
    --agent configs/agents/do_nothing.yaml \
    --workers 30

Task: DataBase

Prepare mysql image.

docker pull mysql

Make sure you have already installed global requirements.

pip install -r src/tasks/dbbench/requirements.txt

Run the following command to verify that you have successfully prepared the requirements. To avoid docker crash, we do not recommend run with too many workers.

python \
    --task configs/tasks/dbbench/dev.yaml \
    --agent configs/agents/do_nothing.yaml \
    --workers 5

Task: Knowledge Graph

Follow Freebase Setup to start your own Virtuoso server. Then replace sparql_url with the link to your own server in the config files. (Caveat: You may try the default sparql_url without touching this, but it is not always guaranteed that our Virtuoso server is active.)

Install necessary Python packages.

pip install -r src/tasks/knowledgegraph/requirements.txt

Run the following command to verify that you have successfully prepared the requirements.

python \
    --task configs/tasks/knowledgegraph/dev.yaml \
    --agent configs/agents/local/do_nothing_agent.yaml \
    --workers 30

2. Implement Your Agent

You can refer to How to Create Your Agent for detailed information.

3. Create an Assignment and Run it!

Replace the agent config in assignment file.

        workers: 15
    - task: "configs/tasks/os_interaction/dev.yaml"
    - task:
        from: "configs/tasks/dbbench/dev.yaml"
            workers: 10
    - task: "configs/tasks/lateralthinkingpuzzle/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/lateralthinkingpuzzle_zh/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/knowledgegraph/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/alfworld/dev.yaml"
    - task: "configs/tasks/mind2web/dev.yaml"
    - task:
        from: "configs/tasks/webshop/dev.yaml"
            workers: 6
    - task: "configs/tasks/card_game/dev.yaml"

After that, run the following code.

python \
    --assignment configs/assignments/dev.yaml

And then, the start command of evaluation will be displayed in the output, just run it!

Finally, check Your Results in outputs folder.