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File metadata and controls

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High Level Architecture

TEAMMATES is a Web application that runs on Google App Engine (GAE). Given above is an overview of the main components.

  • UI (Browser): The UI seen by users consists of Web pages containing HTML, CSS (for styling) and JavaScript (for client-side interactions such as sorting, input validation, etc.). This UI is a single HTML page generated by Angular framework. The initial page request is sent to the server over HTTP, and requests for data are sent asynchronously with AJAX.
  • UI (Server): The entry point for the application back end logic is designed as a REST-ful controller.
  • Logic: The main logic of the application is in POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects).
  • Storage: The storage layer of the application uses the persistence framework provided by Google Cloud Datastore, a NoSQL database.
  • Test Driver: TEAMMATES makes heavy use of automated regression testing. Test data is transmitted using JSON format.
    • TestNG is used for Java testing (all levels) and Jest for JavaScript unit-testing.
  • E2E: The E2E (end-to-end) component is used to interact with the application as a whole with Web browsers. Its primary function is for E2E tests.
    • Selenium (Java) is used to automate E2E testing with actual Web browsers.
  • Client: The Client component can connect to the back end directly without using a Web browser. It is used for administrative purposes, e.g. migrating data to a new schema.
  • Common: The Common component contains utility code (data transfer objects, helper classes, etc.) used across the application.

The diagram below shows how the code in each component is organized into packages and the dependencies between them.

Package Diagram


  • [logic] - [ui::website] - [ui::webapi] represent an application of Model-View-Controller pattern.
    • ui::website is not a real package; it is a conceptual package representing the front-end of the application.

UI Component

The diagram below shows the object structure of the UI component.

UI Component


  • ui::website is not a Java package. It is written in Angular framework and consists of HTML, SCSS, and TypeScript files. The framework will build those files into HTML, CSS and JavaScript files ready to be used by standard Web browsers.

The UI component is the first stop for 99% of all requests that are received by the application. Such a request will go through the following steps:

  1. Request received by the GAE server.
  2. Custom filters are applied according to the order specified in web.xml, e.g. OriginCheckFilter.
  3. Request forwarded to a *Servlet object as specified in web.xml for further processing, depending on the type of request.

There are two general types of requests: user-invoked requests and automated (GAE server-invoked) requests, which are processed differently.

User-invoked requests

User-invoked requests are all requests made by the users of the application, typically from the Web browser (i.e. by navigating to a particular URL of the application). The request will be processed as follows:

UI Workflow

The initial request for the web page will be processed as follows:

  1. Request forwarded to WebPageServlet.
  2. WebPageServlet returns the built single web page (index.html).
  3. The browser will render the page and execute the page scripts, most of the time requiring AJAX requests to the server.

Subsequent AJAX requests sent to the server will be processed as follows:

  1. Request forwarded to the WebApiServlet.
  2. WebApiServlet uses the ActionFactory to generate the matching Action object, e.g. GetFeedbackSessionsAction.
  3. WebApiServlet executes the action.
    1. The Action object checks the access rights of the user. If the action is allowed, it will be performed, interacting with the Logic component as necessary.
    2. The Action packages and processes the result into an ActionResult object. The most common format is JsonResult (requests for obtaining data or processing existing data) and other formats are defined as necessary, e.g. ImageResult (e.g. profile pictures).
  4. WebApiServlet sends the result back to the browser which will then process it on the front-end.

Requests for static asset files (e.g. CSS, JS files, images) are served directly without going through web.xml configuration at all.

The Web API is protected by two layers of access control check:

  • Origin check: This mitigates CSRF attack.
  • Authentication and authorization check: This checks if the logged in user (or lack thereof) has sufficient privileges to trigger the API's actions.

Special keys (csrf key and backdoor key) can be used to bypass each of the checks, typically for testing purpose. Those keys are strings known only to the person who deployed the application (typically, the administrator).

Automated requests

Automated requests are all requests sent automatically by the GAE server during specific periods of time. This type of request will be processed as follows:

  1. The source of the request will be checked for administrator privilege. If this privilege is absent (e.g. non-administrator users trying to invoke the automated actions), the request will be dropped and a 403 Forbidden status will be returned.
    • Requests generated by the GAE server are equipped with this privilege.
    • Administrators can manually invoke these requests; this is particularly useful in testing the actions associated with those requests.
  2. Request forwarded to the WebApiServlet and subsequent actions are the same as user-invoked AJAX requests.

GAE server sends such automated requests through two different configurations:

  • Cron jobs: These are jobs that are automatically scheduled for a specified period of time, e.g. scheduling feedback session opening reminders. It is configured in cron.xml.
  • Task queue workers: These are hybrids of user-invoked and GAE-invoked in that they are queued by users (i.e. users request for the tasks to be added to queue), but executed by GAE (i.e. GAE determines when and which tasks in the queue are executed at any point of time). This is typically used for tasks that may take a long time to finish and can exceed the 1 minute standard request processing limit imposed by GAE. It is configured in queue.xml as well as the TaskQueue nested class of the Const class.

Template Method pattern

  • Since the high-level workflow of processing a request is same for any request (differing by the two request types only), we use the Template Method pattern to abstract the process flow into the Action classes.


On designing API endpoints (for AJAX requests):

  • Design endpoints for resources. For example, FeedbackSession is a resource. The corresponding endpoint is /session. We use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE HTTP methods to get, create, update and delete the resource respectively.
  • Prefer multiple REST calls over single RPC (Remote Procedure Call) calls.
    • Reason 1: REST paradigm promotes reuse of many business logic and is not dependent of the structure of the requesting web page (or any other type of requesting agent).
    • Reason 2: Multiple REST calls can be parallelized which will improve performance.
  • Separate access control logic and execution logic completely.
    • In the case that an endpoint serves multiple purposes, we use Intent to distinguish the intent for the request. For example, instructors can access /session with intent INSTRUCTOR_SUBMISSION or FULL_DETAIL. Some Intent will naturally require stricter access rights.
  • Prefer HTTP request body over URL parameters (key-value) to contain data for POST and PUT requests.
    • Reason 1: The URL parameters are used to identify a specific resource for an endpoint, not what should be done to them.
    • Reason 2: Request body is not limited to key-value format which allows proper design and validation.
    • Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) which represent different API requests and responses are defined in request and output package respectively.
  • Preprocess data sent/received by the server to hide complexities. For example, timestamp is passed as UNIX epoch milliseconds in the output while it is represented as Instant in the back-end.
    • Some constructors in the output package contain logic to hide "hacks" in the backend.
    • Some getters/setters in the request package contain logic to cater the conventions in the backend.
    • Some fields are required be hidden in the API response, mostly for data privacy purposes. Whenever required, there should be methods in the request output objects catered for this.
  • API endpoints should not be concerned with how data is presented.
    • Case study 1: some endpoint will pass timezone information via two information: timezone ID and UNIX epoch milliseconds. It is up to the front-end on how to make use of those two pieces of information.
    • Case study 2: CSV file for session result or student list is just a different way of presenting the same information in the web page. Due to this, when downloding CSV, the web page will request the same information as that used when displaying in web page and do the necessary conversion to CSV.

On data exchange between front-end and back-end:

  • Back-end is the single source of truth for all data format and the code used by front-end is generated from this.
    • Some important constants (including API endpoints information) are synced to api-const.ts.
    • The schemas of the DTOs defined in output and request packages are synced to api-output.ts and api-request.ts in the frontend.

Logic Component

The Logic component handles the business logic of TEAMMATES. In particular, it is responsible for:

  • Managing relationships between entities, e.g. cascade logic for create/update/delete.
  • Managing transactions, e.g. ensuring atomicity of a transaction.
  • Sanitizing input values received from the UI component.
  • Providing a mechanism for checking access control rights.
  • Connecting to GAE-provided or third-party APIs, e.g. for adding tasks to the task queue and for sending emails with third-party providers.

Logic Component

Package overview:

  • logic.api: Provides the API of the component to be accessed by the UI.
  • logic.core: Contains the core logic of the system.

Logic API

Represented by these classes:

  • Logic: A Facade class which connects to the several *Logic classes to handle the logic related to various types of data and to access data from the Storage component.
  • GateKeeper: Checks access rights of a user for a given action.
  • EmailGenerator: Generates emails to be sent.
  • EmailSender: Sends email with the provider chosen based on the build configuration. It connects to the email provider by using the appropriate *Service class.
  • TaskQueuer: Adds tasks to the task queue. It connects to GAE's task queue API.


Access control:

  • Although this component provides methods to perform access control, the API itself is not access controlled. The UI is expected to check access control (using GateKeeper class) before calling a method in the Logic.

API for creating entities:

  • Null parameters: Causes an assertion failure.
  • Invalid parameters: Throws InvalidParametersException.
  • Entity already exists: Throws EntityAlreadyExistsException (escalated from Storage level).

API for retrieving entities:

  • Attempting to retrieve objects using null parameters: Causes an assertion failure.
  • Entity not found:
    • Returns null if the target entity not found. This way, read operations can be used easily for checking the existence of an entity.

API for updating entities:

  • Update is done using *UpdateOptions inside every *Attributes. The UpdateOptions will specify what is used to identify the entity to update and what will be updated.
  • Entity not found: Throws EntityDoesNotExistException.
  • Invalid parameters: Throws InvalidParametersException.

API for deleting entities:

  • FailDeleteSilentlyPolicy: In general, delete operation do not throw exceptions if the target entity does not exist. This is because if it does not exist, it is as good as deleted.
  • Cascade policy: When a parent entity is deleted, entities that have referential integrity with the deleted entity should also be deleted. Refer to the API for the cascade logic.

Storage Component

The Storage component performs CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on data entities individually. It contains minimal logic beyond what is directly relevant to CRUD operations. In particular, it is reponsible for:

  • Validating data inside entities before creating/updating them, to ensure they are in a valid state.
  • Hiding the complexities of datastore from the Logic component. All GQL queries are to be contained inside the Storage component.
  • Hiding the persistable objects: Classes in the storage::entity package are not visible outside this component to hide information specific to data persistence.
    • Instead, a corresponding non-persistent data transfer object named *Attributes (e.g., CourseAttributes is the data transfer object for Course entities) object is returned. These datatransfer classes are in common::datatransfer package, to be explained later.

The Storage component does not perform any cascade delete/create operations. Cascade logic is handled by the Logic component.

Storage Component

Package overview:

  • storage.api: Provides the API of the component to be accessed by the logic component.
  • storage.entity: Classes that represent persistable entities.
  • Classes for dealing with searching and indexing.

Storage ER Diagram

Note that the navigability of the association links between entity objects appear to be in the reverse direction of what we see in a normal OOP design. This is because we want to keep the data schema flexible so that new entity types can be added later with minimal modifications to existing elements.

Storage API

Represented by the *Db classes. These classes act as the bridge to the Google Cloud Datastore.


Add and Delete operations try to wait until data is persisted in the datastore before returning. This is not enough to compensate for eventual consistency involving multiple servers in the GAE production enviornment. However, it is expected to avoid test failures caused by eventual consistency in dev server and reduce such problems in the live server. Note: 'Eventual consistency' here means it takes some time for a database operation to propagate across all serves of the Google's distributed datastore. As a result, the data may be in an inconsistent states for short periods of time although things should become consistent 'eventually'. For example, an object we deleted may appear to still exist for a short while.

Implementation of Transaction Control has been minimized due to limitations of GAE environment and the nature of our data schema.

API for creating:

  • Attempt to create an entity that already exists: Throws EntityAlreadyExistsException.
  • Attempt to create an entity with invalid data: Throws InvalidParametersException.

API for retrieving:

  • Attempt to retrieve an entity that does not exist: Returns null.

API for updating:

  • Attempt to update an entity that does not exist: Throws EntityDoesNotExistException.
  • Attempt to update an entity with invalid data: Throws InvalidParametersException.

API for deleting:

  • Attempt to delete an entity that does not exist: Fails silently.

Common Component

The Common component contains common utilities used across TEAMMATES.

Common Component

Package overview:

  • common.util: Contains utility classes.
  • common.exceptions: Contains custom exceptions.
  • common.datatransfer: Contains data transfer objects.

common.datatransfer package contains lightweight "data transfer object" classes for transferring data among components. They can be combined in various ways to transfer structured data between components. Given below are three examples.

Data Transfer Classes

  1. Test Driver can use the DataBundle in this manner to send an arbitrary number of objects to be persisted in the database.
  2. This structure can be used to transfer search results of a student or instructor or response comments.
  3. This structure can be used to send results of a feedback session (e.g., when showing a feedback session report to an instructor).

Some of these classes are methodless (and thus more of a data structure rather than a class); these classes use public variables for data for easy access.

Test Driver Component

This component automates the testing of TEAMMATES.

Test Driver Component

The test driver component's package structure follows the corresponding production package structure's exactly, e.g. teammates.logic.core.* will contain the test cases for the production code inside teammates.logic.core package. In the same spirit, for the front end, each *.component.ts will have the corresponding *.component.spec.ts in the same folder (similarly for *.service.ts, *.pipe.ts, etc.).

The test driver component introduces the following additional packages:

  • architecture: Contains test cases used by one of the lint tools to check for architectural integrity.
  • test: Contains infrastructure and helpers needed for running the tests. Also contains the test cases for the said infrastructure/helpers.


  • Component tests: Some of these are pure unit tests (i.e. testing one component in isolation) while others are integration tests that test units as well as integration of units with each other.
  • Front-end files (particularly TypeScript) are tested separately with Jest. The test cases are found in *.spec.ts files.

This is how TEAMMATES testing maps to standard types of testing.

|-----acceptance tests-----|-------------------system tests-------------------|-----integration tests-----|-----unit tests-----|
|--------manual testing--------|------automated E2E tests------|-------------------automated component tests-------------------|

E2E Component

The E2E component has no knowledge of the internal workings of the application and can only interact either with Web browser (as a whole application) or REST API calls (for the back-end logic). Its primary function is for E2E tests.

E2E Component

Package overview:

  • e2e.util: Contains helpers needed for running E2E tests.
  • e2e.pageobjects: Contains abstractions of the pages as they appear on a Browser (i.e. SUTs).
  • e2e.cases: Contains test cases.
    • .util: Component test cases for testing the test helpers.
    • .e2e: System test cases for testing the application as a whole.

Client Component

The Client component contains scripts that can connect directly to the application back-end for administrative purposes, such as migrating data to a new schema and calculating statistics.

Client Component

Package overview:

  • client.util: Contains helpers needed for client scripts.
  • client.remoteapi: Classes needed to connect to the back end directly.
  • client.scripts: Scripts that deal with the back end data for administrative purposes.