This is a simple php proc_open
wrapper class. Supports running background process on windows/linux, get child process pid buffer output among other functions.
composer require xthukuh/process
Minimum requirements:
- PHP Version >= 5.3.0
- Requires Composer
You can fork and add improvements.
git clone
composer install
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests --testdox
After the package has been installed...
use xthukuh\Process
;- Process test example (autoload).
- Process example (include).
- Process background example (include).
namespace App;
use xthukuh\Process;
## example process command (platform specific ping implementation)
$cmd = Process::is_win() ? "ping 0 -n 5" : "ping 0 -c 5";
## create process instance
$proc = new Process($cmd, $options=[]);
## accessible props (set before open is called)
$proc -> id; //(string) process unique id (static::uid())
$proc -> key; //(string) process unique key (md5(cmd . cwd))
$proc -> cmd; //(string) process command
$proc -> cwd; //(string) process working directory
$proc -> options; //(array) process options
## open/run process
$success = $proc -> open($background=false, $callback=function(Process $self){
//$self === $proc;
## get output buffer
$self -> output($callback=function(string $buffer){
#return false; //cancel output buffer listener.
}, $print=0, $len=1024); //(null)
#$output = $self -> output(null, $print=1);
#$output = $self -> output(null, $print=2);
#$output = $self -> output(null, $print=3);
#$output = $self -> output();
//$output - (string) stdout fgets output buffer
#return false; //cancel/terminate process
#return true; //keep open (close manually)
#return; //(any) close automatically
#$success = $proc -> open();
#$success = $proc -> open($background=true);
//$success - (bool) process opened successfully
## accessible props (set after open is called)
$proc -> ccmd; //(string) proc_open command line in use (cmd change when running in background)
$proc -> descriptor_spec; //(array) proc_open descriptor spec in use
$proc -> env_vars; //(array) proc_open env_vars in use
$proc -> other_options; //(array) proc_open other_options in use
$proc -> process; //(resource) proc_open result resource
$proc -> pipes; //(array) proc_open pipes [0 => stdin, 1 => stdout, 2 => stderr, ...]
$proc -> error; //(string) set on failure ($success === false)
$proc -> ppid; //(int) proc_get_status pid.
$proc -> cpid; //(int|null) child process pid (null when not running in background)
$proc -> pid; //(int) current process pid. (ppid when not running in background, cpid otherwise)
$proc -> exit; //(int|null) process close exit (proc_close) result code
$proc -> open; //(bool) process open status (true: after proc_open, false: after proc_close)
$proc -> background; //(bool) process running in background.
//instance methods
$proc -> open(bool $background, $callback); //(bool) process opened successfully
$proc -> status(int &$pid, int &$running); //(array) proc_get_status ($running = (0|1))
$proc -> running(int &$pid); //(bool) process running status ($pid = running pid)
$proc -> output($callback, int $print, int $len); //(string|null) process stdout buffer
$proc -> close(bool $kill, int $kill_pid=null); //(int) process close exit (proc_close) result code
$proc -> pipe(int $index=null); //(resource|null) get process stream resource pipe (pipes[$index])
$proc -> shutdown(); //(void) ($this -> close(1)) register_shutdown_function before open callback.
//static methods
Process::uid(); //(string) - e.g. 626e83fec4f1cd6a
Process::is_win(string &$uname); //(bool) - check if platform is windows ($uname = php_uname('s'))
Process::child(int $pid, array &$pids); //(int|null) get child process pid from parent pid ($pids = child pid array)
Process::exists(int $pid); //(bool) check if pid is running
Process::kill(int $pid, int &$killed); //(bool) kill pid process ($killed = (null = failure |0 = process not found |1 = process was found))
Process::timed_out(float $timeout, float $start, float &$elapsed); //(bool)
Process::ffgets($pipe, int $len, float $timeout); //(string|false)
Process::seekable($pipe, array &$meta); //(bool) ($meta = stream_get_meta_data($pipe))
Process::ob_end(bool $clean, bool $implicit_flush); //(void)
Process::buffer($pipe, $callback, array $options, int &$abort, string &$error);
NOTE: Read Inline documentation to find out more about each method and its parameters.