This program is supposed to be able to compile and run on MacOSX, Linux and PC (I only tested MacOSX for now). Project is under development so do not expect impressive features ;)
Checkout the crazy dev screenshots album.
- any c++ compiler (just install xcode if you are on mac)
- GLUT and OpenGL c++ library (just install xcode if you are on mac)
- SFML 1.6 c++ library (
- Clone the LittleWorld project
- Type "make" to build the game
- Type "./build/littleWorld" to start the game
- v0.3: real time lighting and shadows
- v0.2: pathfinder
- v0.1: basic rendering
- If the game do not compile because of some errors in the code reset the history to a stable revision (git reset --hard v0.3) then try again.