This repo holds the code for our method Triple Center Loss(TCL) at the SHREC 2018 challenges:
The TCL method is based on the CVPR 2018 work
Xinwei He, Yang Zhou, Zhichao Zhou, Song Bai, Xiang Bai. Triplet-Center Loss for Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval. CVPR 2018. [pdf]
For a detailed description of our submitted method, you can also refer to the technical report and find our method scription in Sec 4.2.
SHREC’18 Track: 2D Image-Based 3D Scene Retrieval. [pdf]
SHREC’18 Track: 2D Scene Sketch-Based 3D Scene Retrieval. [pdf]
Our code has been tested with Python2 + PyTorch 0.3. It should work with higher versions after minor modifications.
The code works for both the IBR and the SBR tasks.
For the IBR task, run the following command
bash $gpu $backbone $action $suffix $output_dir
- gpu: the GPU ID
- backbone: the backbone architecture to use. e.g. vgg11_bn, resnet50.
- action: 1 or 2. choose 1 for training and 2 for inference.
- output_dir: where to save the outputs
For the SBR task, use the script
instead. The arguments are the same.