Important fixes:
- Better Kademlia peer selection (based on explicitly kept timestamps)
- Message limits: accurate limits for few types, runtime-accurate handling (for the node to work correctly after an update comes in, w/o need to restart it)
- Accurate version handshake (there were few cases where it wouldn't be handled properly)
- MPC: check more than 50% of stake provided commitments
- Fixes for consensus bugs found on Testnet: transaction sorting, undo construction and duplicate block creation
Important codebase changes:
- Code split to separate components (for each logical part of Cardano SL)
- Combined config for wallet, node, dev modes
- Block handling refactoring (needed to write tests)
- Data relay refactoring
- Classy-like structure of monad stack
Minor features:
- P2P peers w/o explicit Kademlia ID provided (only IP and port)
- More efficient block space usage
- Consistent block creation logic (check block we just created is valid before applying and distributing)
- Ability to launch the node with static peers
- Auto-generated documentation available at
- Upgraded the client-side with the new version of the libraries, now using PureScript
- Added paging for blocks, simplified API
- Added and improved, simplified events
- Japanese translations
- ADA formatting using Lovelaces
- Speed optimizations for block and epoch fetching
- Corrected mobile issues and improved mobile experience
- Added Waypoint header for better UX