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186 lines (148 loc) · 3.72 KB

File metadata and controls

186 lines (148 loc) · 3.72 KB


cd /mnt/d/001poppy_atac_new_genome
conda activate circos
cd /mnt/d/001poppy_atac_new_genome/ATAC_peak

mkdir -p my_first_circos && cd my_first_circos

vim poppy_atac.txt
chr - chr1 chr1 0 253956107 grey
chr - chr2 chr2 0 328069000 grey
chr - chr3 chr3 0 297363500 grey
chr - chr4 chr4 0 173483500 grey
chr - chr5 chr5 0 250439107 grey
chr - chr6 chr6 0 186956000 grey
chr - chr7 chr7 0 249601500 grey
chr - chr8 chr8 0 211634000 grey
chr - chr9 chr9 0 180954015 grey
chr - chr10 chr10 0 201134000 grey
chr - chr11 chr11 0 172472893 grey
grep '[[:blank:]]gene[[:blank:]]' Papaver_somniferum.gene.gff3 | cut -f 1,4,5 | awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3}' > genes.bed
cut -d ' ' -f 3,6 poppy_atac.txt | tr ' ' '\t' > poppy.genome
bedtools makewindows -g poppy.genome -w 2000000 >
bedtools coverage -a -b genes.bed | cut -f 1-4 > genes_num.txt
# guo is capsule, hua is petal, jing is stem, ye is leaf, xugen is fine root, zhugen is tap root

bedtools coverage -a -b ATAC_seq_GUO.narrowPeak | cut -f 1-4 > guo_atac.txt
bedtools coverage -a -b ATAC_seq_HUA.narrowPeak | cut -f 1-4 > hua_atac.txt
bedtools coverage -a -b ATAC_seq_JING.narrowPeak | cut -f 1-4 > jing_atac.txt
bedtools coverage -a -b ATAC_seq_YE.narrowPeak | cut -f 1-4 > ye_atac.txt
bedtools coverage -a -b ATAC_seq_XUGEN.narrowPeak | cut -f 1-4 > xugen_atac.txt
bedtools coverage -a -b ATAC_seq_ZHUGEN.narrowPeak | cut -f 1-4 > zhugen_atac.txt
touch circos.conf
vim circos.conf

karyotype = poppy_atac.txt
default = 0.005r
radius           = 0.90r
thickness        = 20p
fill             = yes
stroke_color     = dgrey
stroke_thickness = 2p

show_label     = yes 
label_font     = default
label_radius   = dims(ideogram,radius) + 0.2r 
label_size     = 30 
label_parallel = yes

label_format   = eval(sprintf("%s",var(chr))) 


dir*    = .   
radius* = 550p 
svg*    = yes   

<<include etc/image.conf>>
chromosomes_units = 5000000
show_ticks          = yes
show_tick_labels    = yes


radius           = 1r
color            = black
thickness        = 2p

multiplier       = 1e-6 

format           = %d

spacing        = 1u
size           = 5p

spacing        = 5u
size           = 10p
show_label     = yes
label_size     = 25p
label_offset   = 10p
format         = %d



type    = heatmap
file    = genes_num.txt
color      = blues-9-seq
r1      = 0.99r
r0      = 0.90r

type = histogram
file = guo_atac.txt
fill_color = set3-12-qual-4
color      = set3-12-qual-4
r1   = 0.89r
r0   = 0.80r

type = histogram
file = hua_atac.txt
fill_color = set3-12-qual-8
color      = set3-12-qual-8
r1   = 0.79r
r0   = 0.70r

type = histogram
file = jing_atac.txt
fill_color = set3-12-qual-7
color      = set3-12-qual-7
r1   = 0.69r
r0   = 0.60r

type = histogram
file = ye_atac.txt
fill_color = set3-12-qual-11
color      = set3-12-qual-11
r1   = 0.59r
r0   = 0.50r

type = histogram
file = zhugen_atac.txt
fill_color = set3-12-qual-5
color      = set3-12-qual-5
r1   = 0.49r
r0   = 0.40r

type = histogram
file = xugen_atac.txt
fill_color = set3-12-qual-9
color      = set3-12-qual-9
r1   = 0.39r
r0   = 0.30r


<<include etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>
<<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>
conda activate circos
circos -conf circos.conf