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Command line quirk: Node's require isolation policy

Xavier Via edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 1 revision

An interesting gotcha of Washigton's CLI is that when executed it actually creates a script named .washington in the current working directory. That file is the one that does the require of the target file and it then executes that the example suite. The CLI tool creates this transition file and then runs it by spawning a new node process and piping the stdout and stderr. Finally, the .washington artifact is destroyed.

This has to be done like this because of the isolation policy of Node.js that limits access to variables declared but not explicitly exported with module.exports if the required script is located in a different part of the directory tree. The upside is that in theory this means that Washington examples in dependencies are loaded to the runtime but immediately garbage collected, since they are not accessible. If true, this would go a long way to make inlined examples in production code a reality.

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