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If you are using Zend Framework 2, PHP-DI provides an easy and clean integration with the existing framework's container.
First, install the bridge:
composer require php-di/zf2-bridge
Register it in application_root/config/application.config.php
// ...
'modules' => [
'service_manager' => [
// ...
'factories' => [
'DI\Container' => 'DI\ZendFramework2\Service\DIContainerFactory',
That's it!
Now you can inject dependencies in your controllers.
Here is an example of the GuestbookController of the quickstart (using attributes):
class GuestbookController extends AbstractActionController
* This dependency will be injected by PHP-DI
private \Application\Service\GuestbookService $guestbookService;
public function indexAction()
$this->view->entries = $this->guestbookService->getAllEntries();
If you'd like to define injections using a configuration file, put them in application_root/config/php-di.config.php
return [
'Application\Service\GreetingServiceInterface' => DI\create('Application\Service\GreetingService'),
Head over to the definitions documentation if needed.
To configure PHP-DI itself, you have to override the module config in config/autoload/global.php
or config/autoload/local.php
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'definitionsFile' => __DIR__ . '/../my-custom-config-file.php',
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'cache' => [
'adapter' => 'filesystem',
'namespace' => 'your_di_cache_key',
'directory' => 'your_cache_directory', // default value is data/php-di/cache
return [
'phpdi-zf2' => [
'cache' => [
'namespace' => 'your_di_cache_key',
'adapter' => 'redis',
'host' => 'localhost', // default is localhost
'port' => 6379, // default is 6379
Read more on the ZF2-Bridge project on GitHub.