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Hi there! We're excited to have you as a contributor.

Have questions about this document or anything not covered here? Come chat with us at #ansible-awx on, or submit your question to the mailing list.

Table of contents

Things to know prior to submitting code

  • All code submissions are done through pull requests against the devel branch.
  • You must use git commit --signoff for any commit to be merged, and agree that usage of --signoff constitutes agreement with the terms of DCO 1.1.
  • Take care to make sure no merge commits are in the submission, and use git rebase vs git merge for this reason.
  • If submitting a large code change, it's a good idea to join the #ansible-awx channel on, and talk about what you would like to do or add first. This not only helps everyone know what's going on, it also helps save time and effort, if the community decides some changes are needed.
  • We ask all of our community members and contributors to adhere to the Ansible code of conduct. If you have questions, or need assistance, please reach out to our community team at [email protected]

Setting up your development environment

The AWX development environment workflow and toolchain is based on Docker, and the docker-compose tool, to provide dependencies, services, and databases necessary to run all of the components. It also binds the local source tree into the development container, making it possible to observe and test changes in real time.



Prior to starting the development services, you'll need docker and docker-compose. On Linux, you can generally find these in your distro's packaging, but you may find that Docker themselves maintain a separate repo that tracks more closely to the latest releases.

For macOS and Windows, we recommend Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows respectively.

For Linux platforms, refer to the following from Docker:






Docker compose

If you're not using Docker for Mac, or Docker for Windows, you may need, or choose to, install the Docker compose Python module separately, in which case you'll need to run the following:

(host)$ pip install docker-compose

Node and npm

The AWX UI requires the following:

  • Node 8.x LTS
  • NPM 6.x LTS

Build the environment

Fork and clone the AWX repo

If you have not done so already, you'll need to fork the AWX repo on GitHub. For more on how to do this, see Fork a Repo.

Create local settings

AWX will import the file awx/settings/ and combine it with defaults in awx/settings/ This file is required for starting the development environment and startup will fail if it's not provided.

An example is provided. Make a copy of it, and edit as needed (the defaults are usually fine):

(host)$ cp awx/settings/ awx/settings/

Build the base image

The AWX base container image (defined in tools/docker-compose/Dockerfile) contains basic OS dependencies and symbolic links into the development environment that make running the services easy.

Run the following to build the image:

(host)$ make docker-compose-build


The image will need to be rebuilt, if the Python requirements or OS dependencies change.

Once the build completes, you will have a ansible/awx_devel image in your local image cache. Use the docker images command to view it, as follows:

(host)$ docker images

REPOSITORY                                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ansible/awx_devel                            latest              ba9ec3e8df74        26 minutes ago      1.42GB

Build the user interface

Run the following to build the AWX UI:

(host) $ make ui-devel

Running the environment

Start the containers

Start the development containers by running the following:

(host)$ make docker-compose

The above utilizes the image built in the previous step, and will automatically start all required services and dependent containers. Once the containers launch, your session will be attached to the awx container, and you'll be able to watch log messages and events in real time. You will see messages from Django and the front end build process.

If you start a second terminal session, you can take a look at the running containers using the docker ps command. For example:

# List running containers
(host)$ docker ps

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                                                      NAMES
aa4a75d6d77b   "/tini -- /bin/sh ..."   23 seconds ago      Up 15 seconds>5555/tcp,>6899-6999/tcp,>8013/tcp,>8043/tcp, 22/tcp,>8080/tcp   tools_awx_1
e4c0afeb548c        postgres:9.6                                       "docker-entrypoint..."   26 seconds ago      Up 23 seconds       5432/tcp                                                                                                                                   tools_postgres_1
0089699d5afd        tools_logstash                                     "/docker-entrypoin..."   26 seconds ago      Up 25 seconds                                                                                                                                                  tools_logstash_1
4d4ff0ced266        memcached:alpine                                   "docker-entrypoint..."   26 seconds ago      Up 25 seconds>11211/tcp                                                                                                                   tools_memcached_1
92842acd64cd        rabbitmq:3-management                              "docker-entrypoint..."   26 seconds ago      Up 24 seconds       4369/tcp, 5671-5672/tcp, 15671/tcp, 25672/tcp,>15672/tcp                                                                    tools_rabbitmq_1


The Makefile assumes that the image you built is tagged with your current branch. This allows you to build images for different contexts or branches. When starting the containers, you can choose a specific branch by setting COMPOSE_TAG=<branch name> in your environment.

For example, you might be working in a feature branch, but you want to run the containers using the devel image you built previously. To do that, start the containers using the following command: $ COMPOSE_TAG=devel make docker-compose

Wait for migrations to complete

The first time you start the environment, database migrations need to run in order to build the PostgreSQL database. It will take few moments, but eventually you will see output in your terminal session that looks like the following:

awx_1        | Operations to perform:
awx_1        |   Synchronize unmigrated apps: solo, api, staticfiles, debug_toolbar, messages, channels, django_extensions, ui, rest_framework, polymorphic
awx_1        |   Apply all migrations: sso, taggit, sessions, sites, kombu_transport_django, social_auth, contenttypes, auth, conf, main
awx_1        | Synchronizing apps without migrations:
awx_1        |   Creating tables...
awx_1        |     Running deferred SQL...
awx_1        |   Installing custom SQL...
awx_1        | Running migrations:
awx_1        |   Rendering model states... DONE
awx_1        |   Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
awx_1        |   Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
awx_1        |   Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
awx_1        |   Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
awx_1        |   Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
awx_1        |   Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
awx_1        |   Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
awx_1        |   Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
awx_1        |   Applying taggit.0001_initial... OK
awx_1        |   Applying taggit.0002_auto_20150616_2121... OK
awx_1        |   Applying main.0001_initial... OK
awx_1        |   Applying main.0002_squashed_v300_release... OK
awx_1        |   Applying main.0003_squashed_v300_v303_updates... OK
awx_1        |   Applying main.0004_squashed_v310_release... OK
awx_1        |   Applying conf.0001_initial... OK
awx_1        |   Applying conf.0002_v310_copy_tower_settings... OK

Once migrations are completed, you can begin using AWX.

Start from the container shell

Often times you'll want to start the development environment without immediately starting all of the services in the awx container, and instead be taken directly to a shell. You can do this with the following:

(host)$ make docker-compose-test

Using docker exec, this will create a session in the running awx container, and place you at a command prompt, where you can run shell commands inside the container.

If you want to start and use the development environment, you'll first need to bootstrap it by running the following command:

(container)# /

The above will do all the setup tasks, including running database migrations, so it may take a couple minutes.

Now you can start each service individually, or start all services in a pre-configured tmux session like so:

(container)# cd /awx_devel
(container)# make server

Post Build Steps

Before you can log in and use the system, you will need to create an admin user. Optionally, you may also want to load some demo data.

Start a shell

To create the admin user, and load demo data, you first need to start a shell session on the awx container. In a new terminal session, use the docker exec command as follows to start the shell session:

(host)$ docker exec -it tools_awx_1 bash

This creates a session in the awx containers, just as if you were using ssh, and allows you execute commands within the running container.

Create an admin user

Before you can log into AWX, you need to create an admin user. With this user you will be able to create more users, and begin configuring the server. From within the container shell, run the following command:

(container)# awx-manage createsuperuser

You will be prompted for a username, an email address, and a password, and you will be asked to confirm the password. The email address is not important, so just enter something that looks like an email address. Remember the username and password, as you will use them to log into the web interface for the first time.

Load demo data

You can optionally load some demo data. This will create a demo project, inventory, and job template. From within the container shell, run the following to load the data:

(container)# awx-manage create_preload_data


This information will persist in the database running in the tools_postgres_1 container, until the container is removed. You may periodically need to recreate this container, and thus the database, if the database schema changes in an upstream commit.

Building API Documentation

AWX includes support for building Swagger/OpenAPI documentation. To build the documentation locally, run:

(container)/awx_devel$ make swagger

This will write a file named swagger.json that contains the API specification in OpenAPI format. A variety of online tools are available for translating this data into more consumable formats (such as HTML). is an example of one such service.

Accessing the AWX web interface

You can now log into the AWX web interface at https://localhost:8043, and access the API directly at https://localhost:8043/api/.

To log in use the admin user and password you created above in Create an admin user.

Purging containers and images

When necessary, remove any AWX containers and images by running the following:

(host)$ make docker-clean

What should I work on?

For feature work, take a look at the current Enhancements.

If it has someone assigned to it then that person is the person responsible for working the enhancement. If you feel like you could contribute then reach out to that person.

Fixing bugs, adding translations, and updating the documentation are always appreciated, so reviewing the backlog of issues is always a good place to start. For extra information on debugging tools, see Debugging.


If you work in a part of the codebase that is going through active development, your changes may be rejected, or you may be asked to rebase. A good idea before starting work is to have a discussion with us in the #ansible-awx channel on, or on the mailing list.


If you're planning to develop features or fixes for the UI, please review the UI Developer doc.

Submitting Pull Requests

Fixes and Features for AWX will go through the Github pull request process. Submit your pull request (PR) against the devel branch.

Here are a few things you can do to help the visibility of your change, and increase the likelihood that it will be accepted:

  • No issues when running linters/code checkers
    • Python: flake8: (container)/awx_devel$ make flake8
    • Javascript: JsHint: (container)/awx_devel$ make jshint
  • No issues from unit tests
    • Python: py.test: (container)/awx_devel$ make test
    • JavaScript: Jasmine: (container)/awx_devel$ make ui-test-ci
  • Write tests for new functionality, update/add tests for bug fixes
  • Make the smallest change possible
  • Write good commit messages. See How to write a Git commit message.

It's generally a good idea to discuss features with us first by engaging us in the #ansible-awx channel on, or on the mailing list.

We like to keep our commit history clean, and will require resubmission of pull requests that contain merge commits. Use git pull --rebase, rather than git pull, and git rebase, rather than git merge.

Sometimes it might take us a while to fully review your PR. We try to keep the devel branch in good working order, and so we review requests carefully. Please be patient.

All submitted PRs will have the linter and unit tests run against them via Zuul, and the status reported in the PR.

PR Checks ran by Zuul

Zuul jobs for awx are defined in the zuul-jobs repo.

Zuul runs the following checks that must pass:

  1. tox-awx-api-lint
  2. tox-awx-ui-lint
  3. tox-awx-api
  4. tox-awx-ui
  5. tox-awx-swagger

Zuul runs the following checks that are non-voting (can not pass but serve to inform PR reviewers):

  1. tox-awx-detect-schema-change This check generates the schema and diffs it against a reference copy of the devel version of the schema. Reviewers should inspect the job-output.txt.gz related to the check if their is a failure (grep for diff -u -b to find beginning of diff). If the schema change is expected and makes sense in relation to the changes made by the PR, then you are good to go! If not, the schema changes should be fixed, but this decision must be enforced by reviewers.

Reporting Issues

We welcome your feedback, and encourage you to file an issue when you run into a problem. But before opening a new issues, we ask that you please view our Issues guide.