In this performance test, five instances of simple service created using Netty framework were used. Each instance is a fast backend (0s delay) with response of size 1KB. See [netty backend] (services/Netty) for more details.
Performance bench-marks were done between [open source Nginx load balancer] (nginx) and [GW-LB] (gw-lb) on [Ubuntu VM] (test-bed) in JVM v1.8.0_91 with default configuration.
One Million (1,000,000) requests were sent at different concurrency levels (500 to 12,000) to Netty backend, Nginx and GW-LB using apache bench via this [automated script] (
Benchmarks were conducted in Round-Robin algorithm mode with no persistence policies.
- See [Nginx config] (nginx/nginx.conf) for configuration details.
- See [GW-LB config] (gw-lb/gwLB.iflow) for configuration details.
- apache2-utils - This performance tests are executed using ApacheBench. Therefore in order to run the tests, apache2-utils should be installed in the machine.
Run all tests using the following command from performance-benchmark
./ [load-balancer-endpoint]
Example: ./ http://localhost:8290/stocks
Tests were done twice. Average of 'Average throughput' for each concurrency level is calculated and plotted.
First graph shows throughput comparison between Open Source Nginx and GW-LB. Second graph shows throughput comparison with Netty backend.
![Throughput] (graphs/throughput_without_netty.png)
![ThroughputWithNetty] (graphs/throughput_with_netty.png)
Tests were done twice. Average of 'Mean Latency' for each concurrency level is calculated and plotted.
![MeanLatency] (graphs/mean_latency.png)
Java Flight Recorder (JFR) is enabled while starting LB server and recording is stopped after load test ends. The obtained JFR recording has memory usage details.
This graph shows Committed, Reserved and Used Heap values.
Open in any text editor
Then add the following lines in between "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 " and "org.wso2.carbon.bootstrap.Bootstrap $*"
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures \
-XX:+FlightRecorder \
-XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording=true,disk=true,maxage=0,repository=./tmp,dumponexit=true,dumponexitpath=./ \
![UsedMemory] (graphs/memory_using_jfr.png)
Scripts available in the above mentioned repo were customized for this project.
Detailed post on enabling JFR in Carbon servers and setting up Cron job for the same.