- Button text color.
- Removed underline for featured-image links.
- Fixed Color for widget-nav-menu toggles.
- Fixed "Leave a Comment" link not visible in post-archives.
- Vertically center copyright text in the footer.
- Fixed content-width when using
units. - Coding Standards fixes
- Updated Kirki to v4.0 packages.
- Reorganized customizer settings.
- Refactored button styles.
- Refactored navigation styles.
- Refactored link-color controls.
- Updated block styles.
- New colorpickers.
- Refactored customizer select controls.
- Refactored customizer radio-buttonset controls.
- Refactored styles for the header-search slide-up mode.
- New Color Options Customizer section.
- New palette builder.
- New Color-Accessibility mode switch (AA/AAA/Auto).
- New Hue-linking switch for more consistent colors.
- New card mode for post-archives.
- Automated logic for grid-parts order in the document's HTML structure.
- New content-area horizontal & vertical padding controls.
- New
- Removed Theme Upsell link in the customizer.
- Removed the Square Buttons Block Variation.
- Removed Collapsed navigation boxed mode.
- Removed the manual grid-parts ordering controls (the order is now auto-calculated).
- Removed parts of AMP support.
- Removed duplicate comments link.
- Changed default values for some options for more reasonable results when the theme is first installed.
- Improved content-width calculation when using
units. - Navigation styling (wrong css-vars used for 2nd navigation).
- Coding Standards fixes
- Improved accessible styles for default links and menus.
- Vertical scollbars for mobile navigation containers.
- Improved default font stack.
- Improved css-variables names.
- Refactored the changelog following principles from https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/
- Removed backup-fonts styles. They are no longer needed since google-fonts are not served via Google's CDN.
- Improved default link styles for better accessibility.
- Changed the move/resize icon for grid-parts inside the grid control.
- New header-padding option.
- Upgrader implementation to handle future option changes.
- Checkboxes to enable/disable custom typography options.
- New option to allow users to disable editor styles.
- Edit link from post titles.
- Horizontal padding on submenus when navigation is on vertical mode.
- Adding widgets on the header grid was not showing the widget areas in the customizer due to a partial refresh instead of a full refresh of the preview pane.
- Minor styling fixes for navigation parts.
- Added titles to buttons in the grid control to make it easier to understand what they do when they get hovered.
- Removed google-plus from list of social networks.
- Styling fixes for the header-search grid-part.
- Size of video embeds.
- Various improvements to the Grid control.
- Improved accessibility for handheld navigation.
- Inlining the comment-reply link instead of enqueueing as a separate request.
element styles when using a dark background.- Group block styles.
- Center-aligned elements inside group blocks.
- Customizer description typo.
- Accessibility improvements for button blocks.
- Improved breadcrumbs styles.
- Added slide-up mode for header searchform.
- Partial support for IE11.
- Updated dragselect to v1.12.2
- Block styles for compatibility with latest Gutenberg plugin versions.
- Typos
- Improved customizer control descriptions & labels.
- Improved customizer styles.
- Changed some settings from radios to dropdowns to clean-up the UI.
- Show featured image options for single posts & archives regardless of the preview pane context in the customizer.
- Description of WordPress-Core background-color control (moved to the main grid section).
- Add option to override grid-parts background in the header.
- Add option to override grid-parts background in the footer.
- Added a new "Mobile" section in re-organized settings in the customizer.
- Added Changelog file.
- Renamed "Grid" section to "Site Grid".
- Removed plus & docs buttons on the top of sections.
- Error in nav-handheld.
- JS conflict in the customizer when Gutenberg installed as a plugin.
- Typo in the main header grid's description.
- Header-Image control description.
- Removed Mobile Navigation from Deferred Parts.
- Improved block styles to further reduce their size.
- Content width when using percent (%) values.
- Improved the accessibility-colors script for automatic link colors selection.
- Improved comment form styles for dark backgrounds.
- Gutenberg styles were updated to include the most recent tweaks for new blocks.
- Improved searchform styles.
- PHP Warning when viewing some post-formats.
- Visibility of WooCommerce product images when there is a single image (no gallery) inside single posts.
- WooCommerce tabs styles.
- Text typos.
- Customizer performance improvement.
- New screenshot.
- Improved Customizer performance.
- Accessibility improvement: Removed
tags from SVGs. - Update DragSelect script to v1.12.1.
- Branding typography control was always hidden.
- Group block inner-container alignment.
- Style for initial notice when a menu is not assigned to a navigation grid-part.
- Moved text & link color options to the content section.
- Styles for undefined values.
- Content width when using
- Improve accessibility of search forms
- Updated the Kirki framework to v3.0.44
- Updated editor block styles
- Changed default font-family to sans-serif.
- Handheld navigation behaviour on Safari.
- Added fallback values to all CSS custom-properties.
- Googlefonts enqueueing issue when the site URL changes, or if the protocol (http/https) changes
- Documentation Links
- Minimum WordPress version required is 5.0 - fixed fallback method for previous versions of WordPress.
- Accessibility improvements
- Properly escape the read-me link for blog excerpts.
- WooCommerce categories widget styles
- Simplify & improve styles for widget lists.
- Improve styles for products-search widget.
- Improve WooCommerce price-filter widget styles.
- No edit links in products.
- WooCommerce product slides.
- WooCommerce image thumbnails in carousels.
- WooCommerce
tags styling. - blocks alignment in cover block.
- Added product-searchform template for WooCommerce.
- Content-width calculation when using
values for the main content area's max-width setting. - Updated Block styles from latest Gutenberg-dev version.
- Simplified color palette.
- Updated block styles.
- Added support for the new "Group" editor block.
- Added option to hide page-title on the frontpage.
- Improved and simplified the navigation styles.
- Better implementation for toggle buttons in menus.
- Implemented lazy-loaded grid-parts using the REST API.
- Custom CSS priority
- CSS overflow fix for mobile navigation.
- Collapsed naviation position.
- Cover block focal-point when using a reusable editor block as a separate grid-part.
- Remove non-existing grid-parts (deleted reusable blocks) from the grid control in the customizer.
- Removed incomplete implementations for Layer-Slider and Revolution-Slider.
- Added option to enable boxed mode for navigation toggle button.
- Added edit links to reusable blocks.
- Added links-color setting to reusable blocks.
- Added
- Naviation depth is no longer limited to 3.
- CSS cleanup
- Added
- Customizer bugfix
- Improved navigation styles.
- The grid-parts order control now has a live preview.
- Minor CSS fixes & cleanup.
- Minor CSS fixes & cleanups.
- Added a new "Overlay" mode for featured images on single posts
- Added support for Jetpack's
- Added grid parts for reusable Gutenberg Blocks.
- Added custom templates.
- Various CSS styling fixes.
- CSS for blocks is now only loaded for active blocks.
- Added option for collapsed navigation label.
- Various performance tweaks for CSS loading.
- Added the "Features" section in the customizer.
- Implemented grid for archives.
- Initial Release