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Rya Streams

Introduced in 3.2.13


This is a Beta feature. We do not guarantee newer versions of Rya Streams will be compatible with this version. You may need to remove all of your queries and their associated data from your Rya Streams system and then reprocess them using the upgraded system.

Table of Contents


Rya Streams is a system that processes SPARQL queries over streams of RDF Statements that may have Visibilities attached to them. It does this by utilizing Kafka as a data processing platform.

There are three basic building blocks that the system depends on:

  • Streams Query - This is a SPARQL query that is registered with Rya Streams. It is associated with a specific Rya instance because that Rya instance determines which Statements the query will evaluate. It has an ID that uniquely identifies it across all of the queries that are managed by the system, whether or not the system should be processing it, and whether or not the results of the query needs to be inserted back into the Rya instance the source statements come from.

  • Query Change Log - A list of changes that have been performed to the Streams Queries of a specific Rya Instance. This log contains the absolute truth about what queries are registered, which are running, and which generates new statements that need to be inserted back into Rya.

  • Query Manager - A daemon application that reacts to new/deleted Query Change Logs as well as new entries within those logs. It starts and stops Kafka Streams processing jobs for the active Streams Queries.

The Quick Start section explains how the Rya Streams Client is used to interact with the system using a simple SPARQL query and some sample Statements.


The following image is a high level view of how Rya Streams interacts with Rya to process queries.

alt text

  1. The Rya Streams client is used to register/update/delete queries.
  2. Rya Streams notices the change and starts/stops processing a query based on what the change was.
  3. Statements are discovered for ingest by whatever application is loading data into Rya.
  4. Those Statements are written to Rya Streams so that the Streams Queries may process them and produce results.
  5. Those Statements are also written to the Rya instance for ad-hoc querying.
  6. Rya Streams produces Visibility Binding Sets and/or Visibility Statements that are written back to Rya.
  7. Those same Visibility Binding Sets and/or Visibility Statements are made available to other systems as well.

Quick Start

This tutorial demonstrates how to install and start the Rya Streams system. It must be configured and running on its own before any Rya instances may use it. After performing the steps of this quick start, you will have installed the system, demonstrated that it is functioning properly, and then may use the Rya Shell to configure Rya instances to use it.

This tutorial assumes you are starting fresh and have no existing Kafka, or Zookeeper data. The two services must already be installed and running.

Step 1: Download the applications

You can fetch the artifacts you need to follow this Quick Start from our downloads page. Click on the release of interest and follow the "Central repository for Maven and other dependency managers" URL.

Fetch the following two artifacts:

Artifact Id Type
rya.streams.client shaded jar
rya.streams.query-manager rpm

Step 2: Install the Query Manager

Copy the RPM to the CentOS 7 machine the Query Manager will be installed on. Install it using the following command:

yum install -y rya.streams.query-manager-3.2.12-incubating.noarch.rpm

It will install the program to /opt/rya-streams-query-manager-3.2.12. Follow the directions that are in the README.txt file within that directory to finish configuration.

Step 3: Register a Streams Query with Rya Streams

Use the Rya Streams Client to register the following Streams Query:

    ?person <urn:talksTo> ?employee .
    ?employee <urn:worksAt> ?business

We assume Kafka is running on the local machine using the standard Kafka port of 9092. Issue the following command:

java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar add-query \
    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start -a true \
    -q "SELECT * WHERE { ?person <urn:talksTo> ?employee .?employee <urn:worksAt> ?business }"

The Query Manager should eventually see that this query was registered and start a Rya Streams job that will begin processing it using any Visibility Statements that have been loaded into Rya Streams. If no results are observed in step 6, then verify the Query Manager is working properly. Its logs can be found in /opt/rya-streams-query-manager-3.2.12/logs.

Step 4: Start watching for results

We need to fetch the Query ID of the query we want to watch. This can be looked up by issuing the following command:

java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar list-queries \
    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start"

The client will print something that looks like this:

Queries in Rya Streams:
ID: 8dd689ee-9d16-4aa7-91c0-667cdb3ed81a    Is Active: true     Query: SELECT * WHERE { ?person <urn:talksTo> ?employee .?employee <urn:worksAt> ?business }

Now we know that if we want to reference the query we registered in step 3, we need to use the Query ID 8dd689ee-9d16-4aa7-91c0-667cdb3ed81a. Start watching the Stream Query's output using the following command:

java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar stream-results \
    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start" -q 8dd689ee-9d16-4aa7-91c0-667cdb3ed81a

The command will not finish. The console will print results once they are produced by the Rya Streams job that is processing the query. Results will appear once Statements have been loaded.

Step 5: Load data into the input topic

In a new terminal, create a file named quick-start-data.nt that contains the following text:

<urn:Bob> <urn:worksAt> <urn:TacoPlace> .
<urn:Charlie> <urn:worksAt> <urn:BurgerJoint> .
<urn:Eve> <urn:worksAt> <urn:CoffeeShop> .
<urn:Bob> <urn:worksAt> <urn:BurgerJoint> .
<urn:Alice> <urn:talksTo> <urn:Bob> .

For the sake of simplicity within this quick start, we aren't going to use visibilities when we load the statements. Load the file using the following command:

java -jar rya.streams.client-3.2.12-incubating-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar load-statements \
    -i localhost -p 9092 -r rya-streams-quick-start" -v "" -f ./quick-start-data.nt

Step 6: Observe the results that appear

Go back to the terminal that was listening for results. The following results will have appeared:

    [name]: person  ---  [value]: urn:Alice
    [name]: employee  ---  [value]: urn:Bob
    [name]: business  ---  [value]: urn:BurgerJoint

    [name]: person  ---  [value]: urn:Alice
    [name]: employee  ---  [value]: urn:Bob
    [name]: business  ---  [value]: urn:TacoPlace

Use Cases


An alerting system's job is to notify people, or another application, when something of interest has been observed. Alert latency is the amount of time it takes for a system to issue the alert after the observations required to do so have been made. How the alerts are used determines how much latency is able to be tolerated. For example, if the alerting system is used to discover when a fire has started in a building, then that latency period needs to be short in order to save the building. However, some systems do not require low latency. Status updates typically aren't time critical. An alert that your package has been shipped doesn't need to be timely since your package still hasn't arrived.

Rya Streams is able to be used to build alerting systems. The conditions that generate alerts are encapsulated within a SPARQL query, the observations that are watched are the RDF Statements, and the alert is a Binding Set or constructed Statement that is output by the query. It being low/high latency will depend on how much data needs to be processed and how performant the alerting queries are.

Inference Engine - Forward Chaining

An inference engine that uses forward chaining starts with a set of inference rules and some data. It uses the rules to generate new data until it reasons its way to some end goal/answer. For example, suppose that the goal is to conclude the color of a pet named Fritz, given that he croaks and eats flies, and that the rule base contains the following four rules:

  1. If X croaks and X eat flies - Then X is a frog
  2. If X chirps and X sings - Then X is a canary
  3. If X is a frog - Then X is green
  4. if X is a canary - Then X is yellow

If the following two facts are evaluated using this rule set:

  • Fritz croaks
  • Fritz eats flies

Then the following facts are inferred about Fritz:

  • Fritz is a frog
  • Fritz is green

Rya Streams is able to be used to build an inference engine that executes that rule set. SPARQL queries are used to generate new Statements from the original set of Statements. For example:

    ?x a <urn:frog>
    ?x <urn:makesSound> <urn:croaks> .
    ?x <urn:eats> <urn:flies> .

    ?x <urn:hasColor> <urn:green>
    ?x a <urn:frog>

As long as the first query's results are ingested into the streams application, the second query will infer that ?x is green based on the previous query's inferred statement.

PCJ Maintenance

Pre-Computed Joins are a feature within Rya where a query's results are maintained and used as an index to speed up query evaluation. See the PCJ section of the manual for more information about the specifics of how that index works.

Rya Streams is able to create the Visibility Binding Sets that need to be loaded into the PCJ index. It just needs to see the same Statements that the core Rya instance has been loaded with.

Future Work

Each of the following subsections cover an improvement that could be made to the Rya Streams system. These improvements would push this feature towards a production ready state.

Historic Statement Processing

As currently implemented, a program needs to write new Statements to the core Rya data store as well as the input topic for Rya Streams. Every time a query is added to Rya Streams for processing, it will only see newly added Statements. We could write a Kafka Connect Rya source that imports historic data into the statements topic so that it, too, will be processed.

PCJ Maintenance

The Rya Streams system is capable of creating PCJ results over streamed statements, but there isn't anything written to import those results from the QueryResult topic into the source Rya's PCJ index. We could use Kakfa Connect to write those binding sets into the index.

Query Manager Durability

The Query Manager daemon is a single point of failure for this system. If it is not running, then queries can not be processed. This problem could be solved in a few different ways depending on the size of the deployed system. If multiple machines are available, but only a small amount of data/number of queries need to be processed, then failing over to a secondary Query Manager would work fine. If a cluster solution is being used, then the Query Manager could be refactored to run in something like YARN. It then becomes the cluster's responsibility to start up processing on a new machine when the application dies.

Query Change Log Reverse Compatibility

We use Java Serialization to write ChangeLogEntry<QueryChange> objects to the KafkaQueryChangeLog. This will cause problems if the schema of that object is updated between versions. A serialization framework (Avro, Protobuf, etc) that supports reverse compatible models needs to be used instead to move this feature out of Beta.

Exactly Once Kafka Streams Processing

The version of Kafka that we are using for this system does not guarantee exactly once execution within Kafka Streams. It only guarantees at least once execution. This means a query may process the same statement more than once. If this happens, then repeat results may be written to the query's results topic. Kafka 1.0.0+, however, does support exactly once execution. Upgrading Kafka would allow us to fix this problem.

Query Processing Scalability

The Query Manager executes all query topologies with a single thread per query on the same JVM. We suspect this will only work well when there are a limited number of queries that need to be processed and all of those queries don't need to process a large volume of statements.

Kafka Streams usually scales out by copying the processing topology to many machines who do the same processing, but over different hunks of work that need to be processed. Each streams worker handles a subset of the topic's partitions. This works great so long as all data that is required to process the worker's portion of the processing is located within a single partition of the topic. However, erroneous results will be computed if something is missed because a different streams worker had a piece of data that was required to reach the correct result.

Here's an example that illustrates that problem.

Suppose you want your Kafka Streams topology to count the number of times each word appears within the input topic. The topic has two partitions and data is written to those partitions without ensuring the same words always go to the same positions. The topic could look like this:
Partition 1: {apple}, {apple}, {bread}
Partition 2: {eggs}, {apple}, {eggs}

Two copies of the topology are executed where each copy handles one of the partitions. The following results would be written to the the results topic:
{apple, 2}, {bread, 1}, {eggs, 2}, {apple, 1}

Both streams jobs end up counting different portions of the "apples", so you get two results for apples. Had all "apples" gone to a single partition, then a single streams worker would have counted all of them, and {apples, 3} would have been written a single time.

The same problem effects how we process SPARQL queries within Rya Streams. If each streams worker processes the entire topology, then you need to make sure each job handles all Statements that result in Binding Sets who join within the query. There isn't a way to partition the data at the statement level, so we would need to break the queries into many Kafka Streams topologies. A single Join node could be the entire topology where the input topic contains binding sets that are emited from the left and right child. So long as which partition the data is written to is based on a hash over the values of the join variables, then each worker will only receive data that is able to be joined.