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  • All group repos have been set up with the high-level folders needed for each group.
  • When the groups are confirmed, each person will be added to a private repo (with a similar setup to this one) for their group.

Assessment Instructions

How to Submit Weekly Assignments

NOTE: All the code changes you need to make below will be made to your group's repo, which you should have been invited to by now. If you don't yet have access, speak to a moderator.

These instructions make some assumptions

  • they are written as though talking to a specific person
  • they assume the name of the question the person is solving is Two Sum
  • they assume the question is for week 1
  • they assume the language used is Java (so anywhere you see .java, you will replace with the extension of the language you actually used)
  1. Find the question you should solve

    • Most groups have 6 people. Within a group, each person will own the question aligned with the “S/N” number of their row in the group sheet. So, Question 1 → S/N 1, Question 2 → S/N 2 and so on. If a group has 7 people and there are 6 questions, the 7th person will solve Question 1. You can view this as a table.
    • Group Owning S/N Question Number
      1 1
      2 2
      3 3
      4 4
      5 5
      6 6
      7 1
    • You can view your S/N on the group sheet
      • Description
      • Your number is the "S/N" value on the row you're on
  2. Solve the question on Leetcode (or the platform link we provide) and pass as many test cases as you can 1

  3. Create weekly_assignments/wk1/two_sum/ and copy the code you submitted on Leetcode into it

    • Note that we're in the wk1 dir because the instructions assume we're in week 1
    • Also note that every question must have its own folder within each week. In this case we have two_sum
  4. Create weekly_assignments/wk1/two_sum/ and add the following

    • Add your name, discord username, and leetcode submission link (take note of the submission format) at the top of the file
    • Add an explanation for everything the group tried (including what worked, what didn't work, optimizations etc)
    • The file should be formatted like this
      Solution by: YOUR FULL NAME
      Discord username: YOUR DISCORD USERNAME (as written in the student details sheet)
      Solution: [Submission Link]({problem_name}/submissions/{submission_id}/)
      Include the following details
      - Your approach(es). If you had just one approach, please say that explicitly
      - The time and space complexity of each approach
  5. Push weekly_assignments/wk1/two_sum/ and weekly_assignments/wk1/two_sum/ to the repo in a commit.

  6. Before 6pm WAT on the Friday of Week 1, submit the commit hash that contains all these files to this form.

  7. If you make another submission on Leetcode and you want to update what you've submitted in the repo, do the following

    • Replace the contents of weekly_assignments/wk1/two_sum/ and weekly_assignments/wk1/two_sum/ and required
    • Commit
    • Get the new commit hash and submit it on the form
    • You can do this as many times as you want before the deadline (which is Friday by 6pm of every week).
    • Any submissions made after the deadline will not count
  8. It is the commit hash a student submits that will be used to score them. Any changes made after the commit hash they submitted doesn't count towards the assessment.

Here's an example demo video

NOTE: Although each person in a group is assigned a question every week, the expectation is that the whole group collaborates to think through the problem to come up with a solution. This is very important because each question assigned to a member of a group will affect the group's overall score 2.

How to Submit Hackathons

  • Hackathon questions will be provided on hackerrank
  • Hackathon submissions have 2 components: a team component & an individual component

Team Component

  1. The team should collaborate on all questions given in the hackathon
  2. One person in the team should submit all the solutions for a team. To put it another way, only one submission per team will be considered in the hackathon. The person who submits for the team is up to the team.
  3. Make sure you submit before the hackathon deadline

Individual Component

TL;DR: Each person in the team must pick one of the problems and submit an explanation of the approach the team took ( including what worked, what didn't work, optimizations)

  1. We'll let you know closer to the time who within a group should submit the explanation for a question, but it'll be very similar to how we get the question assignments under how to submit weekly assignments. The only difference is that the set of questions you're considering is the set of hackathon questions on hackerrank and the ordering of the question determines the number.
  2. Assuming the question you're assigned by the formula is TwoSum and this is the first hackathon in the program, then create hackathon/hack1/ and add the following
    • Add your name and discord username at the top of the file
    • Add an explanation for everything the group tried (including what worked, what didn't work, optimizations etc)
    • The file should be formatted like this
      Solution by: YOUR FULL NAME
      Discord username: YOUR DISCORD USERNAME (as written in the student details sheet)
      Solution: [Submission Link](HTTP://LINK TO SUBMISSION)
      Include the following details
      - Your approach(es). If you had just one approach, please say that explicitly
      - The time and space complexity of each approach
  3. Follow steps 5-7 of how to submit weekly assignments , but consider the following
    • The file in question here is hackathon/hack1/
    • The deadline will be communicated on the hackathon page

How to Submit a Project

  1. Add the project code to the project dir
  2. Commit the project code
  3. Before the deadline of the project, submit the commit hash that contains all the files to this form.

Note the following:

  • Groups can set up their project within the project dir however they choose but the project should be runnable locally
  • Before the deadline for submitting projects, the team will submit a hash. During the demo, the team will build their projects from that hash and we will use that for the assessment
  • The whole team should collaborate for this project. We may ask questions from anyone on the team during the demo

Relevant Links


  1. You don't have to get all the testcases to submit your assignment, simply do your best

  2. We'll explain how grading works soon