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Climate Zones

wolfkidsounds edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 11 revisions
Climate Zone Temperature Min. Temperature Max. Downfall Min. Downfall Max.
Cold >= 0.0 <= 0.3
Temperate >= 0.3 <= 0.6
Warm >= 0.6 <= 0.9
Tropical >= 0.6 <= 1.0 >= 0.8
Arid >= 1.0 <= 0.1

Sandy: BiomeTags (DESERT, BEACH)

Mushroom: BiomeTags (MUSHROOM)

These are the minecraft temperature and downfall values. Temperature: 0.0 = Cold | 1.0 = Hot Downfall: 0.0 = No Downfall | 1.0 Constant Downfall

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