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Marcin Wojdyr edited this page Dec 28, 2010 · 6 revisions

The following paper can be cited when referring to Fityk:

Marcin Wojdyr, Fityk: a general-purpose peak fitting program, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2010, Volume 43, pages 1126-1128. (reprint)

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  • N. Levy, S. A. Burke, K. L. Meaker, M. Panlasigui, A. Zettl, F. Guinea, A. H. Castro Neto, M. F. Crommie, Strain-Induced Pseudo–Magnetic Fields Greater Than 300 Tesla in Graphene Nanobubbles, Science 329, 544 (2010)
  • R. Hoffmann, A. Kriele, H. Obloh, J. Hees, M. Wolfer, W. Smirnov, N. Yang, C.E. Nebel, Electrochemical hydrogen termination of boron-doped diamond, Applied Physics Letters, 97, 052103 (2010)
  • V. Vlček, J. Čížek, J. Drahokoupil, J. Valenta, N. Miyajima, R. Skála, Defects in CaF2 caused by long-time irradiation and their response to annealing., Philosophical Magazine, 90, 2749-2769 (2010)
  • A. Yu. Ivanov, Conformations of ribonucleoside uridine in the low temperature Ar matrices, Low Temp. Phys. 36, 458 (2010)
  • Sh.E. Haghighi, K. Janghorban, S. Izadi, Structural evolution of Fe-50 at.% Al powders during mechanical alloying and subsequent annealing processes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 495 (1) 260-264 (2010)
  • K. Lertjiamratn, P. Praserthdam, M. Arai, J. Panpranot, Modification of acid properties and catalytic properties of AlPO4 by hydrothermal pretreatment for methanol dehydration to dimethyl ether, Applied Catalysis A, General, 378 (1), 119-123 (2010)
  • E. Bittarello, F.R. Massaro, D. Aquilano, The epitaxial role of silica groups in promoting the formation of silica/carbonate biomorphs: A first hypothesis, Journal of Crystal Growth, 312, 402-412 (2010)


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  • K.A. Razak, A. Asadov, W. Gao, Phase content and dielectrical properties of sintered BaSrTiO ceramics prepared by a high temperature hydrothermal technique, Ceramics International, 35 (7), 2781-2787 (2009)
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  • A.C. Small, J.H. Johnston, Novel hybrid materials of magnetic nanoparticles and cellulose fibers, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 331 (1), 122-126, (2009)
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  • R. Sellin, C. Grolleau, S. Arrii-Clacens, S. Pronier, J.-M. Clacens, C. Coutanceau, J.-M. Leger, Effects of Temperature and Atmosphere on Carbon-Supported Platinum Fuel Cell Catalysts, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 (52), 21735-21744 (2009)
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  • M.G. O'Brien, A.M. Beale, S.D.M. Jacques, T. Buslaps, V. Honkimaki, B.M. Weckhuysen, On the active oxygen in bulk MoO3 during the anaerobic dehydrogenation of methanol, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (12) 4890 (2009)
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