Installing nextstrain
- Install Nextstrain CLI
curl -fsSL --proto '=https' | bash
- Set up a Nextstrain runtime
nextstrain setup --set-default conda
- Enter an interactive Nextstrain shell in the current directory (.).
nextstrain shell .
- Run Augur.
augur --help
- Run Auspice.
auspice --help
- Exit the Nextstrain shell.
- Index the sequences
augur index \
--sequences ./mpox.fasta \
--output results/mpox_sequences_index.tsv
- Filter the Sequences
augur filter \
--sequences ./mpox.fasta \
--sequence-index ./results/mpox_sequences_index.tsv \
--metadata ./mpox_212_tree_labels.csv \
--output ./results/mpox_filtered.fasta \
--group-by country year \
--sequences-per-group 20 \
--min-date 1970
- Filter the Sequences to drop some already analyzed seqs
augur filter \
--sequences ./mpox.fasta \
--sequence-index results/mpox_sequences_index.tsv \
--metadata ./mpox_212_tree_labels.csv \
--exclude config/dropped_strains.txt \
--output ./results/mpox_filtered.fasta \
--group-by country year month \
--sequences-per-group 20 \
--min-date 1970
- Align the Sequences
augur align \
--sequences ./results/mpox_filtered.fasta \
--reference-sequence ./ref_mpox.fasta \
--output ./results/mpox_aligned.fasta \
- Get a Time-Resolved Tree
NB Remove fasta seq length in the header
# Input and output file paths
# Remove sequence length from headers and write to output file
sed 's/\/[0-9]\+-[0-9]\+//' "$input_file" > "$output_file"
R script
# Read the FASTA file
fasta_file <- "./mpox_data/mpox_270_aligned.fasta"
fasta_content <- readLines(fasta_file)
# Remove sequence length from headers
cleaned_content <- gsub("/[0-9]+-[0-9]+", "", fasta_content)
# Write the cleaned content back to the file
writeLines(cleaned_content, "mpox_270_cleaned_aligned.fasta")
Then use
augur refine \
--tree ./results/mpox_fasttree_data_58.nwk \
--alignment ./results/mpox_aligned_data_58.fasta \
--metadata ./mpox_212_tree_labels.csv \
--output-tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--output-node-data ./results/mpox_branch_lengths.json \
--timetree \
--coalescent opt \
--date-confidence \
--date-inference marginal \
--clock-filter-iqd 4
augur refine \
--tree ./results/mpox_fasttree_data_58.nwk \
--alignment ./results/mpox_aligned_data_58.fasta \
--metadata ./mpox_212_tree_labels.csv \
--output-tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--output-node-data ./results/mpox_branch_lengths.json \
--timetree \
--year-bounds 1970 2024 \
--coalescent opt \
--date-confidence \
--date-inference marginal \
--clock-filter-iqd 4
OR - this is the best option
augur refine \
--tree ./mpox_data/mpox_272_tree.nwk \
--alignment ./mpox_data/mpox_270_cleaned_aligned.fasta \
--metadata ./mpox_data/mpox_data_270.csv \
--output-tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--output-node-data ./results/mpox_branch_lengths.json \
--timetree \
--stochastic-resolve \
--clock-rate 0.001 \
--clock-std-dev 0.0001 \
--year-bounds 1970 2024 \
--coalescent opt \
--date-confidence \
--date-inference marginal \
--clock-filter-iqd 4
- Annotate the Phylogeny
a. Reconstruct Ancestral Traits
augur traits \
--tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--metadata ./mpox_212_tree_labels.csv \
--output-node-data ./results/mpox_traits.json \
--columns clade date country \
b. Infer Ancestral Sequences
augur ancestral \
--tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--alignment ./results/mpox_aligned_data_58.fasta \
--output-node-data ./results/mpox_nt_muts.json \
--inference joint
c. Identify Amino-Acid Mutations ref nust be in gb file format
augur translate \
--tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--ancestral-sequences ./results/mpox_nt_muts.json \
--reference-sequence ./ \
--output-node-data ./results/mpox_aa_muts.json
d. Infer tip frequencies of mutations or clades
augur frequencies \
--method kde \
--metadata ./mpox_212_tree_labels.csv \
--pivot-interval-units months \
--pivot-interval 12 \
--min-date 1970-01-01 \
--max-date 2030-12-31 \
--tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--include-internal-nodes \
--alignment ./results/mpox_aligned_data_58.fasta \
--output ./results/mpox_tip-frequencies.json
- Export the Results Create the Config Directory
mkdir config
cd config
Upgrade Nextstrain
nextstrain update conda
Check how to use augur
augur export v2 --help
Create a json file and validate in json file validator
"title": "Phylodynamics of Monkeypox virus in Africa",
"colorings": [
"key": "year",
"title": "Year",
"type": "continuous"
"key": "host",
"title": "Host",
"type": "categorical"
"key": "country",
"title": "Country",
"type": "categorical"
"key": "clade",
"title": "Clade",
"type": "categorical"
"key": "country",
"title": "Country",
"type": "categorical"
"geo_resolutions": [
"maintainers": [
{"name": "WHO/EPR/HIR"},
{"name": "Walter Oguta"},
{"name": "Rachel Achilla"}
"filters": [
"Year", "Clade", "Country", "Host"
"display_defaults": {
"layout": "rect",
"color_by": "Clade",
"branch_label": "Clade",
"geo_resolution": "Country"
Create a colours.tsv file
attribute value color
country Nigeria #FFFF00
country Central_African_Republic #1CE6FF
country Benin #FF34FF
clade Clade I #809693
clade Clade IIa #D16100
clade Clade IIb A #300018
date 1970-XX-XX #FF913F
date 1971-XX-XX #938A81
Create lat_long.tsv file
country Benin 9.961027 2.327362
country Central_African_Republic 7.0323598 19.9981227
country Cameroon 4.6125522 13.1535811
country Congo -0.516362 15.877811
country DRC -4.0383 21.7587
country Egypt 26.8206 30.8025
country Gabon -0.8999695 11.6899699
country Liberia 5.7499721 -9.3658524
country Nigeria 9.6000359 7.9999721
country Sierra_Leone 8.6400349 -11.8400269
country South_Africa -28.8166235 24.991639
country Sudan 14.5844444 29.4917691
Export the results into json file for view in auspice
augur export v2 \
--tree ./results/mpox_tree.nwk \
--metadata ./mpox_212_tree_labels.csv \
--node-data ./results/mpox_branch_lengths.json \
--node-data ./results/mpox_traits.json \
--node-data ./results/mpox_nt_muts.json \
--node-data ./results/mpox_aa_muts.json \
--node-data ./results/mpox_tip-frequencies.json \
--colors ./config/colors.tsv \
--lat-longs ./config/lat_longs.tsv \
--auspice-config ./config/auspice_config.json \
--output ./results/auspice/mpox.json
Clone to conda terminal
git clone