“What does all this have to do with programming? Plenty. When you spend time optimizing poorly-designed assembly code, or when you count on an optimizing compiler to make your code fast, you’re wasting the optimization, much as Irwin did. Particularly in assembly, you’ll find that without proper up-front design and everything else that goes into high-performance design, you’ll waste considerable effort and time on making an inherently slow program as fast as possible—which is still slow—when you could easily have improved performance a great deal more with just a little thought. As we’ll see, handcrafted assembly language and optimizing compilers matter, but less than you might think, in the grand scheme of things—and they scarcely matter at all unless they’re used in the context of a good design and a thorough understanding of both the task at hand and the PC.”
Rules for Building High-Performance Code
We’ve got the following rules for creating high-performance software:
- Know where you’re going (understand the objective of the software).
- Make a big map (have an overall program design firmly in mind, so the various parts of the program and the data structures work well together).
- Make lots of little maps (design an algorithm for each separate part of the overall design).
- Know the territory (understand exactly how the computer carries out each task).
- Know when it matters (identify the portions of your programs where performance matters, and don’t waste your time optimizing the rest).
- Always consider the alternatives (don’t get stuck on a single approach; odds are there’s a better way, if you’re clever and inventive enough).
- Know how to turn on the juice (optimize the code as best you know how when it does matter).
As I showed in the previous chapter, optimization is by no means always a matter of “dropping into assembly.” In fact, in performance tuning high-level language code, assembly should be used rarely, and then only after you’ve made sure a badly chosen or clumsily implemented algorithm isn’t eating you alive. Certainly if you use assembly at all, make absolutely sure you use it right. The potential of assembly code to run slowly is poorly understood by a lot of people, but that potential is great, especially in the hands of the ignorant.
Truly great optimization, however, happens only at the assembly level, and it happens in response to a set of dynamics that is totally different from that governing C/C++ or Pascal optimization. I’ll be speaking of assembly-level optimization time and again in this book, but when I do, I think it will be helpful if you have a grasp of those assembly specific dynamics.
Caveat Programmor (关键路径上2个cycles也很重要)
A caution: I’m quite certain that the 2-cycle-ahead addressing pipeline interruption penalty I’ve described exists in the two 486s I’ve tested. However, there’s no guarantee that Intel won’t change this aspect of the 486 in the future, especially given that the documentation indicates otherwise. Perhaps the 2-cycle penalty is the result of a bug in the initial steps of the 486, and will revert to the documented 1-cycle penalty someday; likewise for the undocumented optimizations I’ll describe below. Nonetheless, none of the optimizations I suggest would hurt performance even if the undocumented performance characteristics of the 486 were to vanish, and they certainly will help performance on at least some 486s right now, so I feel they’re well worth using.
When you’re dealing with something new, a little knowledge goes a long way. When it comes to kissing, we have to fumble along the learning curve on our own, but there are all sorts of resources to help speed up the learning process when it comes to programming. The basic mechanisms of programming—searches, sorts, parsing, and the like—are well-understood and superbly well-documented. Treat yourself to a book like Algorithms, by Robert Sedgewick (Addison Wesley), or Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming series (also from Addison Wesley; and where was Knuth with The Art of Kissing when I needed him?), or practically anything by Jon Bentley, and when you tackle a new area, give yourself a head start. There’s still plenty of room for inventiveness and creativity on your part, but why not apply that energy on top of the knowledge that’s already been gained, instead of reinventing the wheel? I know, reinventing the wheel is just the kind of challenge programmers love—but can you really afford to waste the time? And do you honestly think that you’re so smart that you can out-think Knuth, who’s spent a lifetime at this stuff and happens to be a genius?
The first lesson to be learned here is not to lug assumptions that may no longer be valid from the 8088/286 world into the wonderful new world of 386 native-mode programming. The second lesson is that after you’ve slaved over your code for a while, you’re in no shape to see its flaws, or to be able to get the new perspectives needed to speed it up. I’ll bet Terje looked at that [EBX+EAX] addressing a hundred times while trying to speed up his code, but he didn’t really see what it did; instead, he saw what it was supposed to do. Mental shortcuts like this are what enable us to deal with the complexities of assembly language without overloading after about 20 instructions, but they can be a major problem when looking over familiar code.
The point I want to make, though, is that the biggest optimization barrier that Terje faced was that he thought he had the fastest code possible. Once he opened up the possibility that there were faster approaches, and looked beyond the specific approach that he had so carefully optimized, he was able to come up with code that was a lot faster.