First of all we need to generate a new Auth Token with repo
cababilities wich
will be set as a secret in kubernetes
Check all the repo
attributes in
Save the result token as a secret in Kubernetes
kubectl create secret -n flux-system generic github-token --from-literal=token=${NEW_TOKEN}
flux create alert-provider github-instavote \
--type github \
--address="${GITHUB_USER}/instavote.git" \
--secret-ref=github-token \
--export | tee clusters/staging/github-instavote-staging-alert-provider.yaml
Verify the outputs and providers:
kind: Provider
name: github-instavote
namespace: flux-system
name: github-token
type: github
Commit and propagate the changes
git add clusters/staging
git commit -m "feat: Add github-instavote Alert Provider"
git push origin HEAD:refs/heads/main
Wait for the Reconciliation to take place and verify the alert-provider is visible:
flux get alert-providers
Now that we have our gate to GitHub we can start adding Alerts to the commit messages. Keep in mind that only the Kustomizations will be able to send information as they are the only ones containing a SHA:
cd flux-infra
for kustomize in redis vote worker; do
flux create alert ${kustomize}-staging \
--provider-ref=github-instavote \
--event-severity=info \
--event-source "Kustomization/${kustomize}-staging" \
--export | tee clusters/staging/${kustomize}-staging-alert.yaml
Commit, Publish and Reconcile the Changes
git add clusters/staging
git commit -m "feat: Add Alerts for Kustomizations"
git push origin HEAD:refs/heads/main
# Reconcile sources and check for alerts
flux reconcile source git flux-system
flux get alerts
Have fun and change the setting for any part of the vote, redis or worker application and you'll see the magic in place ;)