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Releases: withastro/astro

@astrojs/[email protected]

24 Feb 13:50
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

24 Feb 13:50
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

24 Feb 13:50
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Patch Changes

[email protected]

13 Feb 14:26
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Minor Changes

  • #13210 344e9bc Thanks @VitaliyR! - Handle HEAD requests to an endpoint when a handler is not defined.

    If an endpoint defines a handler for GET, but does not define a handler for HEAD, Astro will call the GET handler and return the headers and status but an empty body.

  • #13195 3b66955 Thanks @MatthewLymer! - Improves SSR performance for synchronous components by avoiding the use of Promises. With this change, SSR rendering of on-demand pages can be up to 4x faster.

  • #13145 8d4e566 Thanks @ascorbic! - Adds support for adapters auto-configuring experimental session storage drivers.

    Adapters can now configure a default session storage driver when the experimental.session flag is enabled. If a hosting platform has a storage primitive that can be used for session storage, the adapter can automatically configure the session storage using that driver. This allows Astro to provide a more seamless experience for users who want to use sessions without needing to manually configure the session storage.

Patch Changes

  • #13145 8d4e566 Thanks @ascorbic! - ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE FOR EXPERIMENTAL SESSIONS ONLY ⚠️

    Changes the experimental.session option to a boolean flag and moves session config to a top-level value. This change is to allow the new automatic session driver support. You now need to separately enable the experimental.session flag, and then configure the session driver using the top-level session key if providing manual configuration.

      // ...
      experimental: {
    -    session: {
    -      driver: 'upstash',
    -    },
    +    session: true,
    +  session: {
    +    driver: 'upstash',
    +  },

    You no longer need to configure a session driver if you are using an adapter that supports automatic session driver configuration and wish to use its default settings.

      adapter: node({
        mode: "standalone",
      experimental: {
    -    session: {
    -      driver: 'fs',
    -      cookie: 'astro-cookie',
    -    },
    +    session: true,
    +  session: {
    +    cookie: 'astro-cookie',
    +  },

    However, you can still manually configure additional driver options or choose a non-default driver to use with your adapter with the new top-level session config option. For more information, see the experimental session docs.

  • #13101 2ed67d5 Thanks @corneliusroemer! - Fixes a bug where HEAD and OPTIONS requests for non-prerendered pages were incorrectly rejected with 403 FORBIDDEN

@astrojs/[email protected]

13 Feb 14:26
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Minor Changes

  • #13145 8d4e566 Thanks @ascorbic! - Automatically configures filesystem storage when experimental session enabled

    If the experimental.session flag is enabled when using the Node adapter, Astro will automatically configure session storage using the filesystem driver. You can still manually configure session storage if you need to use a different driver or want to customize the session storage configuration.

    See the experimental session docs for more information on configuring session storage.

@astrojs/[email protected]

13 Feb 14:26
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Minor Changes

  • #13194 1b5037b Thanks @dfdez! - Adds includedFiles and excludedFiles configuration options to customize SSR function bundle contents.

    The includeFiles property allows you to explicitly specify additional files that should be bundled with your function. This is useful for files that aren't automatically detected as dependencies, such as:

    • Data files loaded using fs operations
    • Configuration files
    • Template files

    Similarly, you can use the excludeFiles property to prevent specific files from being bundled that would otherwise be included. This is helpful for:

    • Reducing bundle size
    • Excluding large binaries
    • Preventing unwanted files from being deployed
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify';
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      output: 'server',
      adapter: netlify({
        includeFiles: ['./my-data.json'],
        excludeFiles: ['./node_modules/package/**/*', './src/**/*.test.js'],

    See the Netlify adapter documentation for detailed usage instructions and examples.

  • #13145 8d4e566 Thanks @ascorbic! - Automatically configures Netlify Blobs storage when experimental session enabled

    If the experimental.session flag is enabled when using the Netlify adapter, Astro will automatically configure the session storage using the Netlify Blobs driver. You can still manually configure the session storage if you need to use a different driver or want to customize the session storage configuration.

    See the experimental session docs for more information on configuring session storage.

Patch Changes

[email protected]

12 Feb 12:15
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

12 Feb 12:15
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

12 Feb 12:15
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Patch Changes

  • #13223 23094a1 Thanks @ascorbic! - Fixes a bug that caused incorrect redirects for static files with numbers in the file extension

[email protected]

04 Feb 16:20
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Patch Changes

  • #13133 e76aa83 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixes a bug where Astro was failing to build an external redirect when the middleware was triggered

  • #13119 ac43580 Thanks @Hacksore! - Adds extra guidance in the terminal when using the astro add tailwind CLI command

    Now, users are given a friendly reminder to import the stylesheet containing their Tailwind classes into any pages where they want to use Tailwind. Commonly, this is a shared layout component so that Tailwind styling can be used on multiple pages.