The OHDSI WebAPI contains all OHDSI services that can be called from OHDSI applications.
Use the following command to spin up the WebAPI. Make sure to change the values of the environment variables as needed.
docker run \
--name ohdsi-webapi \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e "" \
-e "DBNAME=cdm" \
-e "DBUSER=postgres" \
-e "DBPASS=s3cret" \
-e "DBADMINUSER=postgres" \
-e "DBADMINPASS=s3cret" \
-e "DBCDMSCHEMA=public" \
-e "DBVOCABSCHEMA=vocab" \
-e "DBWEBAPISCHEMA=webapi" \
is a magic constant in Docker for macOS
that points to the IP address of the host machine.
Navigate to the following URLS to test:
- http://localhost:8080/WebAPI/source/sources
- http://localhost:8080/WebAPI/vocabulary/search/cardiomyopathy
See here for the WebAPI documentation.
The Docker image is built on Docker
Hub and contains a build of the
OHDSI WebAPI. It also installs a default
source that points to the CDM instance specified in the environment variables.
See [settings.xml
] and the Flyway
migration to see exactly how the
variables are used.
When creating the container, the configuration given here is updated to contain the values specified in the following environment variables. A default source is also configured that points to the CDM instance specified.
DBHOST [default: localhost]
The is the hostname of the server running Postgres. If you are running Postgres
on the Docker host machine, you will need the host machine's IP address or
hostname on the Docker network. On macOS this is
DBPORT [default: 5432]
The port Postgres is listening on.
DBNAME [default: OHDSI]
The name of the database containing the OMOP CDM schema.
DBUSER [default: ohdsi_app_user]
A database user with read access to the CDM schema.
DBPASS [default: app1]
Password for the above user.
DBCDMSCHEMA [default: cdm]
The name of the OMOP CDM schema.
DBVOCABSCHEMA [default: vocab]
The name of the vocabulary schema. Sometimes the same as the cdm schema.
DBWEBAPISCHEMA [default: webapi]
The name of the schema that the WebAPI tables will be created in. This should be different from the CDM schema.
DBADMINUSER [default: ohdsi_admin_user]
A database admin user.
Password for the database admin user.
WEBAPIHOST [default: localhost]
The hostname where the WebAPI will be accessible.
WEBAPIPORT [default: 8080]
The post the WebAPI will be using.