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Scott White edited this page Aug 29, 2013 · 15 revisions


Revamp the concept of a panel

Currently, the Panel model is tied to a Site, and is used for mapping a specific combination of FCS file channel names (via PnN field) to a ReFlow Parameter, i.e. cataloguing the Sample. However, this is not an intuitive or natural way to model the practical use of the the panel concept used in Flow Cytometry.

In a flow project, a panel would be designed to include a specific subset of parameters (and value types), e.g. "4 Color", and different labs may include extra channels (like all 3 value types). To model this, we need Project-level panels from which Site-level panels are based.

  • new ProjectPanel model

    • has no FCS text fields (isn't used for validating FCS channels)

    • requires a ProjectPanelParameterMap table

    • project panel name is required and unique for a project

    • add FK field for Staining (Staining table doesn't exist yet)

    • create a self-referential FK field for parent panel (like FMO -> FullStain)

    • implement restrictions for when a parent panel is required (FMO, Isotype Control)

    • create a FK in Sample linking the FCS file to a specific ProjectPanel

      • requires updating all existing Sample instance with a FK to ProjectPanel
    • if any Sample exists with a FK to ProjectPanel, the ProjectPanel cannot be modified

  • new ProjectPanelParameterMap model

    • field: project (FK to Project)

    • field: parameter (FK to Parameter)

    • field: value_type (optional FK to ParameterValueType)

      • if not specified don't restrict SitePanel value_type field
  • new Staining table

    • simple lookup table used in the ProjectPanel
  • current SampleGroup table

    • rename to Stimulation (south can't auto-rename models)

    • move to Project level, i.e. add Project FK field

    • affects Sample model

      • replace SampleGroup FK field with new Stimulation FK field
      • keep Stimulation field optional???
  • current Panel

    • rename to SitePanel or something
    • add FCS optional text field (PnS), and use to match samples
    • add FK to project panel,
    • require the minimal subset of the project panel
    • site panel name is required and unique

Process Manager app

WIP...will update after the project panel's are working


  • Change sample list web view to use an AJAX query like the sample set creation form

    • remove the sample list web views under the Site and Subject
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