Learn all things new about Kubernetes 1.22. We'll show you our top picks from all 56 enhancements and provide you with helpful insights and tips. In addition, Kubernetes 1.22 also removes some commonly used but already deprecated features. We will talk about all the details and show you how to upgrade without hassle.
- Nico Meisenzahl @nmeisenzahl, Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant, white duck
- Dario Brozovic @dariobro, DevOps Engineer, white duck
- Philip Welz @philwelz, Senior Kubernetes & DevOps Engineer, white duck
- Date: 6th Octobre, 2021 at 17:30 - 19:00 CEST
- Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/CloudNative-Rosenheim-Meetup/events/280440917/
- Kubernetes 1.22 Release
- new features – our pick
- API and feature removals