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Flutter Enhancement Suite - Snippets ✂️

Dart Code Snippets

Snippet Description
var Dart variable declaration using var
final Dart variable declaration using final
const Dart variable declaration using const
invar Dart public Instance variable
prinvar Dart private instance variable
mt Dart public method
prmt Dart private method
arr Dart public arrow function
prarr Dart private arrow function
oconst Dart optional named parameters constructor
nconst Dart optional named constructor
list Dart List collection
map Dart Map collection
set Dart Set collection
getarr Dart arrow function getter
impas Dart import as
impshow Dart import show
impdeff Dart import deffered as
imphide Dart import hide
exphide Dart export hide
expshow Dart export show
switch case Dart switch statement
if Dart if statement
if else Dart if/else statement
main Dart main method

Flutter Widget Snippets

Snippet Description
fimpmat Add import to material's package
fimpcup Add import to cupertino's package
fanimbuilder New AnimatedBuilder widget
faspratio New AspectRatio widget
fcent New Center widget
fcol New Column widget
fcont New Container widget
fcustomclipper New CustomClipper widget
fcustompainter New CustomPainter widget
fcustomscroll New CustomScrollView widget
finall New EdgeInsets widget with named constructor all
finonly New EdgeInsets widget with named constructor only
finsym New EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric
finsymh New EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric with horizontal parameter
finsymv New EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric with vertical parameter
fexp New Expanded widget
ffuturebuilder New FutureBuilder widget
ficon New Icon widget
flayoutbuilder New LayoutBuilder widget
flistvbuilder New ListView.builder() widget
fmedqh New MediaQuery widget with height
fmedqw New MediaQuery widget with width
forientbuilder New OrientationBuilder widget
frow New Row widget
fscaffold New Scaffold widget
fscaffoldab New Scaffold widget with AppBar
fscaffoldabbn New Scaffold widget with AppBar and BottomNavigationBar
fscaffoldabfab New Scaffold widget with AppBar and FloatingActionButton
fscaffoldall New Scaffold widget with AppBar, BottomNavigationBar and FloatingActionButton
fdialog New showDialog method
fsinglechildsc New SingleChildScrollView widget
fsb New SizedBox widget
fsbh New SizedBox widget with height
fsbw New SizedBox widget with width
fstfulbuilder New StatefulBuilder widget
fstreambuilder New StreamBuilder widget
fsubj New BehaviorSubject with Stream
ftext New Text widget

Flutter Hooks Snippets

Snippet Description
hook New Hook widget
uAnim New useAnimation function
uAnimCont New useAnimationController function
uContext New useContext function
uEffect New useEffect function
uFuture New useFuture function
uListenable New useListenable function
uMem New useMemoized function
uState New useState function
uStream New useStream function
uValChanged New useValueChanged function
uValListenable New useValueListenable function
uValNotifier New useValueNotifier function