This is a very simple Gradle plugin for running Grunt tasks part of the build. It merely
wraps calls to grunt xyz
as gradle grunt_xyz
tasks. Grunt is installed locally using npm. To
start using the plugin, add this into your build.gradle
file (see Installing for details):
plugins {
id "com.moowork.grunt" version "1.0.1"
The plugin will also automatically apply the Node Plugin.
You can run grunt tasks using this syntax:
$ gradle grunt_build # this runs grunt build
$ gradle grunt_compile # this runs grunt compile
... and so on.
These tasks do not appear explicitly in gradle tasks
, they only appear as task rule.
Your Gruntfile.js defines what grunt_* tasks exist (see grunt --help
, or gradle grunt_--help
Also (more importantly), you can depend on those tasks, e.g.
// runs "grunt build" as part of your gradle build
build.dependsOn grunt_build
This is the main advantage of this plugin, to allow build scripts (and grunt agnostics) to run grunt tasks via gradle.
It is also possible to run a grunt task only if one of its input files have changed:
def srcDir = new File(projectDir, "src/main/web")
def targetDir = new File(project.buildDir, "web")
grunt_dist.inputs.dir srcDir
grunt_dist.outputs.dir targetDir
If you need to supply grunt with options, you have to create Grunt-tasks:
task gruntBuildWithOpts(type: GruntTask) {
args = ["build", "arg1", "arg2"]
The plugin also provides two fixed helper tasks to run once per project, which however require npm ( to be installed:
: This installs grunt and grunt-cli to the project folder, usingnpm install grunt grunt-cli
: This just runsnpm install
(possibly useful for scripting)
Since grunt will only be installed in your project folder, it will not interact with the rest of your system, and can easily be removed later by deleting the node_modules folders.
So as an example, you can make sure a local version of grunt exists using this:
// makes sure on each build that grunt is installed
grunt_build.dependsOn 'installGrunt'
// processes your package.json before running grunt build
grunt_build.dependsOn 'npmInstall'
// runs "grunt build" as part of your gradle build
build.dependsOn grunt_build
You can configure the plugin using the grunt
extension block, like this:
grunt {
// Set the directory where Gruntfile.js should be found
workDir = file("${project.projectDir}")
// Whether colors should output on the terminal
colors = true
// Whether output from Grunt should be buffered - useful when running tasks in parallel
bufferOutput = false