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OT Commissioner CLI

Use the OT Commissioner CLI to configure and manage OT Commissioner.


Type help to get a command list:

> help

type 'help <command>' for help of specific command.

All commands are synchronous, which means the command will not return until success, an error occurs, or a time out.

To cancel a command, send signal Interrupt to OT Commissioner, which is CTRL + C for a Linux machine.


List all commands.

Commissioner token

Per the Thread 1.2 specification, COM_TOK is required for signing requests. If running in CCM mode, the Commissioner must request and set COM_TOK before connecting to a Thread network.

Request COM_TOK

### The registrar listening at [fdaa:bb::de6]::5684
> token request fdaa:bb::de6 5684


### Print the requested Token (COSE_SIGN1 signed) as a hex string.
> token print

Force set COM_TOK

## The trustAnchor is used to validate signature in the COM_TOK.
> token set ./COM_TOK.hex ./commissioner/trustAnchor.pem


To start petitioning as the active Commissioner of a Thread network:

### Petition with Border Agent at [::]:49191
> start :: 49191


Upon success, the Commissioner periodically sends keep alive messages in background. The Commissioner now is in the active state:

> active


Before exiting, use the command stop to gracefully leave the Thread network:

> stop


The command exit exits the CLI session.

Commissioner Session ID

sessionid returns the Commissioner Session ID.

Border Agent

The command borderagent provides access to Border Agent information:

> help borderagent
borderagent get locator
borderagent get meshlocaladdr

Backbone Router dataset

In a Thread CCM network, the TRI and Registrar address is managed as parameters of the Backbone Router (BBR) dataset:

> help bbrdataset
bbrdataset get trihostname
bbrdataset set trihostname <TRI-hostname>
bbrdataset get reghostname
bbrdataset set reghostname <registrar-hostname>
bbrdataset get regaddr
bbrdataset get
bbrdataset set '<bbr-dataset-in-json-string>'

### The default TRI and registrar hostname is [fdaa:bb::de6].
> bbr get trihostname

> bbr get reghostname

> bbr get regaddr

### The TRI or registrar hostname must contains a global ipv6 address
### enclosed by brackets.
> bbr set trihostname [fdaa:bb::de8]

> bbr set reghostname [fdaa:bb::de8]

Steering dataset

The Commissioner steers joining of new devices by Steering Data in the Commissioner dataset.

> help joiner
joiner enable (meshcop|ae|nmkp) <joiner-eui64> [<joiner-password>] [<provisioning-url>]
joiner enableall (meshcop|ae|nmkp) [<joiner-password>] [<provisioning-url>]
joiner disable (meshcop|ae|nmkp) <joiner-eui64>
joiner disableall (meshcop|ae|nmkp)
joiner getport (meshcop|ae|nmkp)
joiner setport (meshcop|ae|nmkp) <joiner-udp-port>
  • to enable a new MeshCoP joiner:

    ### The second argument of the joiner command is the type of joiner.
    ### It can be only ae, nmkp, or meshcop.
    > joiner enable meshcop 0x0123456789abcdef PSKD001
  • or provide a provisioning URL:

    > joiner enable meshcop 0x0123456789abcdef PSKD001
  • or enable all MeshCoP joiners:

    > joiner enableall meshcop PSKD001
  • to enable a new CCM AE joiner:

    > joiner enable ae 0x0123456789abcdef
  • to enable all CCM AE joiners:

    > joiner enableall ae
  • to enable a new CCM NMKP joiner:

    > joiner enable nmkp 0x0123456789abcdef
  • to enable all CCM NMKP joiners:

    > joiner enableall nmkp
  • to get joiner UDP ports:

    > joiner getport meshcop
    > joiner getport ae
    > joiner getport nmkp
  • to set joiner UDP ports:

    > joiner setport meshcop 1000
    > joiner setport ae 1001
    > joiner setport nmkp 1002

Operational dataset

A command opdataset is provided to get or set active or pending operational datasets:

> help opdataset
opdataset get
opdataset get activetimestamp
opdataset get channel
opdataset set channel <page> <channel> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get channelmask
opdataset set channelmask (<page> <channel-mask>)...
opdataset get xpanid
opdataset set xpanid <extended-pan-id>
opdataset get meshlocalprefix
opdataset set meshlocalprefix <prefix> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get networkmasterkey
opdataset set networkmasterkey <network-master-key> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get networkname
opdataset set networkname <network-name>
opdataset get panid
opdataset set panid <panid> <delay-in-milliseconds>
opdataset get pskc
opdataset set pskc <PSKc>
opdataset get securitypolicy
opdataset set securitypolicy <security-policy>
opdataset get active
opdataset set active '<active-dataset-in-json-string>'
opdataset get pending
opdataset set pending '<pending-dataset-in-json-string>'

The opdataset always operates on the active operational dataset except for setting parameters that can not be directly set in an active operational dataset. Those parameters are:

  • channel
  • meshlocalprefix
  • networkmasterkey
  • panid

OT Commissioner sends a MGMT_PENDING_SET.req message to set those parameters.

Network data

### Network data is always stored in JSON format.
> help network
network save <network-data-file>
network sync

Sync network data

This command pushes local Commissioner Dataset to the Thread Network and pulls down Active / Pending Dataset and BBR Dataset (if in CCM mode) to local.

> network sync

This command is automatically executed when successfully connected to a Border Agent.

Save network data

This command saves all Thread network data to a JSON file.

> network save ./thread-test-network-data.json


Instruct one or more devices to announce its Operational Dataset:

> help announce
announce <channel-mask> <count> <period> <dst-addr>

Energy scan

energy scan instructs one or more devices to perform energy scanning. Use energy report to get the results.

### 'dst-addr' can be both unicast & multicast address.
> help energy
energy scan <channel-mask> <count> <period> <scan-duration> <dst-addr>
energy report [<dst-addr>]

Detect PAN ID conflicts

panid query requests one or more devices to start scanning for PAN ID conflicts. Use panid conflict to get the results.

### 'dst-addr' can be either a unicast or multicast address.
> help panid
panid query <channel-mask> <panid> <dst-addr>
panid conflict <panid>


To command a Thread device to perform MGMT reenrollment, use the reenroll command:

> reenroll fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00

Domain reset

To command a Thread device to perform MGMT domain reset, use the domainreset command:

> domainreset fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00

Network migration

To command a Thread device to perform MGMT network migration, use the migrate command:

> migrate fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00 test-network-2

Multicast listener registration

> help mlr
mlr <multicast-addr> <timeout-in-seconds>

Datasets in JSON

There are advanced commands which accept or return datasets encoded in a JSON string.

The key of each JSON field in a dataset is produced by removing the prefix m of the case-sensitive dataset struct field name defined in include/commissioner/network_data.hpp. Review those dataset structures before crafting a JSON object by yourself.

Each advanced command always sends associative MGMT_*_(GET|SET).req requests.

Read/Write BBR dataset

  • bbrdataset get -- get the whole BBR dataset as a JSON string;
  • bbrdataset set '<bbr-dataset-in-json-string>'

Read/Write Commissioner dataset

  • commdataset get -- get the whole commissioner dataset as a JSON string;
  • commdataset set '<commissioner-dataset-in-json-string>'

Read/Write operational dataset

  • opdataset get active -- get the whole active operational dataset as a JSON string;
  • opdataset set active '<active-dataset-in-json-string>'
  • opdataset get pending -- get the whole pending operational dataset as a JSON string;
  • opdataset set pending '<pending-dataset-in-json-string>'