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Common Props

name required default types description
data T[] Carousel items data set
renderItem (info: { data: T, index: number, animationValue: SharedValue<number> }) => React.ReactElement Render carousel item
autoFillData true boolean Auto fill data array to allow loop playback when the loop props is true.([1] => [1, 1, 1];[1, 2] => [1, 2, 1, 2])
vertical false boolean Layout items vertically instead of horizontally
width vertical ❌ horizontal ✅ '100%' number | undefined Specified carousel item width
height vertical ✅ horizontal ❌ '100%' number | undefined Specified carousel item height
mode defalut 'horizontal-stack'|'vertical-stack'|'parallax' Carousel Animated transitions
modeConfig Different modes correspond to different configurations. For details, see below[modeConfig](#modeConfig Props)
style {} ViewStyle Carousel container style
defaultIndex 0 number Default index
autoPlay false boolean Auto play
autoPlayReverse false boolean Auto play reverse playback
autoPlayInterval 1000 number Auto play playback interval
scrollAnimationDuration 500 number Time a scroll animation takes to finish
loop true boolean Carousel loop playback
testID string Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests
onSnapToItem (index: number) => void Callback fired when navigating to an item
onScrollBegin () => void Callback fired when scroll begin
onScrollEnd (index: number) => void Callback fired when scroll end
withAnimation {type: 'spring';config: WithSpringConfig;} | {type: 'timing';config: WithTimingConfig;} Specifies the scrolling animation effect
panGestureHandlerProps {} Omit<Partial<PanGestureHandlerProps>,'onHandlerStateChange'> PanGestureHandler props
windowSize 0 number The maximum number of items that can respond to pan gesture events, 0 means all items will respond to pan gesture events
onProgressChange onProgressChange?: (offsetProgress: number,absoluteProgress: number) => void On progress change. offsetProgress:Total of offset distance (0 390 780 ...); absoluteProgress:Convert to index (0 1 2 ...)
modeConfig { snapDirection: 'left',moveSize: window.width,stackInterval: 30,scaleInterval: 0.08,rotateZDeg: 135} {moveSize?: number;stackInterval?: number;scaleInterval?: number;rotateZDeg?: number;snapDirection?: 'left' | 'right';} Stack layout animation style
showLength data.length - 1 number The maximum number of items will show in stack
pagingEnabled true boolean When true, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view's size when scrolling
snapEnabled true boolean If enabled, releasing the touch will scroll to the nearest item, valid when pagingEnabled=false
enabled true boolean when false, Carousel will not respond to any gestures
customConfig () => {type?: 'negative' | 'positive';viewCount?: number;} Custom carousel config
customAnimation (value: number) => Animated.AnimatedStyleProp Custom animations. For details, see belowcustom animation

modeConfig Props


name required default types description
parallaxScrollingOffset 100 number control prev/next item offset
parallaxScrollingScale 0.8 number control prev/current/next item scale
parallaxAdjacentItemScale parallaxAdjacentItemScale || Math.pow(parallaxScrollingScale, 2) number control prev/next item scale


name required default types description
showLength data.length-1 number Display number
moveSize screen.width number Item translate size
stackInterval 18 number The spacing of each item
scaleInterval 0.04 number The scale of each item
opacityInterval 0.1 number The opacity of each item
rotateZDeg 30 number The item rotation Angle
snapDirection 'left' 'left'|'right' Slide direction


name types description
prev ({ count: number, animated: boolean, onFinished?: () => void }) => void Scroll to previous item, it takes one optional argument (count), which allows you to specify how many items to cross
next ({ count: number, animated: boolean, onFinished?: () => void }) => void Scroll to next item, it takes one optional argument (count), which allows you to specify how many items to cross
scrollTo ({ index: number, count: number, animated: boolean, onFinished?: () => void }) => void Use count to scroll to a position where relative to the current position, scrollTo({count:-2}) is equivalent to prev(2), scrollTo({count:2}) is equivalent to next(2). And also can jump to specific position, e.g. scrollTo({index:2,animated:false})
getCurrentIndex ()=>number Get current item index