- Adding endpoint to check if exists project and user, if project exists and no user create user and set your permission in project and organization
- Adding an endpoint to return an access token based on the username and password
- Organization's and project's name maximum length validation when creating them
- Adding validation before deleting organization permissions if the user is the last admin of the organization.
- Fixing generate password algorithm for commerce user
- Adding endpoint to create commerce organization/project and user
- Adding Project Type (General or Commerce) to Project Model
- Adding validation that only allows removing permissions if the request user is present in the organization
- Removing obsolete tasks
- Reject recent activity case the entity or action is not valid.
- Add action
entity on recent activity mapper.
- Add to the
models to enable content translation.
- Add to
rule E-Commerce organizations
- Add
to Organization Serializer
- Send the
boolean via EDA on Project creation - Create the path for the HealthCheck
- Update the path for the API documentation
- Deactivate unused tasks on Celery
- Implemented adjustment to remove only user-present projects when revoking organization permission.
- Fix error when try set Identity Provider for users
- Add user Identity Provider on authentication
- Add celery task to remove Recent Activities after 180 days
- Add filter to exceptions on Sentry
- Add mapper to identity_provider on keycloak
- Add new fields to organization
- Add new update password rule
- Fix error in permissions when create new user
- Add new environment variable to set the max upload number fields
- Add celery task to remove keycloak logs
- Send email invitation when creating project authorization
- Fix inconsistent value for CHAT_USER permission when it's added in the project
- RecentActivity via EDA
- fix role null
- Send permissions via EDA
- Set brain_on to always send false temporarily
- RabbitMQ now sends brain_on status on project creation
- RabbitMQ Consumer
- RecentActivities usecases
- Consuming RecentActivities messages using AMQP
- fix IsCRMUser get_object_or_404
- Add IsCRMUser permission
- Event driven publisher for orgs and org authorizations
- Fix wrong chats role mapping
- Flake8 imports and pep8
- Remove unused unittest causing issues regarding updates
- Fix CI issues regarding unittests
- Fix celery not finding correct task no unittest
- adding call to chats_update_permission on update_project_permission task
- Remove not used fields on project serializer to impro overall performace
- Remove authorizations list on org list api to improve overall performace.
- Async flow start not capable of handleling user instances
- Sync queue for longer tasks on celery
- Order function for Organization and Project API, ordering by any pre-existing valid field on the model.
- Alert app and usecase functions
- Alert CRUD
- update project using usecase to send all messages
- send organization uuid when send eda project creation message
- ensure that the image is more secure and effective, using a non-administrative user, using high ports (now using 8000), using multi-stage build, only one process per container, writing to /tmp and state check endpoints
- Remove ChatsPermission and IA permission when creating a organization and project.
- synchronous call to delete_user_permission_project
- remove send_message from tasks
- project description
- project description sended on project create and update
- Remove project authorization list from api return
- AI unused env vars
- change counting method for new attendances
- Configure OIDC middleware to send user token to cache
- improve query in get_paginated_contacts
- improve elasticsearch query
- Create RecentActivity v2 create and list endpoint
- New Pagination class for recent activity
- get_attendances call
- Overwritte the saving method on admin billing plan to remove newsletter after changes.
- method to count attendances
- get_contact_active_detailed filter contacts by project
- Remove keycloak signal data update to make it on user serializer
- Fix task delete user permission
- NameError: name 'ChatsRole' is not defined
- Request update chats and flows after project update
- Request to delete user permission project in chats
- Add new company phone field
- Add new property for other fields position
- Return all organization and company data to invite user in your first login
- Endpoint to v2/organizations to return contacts
- attribute plan_method to model BillingPlan
- Add company_segment to update_fields
- authorizations project on create project message
- NoneType object has no attribute flow_uuid
- EDA: remove rest from project creation
- value from template_type to get code
- method to mapping the template code from template name
- New TemplateSuggestion api and model
- Endpoint for obtaining company information from another user in the same organization
- Fields changes on project serializer
- New authorization endpoint on v2
- New unittests for billing tasks
- Flake8 issues
- Remove TemplateAI api, models and unittests.
- register ready from template type
- internal endpoint to update project
- recent activity external user don't create a RecentActivity object
- Cursor pagination to v2 organizations and v2 projects
- Update UserIsPaying viewset query params and authorizations
- Remove unused tasks and models
- New Event Driven Architectury to internal communication
- Publisher code on rabbitmq
- Connection class for connect the rabbitmq service
- send messages to rabbitmq for create project and template type actions
- template type now has the fields: uuid, base_project_uuid, description_photo
- Whatsapp Demo integration (now the integrations module make that)
- Adding new fields to template type model
- unit tests to see the new fields
- Improve views testing coverage
- Adding a timeout to requests using ElasticFlow
- utm now is updated on add_additional_information endpoint
- send the new utm field on marketing flow
- Serializer file name sintax
- model to management of the send emails from organization and project by user
- recovery data if that user receive emails on user serializer
- Add new unit tests to improve serializer coverage
- Remove celery project name task. Weni engine will now make it without flows dependency
- Support for Project in AI module
- Fix some send email functions to multiple languages
- Billing plan trial statement
- Add new unit tests to improve models coverage
- Add correct permissions for v2 project api
- Architecture change where the weni-engine will change the project fields and send them to the flows.
- project UUID instead of flow_organization in flows related endpoints
- Change flows_rest_client statistic method calls to use project.uuid
- Add try/except on statistic method on flows_rest_client.
- fix get_count_intelligences_project, wrong attribute for classifier
- Null invoice amount
- Misplaced ZeroDivisionError
- New template SAC + Chatgpt
- Task sync_project_information back to get and update project data from streams
- Task sync_project_statistics adding error handling
- New template type: Omie Lead Capture
- Email translation
- Coverage from 73% to 75%
- Merge Migrations
- New project template
- Verify user after 2nd login
- template email translations
- Delete organization newsletter after changing plan
- Endpoint to get user info about organizations
- fix api_v2_urls import
- Connect-Flows Communication; Passing
instead ofproject.flow_organization
- Increase timeout for get_project_statistic request
- Coverage Files
- Template_project APP
- Omie Template
- NewsletterOrganization api
- WeniAI external proxy server
- New send email method
- New template messages
- Readme.md keycloack information
- Enviroments variables needed for running keycloak
- Updating routers for v2 api urls
- Change
SyncManagerTask filter
to only get objects withstatus=True
- remove
- Replaces Message
method withtry/except
- Module permission class
- On receive a request check if is a module
- Internal communication class using rest
- class with the generic request from connect to any weni module
- New integrations rest endpoints
- create endpoints on organization and project view to communicate with integrations
- create endpoints and tasks to get integrations information with rest
- fix
method to get all documents instead of paginated results
- exclude support users from authorization list
- Suport Role to organization and project authorizations
- Signal to add support on new organizations
- Task to block organization if payment fails
- Method to delete keycloak user data
- the send emails call needed with the design review and user experience
- An organization admin can't be removed of an organization project