RapidPro has been made possible by the contribution of many talented engineers. The following users have contributed code to the RapidPro codebase. (sorted chronologically)
- Nyaruka - @nyaruka
- Eric Newcomer - @ericnewcomer
- Nicolas Pottier - @nicpottier
- Norbert Kwizera - @norkans7
- Eugene Rwagasore - @erwagasore
- Rowan Seymour - @rowanseymour
- Paul Carduner - @pcardune
- David Haberthur - @habi
- Adam Thompson - @adothompson
- Pulilab - @pulilab
- Javier Aguirre @javaguirre
- Tobias McNulty @tobiasmcnulty
- Praekelt Foundation - @praekeltfoundation
- Chris Johnson - @cjcodes
- Dražen Odobašić @dodobas