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File metadata and controls

152 lines (94 loc) · 4.73 KB

welborn prod.

Django site for

It features a blog app I made to suit my needs, projects, web applications, and miscellaneous scripts that I've written for one reason or another. It's a mixture of Python/Django, HTML/Templates, JavaScript, and SASS/CSS. It uses a Postgres backend to handle all the storage.

Django Apps:

All apps were created from scratch, because in the beginning I didn't see many django apps to suit my specific needs.


The apps are web-based applications, and are meant to stand alone. They still depend on the home/main.html template, but work with their own set of tools and models.


The paste app is a paste-bin that uses Ace Editor to provide syntax-highlighted viewing/editing. Pastes expire after a day, unless they are 'on-hold'. They can have parents/replies, which are displayed in the listing and on the paste's view. Pastes can be private (unlisted) or public.


The phonewords app will find common english words that can be formed with a U.S. phone number, or the reverse (words to phone numbers).


The blogger app is a basic blog app, with pagination and a brief index page. This has nothing to do with the more popular django app named 'blogger'.


The downloads app tracks the download count for any file, as long as it is linked to /dl/file. Right now it is coupled with several other apps, to update the download_count on the Project/Misc/etc. objects themselves, instead of just the file name.


The home app provides a landing page for the site, with featured projects, blog posts, and web apps.


The img app provides an image uploader/viewer. Only admins can upload an image.


The misc app provides a list of 'Misc. Objects', which are miscellaneous scripts/modules that are too small to warrant a full 'Project' page.


The projects app provides a list of 'Projects', which are various programs that I've written over the years.


The searcher app allows various models to be searched. It gathers the objects and buids a WpResult based on their attributes defined in app/ It depends on INSTALLED_APPS, and looks for a within the apps. As long as the must-have functions are implemented in the app's models can be searched.


The stats app provides view/download counts for the various models found in the other apps. It currently provides the counts for apps, pastes, blog posts, file trackers, images, misc objects, and projects.


The viewer app will display a syntax-highlighted file, and will show extra information if the file is related to a Project/Misc. It also updates the view_count on the Project/Misc/etc. objects for files that are related to these objects.


The wp_main app holds many utilities that are used throughout the other apps. Common http responses, response filters, html methods, server-side highlighting methods, tweet tools, and various other utility methods are found here. The main SASS imports are also in wp_main.


Python 3+

...this isn't 100% Python 2 compatible anymore.

Django 1.10.4+ - (django)

...awesome web framework that made this possible

Django Debug Toolbar - (django-debug-toolbar)

...for very useful django debugging info in the browser.

Django Extensions - (django-extensions)

...several extra tools to use with Django's manage tool.

Django Solo - (django-solo)

...provides singleton models, for home config.

Django User Agents - (django-user-agents)

...using it for browser/mobile detection right now.

...I'm using media queries but there are a few things that the user agent is still good for.

Pygments - (pygments)

...used for source code highlighting.

Twython - (twython)

...uses the Twitter API to retrieve latest tweets.

There is a working requirements.txt that lists all the python dependencies more precisely.


The site is live, if you'd like to see what I have so far you can do so here:

It's running on an Apache server, hosted by WebFaction.