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File metadata and controls

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This relation interface describes the expected behaviour of any charm interfacing with OpenSearch or ElasticSearch charms, such as the Charmed OpenSearch Operator using the opensearch-client relation. This interface is likely to satisfy the requirements of any ElasticSearch API-compatible application, but feel free to open a PR to modify this document if it doesn't meet your requirements.

In most cases, this will be accomplished using the data_interfaces library, although charm developers are free to provide alternative libraries as long as they fulfil the behavioural and schematic requirements described in this document.


flowchart TD
    Requirer -- index, \nextra-user-roles --> Provider
    Provider -- index, \nusername, \npassword, \nendpoints --> Requirer

As with all Juju relations, the opensearch-client interface consists of two parties: a Provider (opensearch charm), and a Requirer (application charm). The Requirer will be expected to provide an index name, and the Provider will provide new unique credentials (along with other optional fields), which can be used to access the index itself.


Both the Requirer and the Provider need to adhere to criteria to be considered compatible with the interface.


  • Is expected to create an application user inside the opensearch cluster when the requirer provides the index field.
    • This user is removed when the relation is removed.
    • Is expected to apply the permissions in the extra-user-roles provided by the Requirer to this user (e.g. extra-user-roles=admin).
    • If multiple relations require the same index name, they should all be able to access it.
  • Is not expected to create an index on relation creation.
    • Responsibility for managing an index rests with the requirer application, including creating and removing indices.
  • Is expected to provide the index field with the index that has been made available to the Requirer.
  • Is expected to provide unique username and password fields as Juju Secrets when Requirer provides the index field.
  • Is expected to provide the endpoints field containing all cluster endpoint addresses in a comma-separated list.
  • Is expected to provide the version field describing the installed version number of opensearch.
  • If the charm has TLS enabled (such as using the TLS Certificates Operator), it is expected to provide the CA chain in the tls-ca field as a Juju Secret.


  • Is expected to provide an index name in the index field.
  • Is expected to manage its own index.
    • Indices are not created on the provider application when the relation is created. The index field exists to grant the correct permissions for the relation user, which the requirer charm uses to control its index.
    • This index is NOT removed from the provider charm when the relation is removed.
  • Is expected to have different relations with the same interface name if Requirer needs access to multiple opensearch indices.
  • Is expected to provide user permissions in the extra-user-roles field. These permissions will be applied to the user created for the relation.
    • This value can be empty, in which case a default will be applied, or it can be set to admin:
      • default: this has read-write permissions over the index that has been generated for this relation.
      • admin: this has control over the cluster, including creating new indices and setting cluster node roles.
    • Specifics of how these permissions are implemented have been left to the provider charm developers, since they vary slightly between opensearch API-compliant applications.
  • Is expected to tolerate that the Provider may ignore the index field in some cases and instead use the index name received.

Relation Data


[JSON Schema]

Provider provides credentials, endpoint addresses, TLS info and index-specific fields in the application databag.


  - endpoint: opensearch-client
    related-endpoint: opensearch-app-consumer
      password: Dy0k2UTfyNt2B13cfe412K7YGs07S4U7
      username: opensearch-client_4_user


[JSON Schema]

Requirer provides the index name in its unit databag.


  - endpoint: opensearch-app-consumer
    related-endpoint: opensearch-client
    application-data: {}
        in-scope: true
          index: myindex