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215 lines (215 loc) · 10.1 KB


  • clj -T:build cube-map :in-level 3 :out-level 6
  • clj -T:build cube-map :in-level 4 :out-level 7
  • make height field triangles (with correctly oriented split) for given space ship position for creating convex hull, get 3 points of correct triangle, create plane, and project onto it
  • increase resolution of cube map, height field, 30 arc seconds -> 43200 pixels circumference (/ 43200 4 (bit-shift-left 1 4)) -> 675 tilesize is 33, color-tilesize is 129, start with correct in-level (-4 -> -4 + sublevel = 2), maybe reduce sublevel? color map is 21600*4 = 86400 circumference
  • make Java bindings for Jolt and build with build.clj?
  • quads with runway have to be flat (no saddle, same height for corner points)? increase all tessellation counts?
  • visualise prototype vehicle and wheels
  • level of detail in opacity cascade, cloud brightness flickering at large distance? mipmaps for all cloud textures and octaves change cloud computation when viewing from space far away (use different lod of shadow?)
  • introduce variation to cloud height
  • lunar elevation map
  • .jpg -> .day.jpg
  • 2 more levels, higher res map
  • atmospheric flight with stationary atmosphere
  • far away clouds shadows in top layer are too much
  • animate flaps
  • gear locations, hover thruster locations
  • make model with rigged gear or simulate with Project Chrono
  • bake gear animation and name actions the same
  • gear/terrain physics with stationary Earth (ground collisions)
  • gear/terrain physics with rotating and moving Earth (ground collisions)
  • space station model
  • docking physics
  • moon landing physics
  • deferred decals for rendering runway
  • launch complex
  • compute earth barycenter and sun in separate thread (use future)
  • microtexture for normal map, microtextures, bump maps
  • shadows and opacity maps are set up in three places (search :sfsim.opacity/shadows)
  • pack more textures into one and then try one object casting shadow on another (pack object shadow maps into one?)
  • separate atmosphere from environmental shadow code, setup-shadow-matrices support for no environmental shadow, overall-shading with object shadows only, aggregate shadow-vars with scene-shadows?
  • integrate object shadows into direct light shader and maybe make template function for shadows which can be composed, use multiplication of local shadow map and planet+cloud shadows?
  • Scattering approximation function
  • add object radius to object?
  • dted elevation data: gmted maybe:
  • read lwjgl book:
  • adapt shadow map size to object distance
  • add amplifier for ambient phong lighting which seems to be too dark, add earth light
  • concept for bundling shaders with uniform setting methods?
  • shadow and opacity map with different resolution for spaceship
  • use add-watch?
  • render cockpit and stencil/mask, then render planet,
  • cockpit and scene rendering looking downward so that horizon is in upper half of screen
  • 3D cockpit
  • cockpit
    • top: warnings (status display) autopilot on/off, autothrottle (autopilot speed), angle of attack and bank hold (including reverse), roll reversal button autopilot kill rotation, prograde, retrograde, orbit normal +/-, radial in/out rcs mode (off, rotation, translation) aircraft flight control surfaces: off/pitch/on
    • main: cabin light, panel light 2 mfds apu on/off airlock doors (three state), chamber pressure, bay door (open, close, stop) light switch: nav, beacon, strobe engine, thrust (main/hover), rcs undock fuel display (main, rcs, apu), oxygen display hover doors switch + status gear up/down switch + status spoilers radiator deploy + status coolant temperature no flaps
    • mfd: yaw, bank, pitch acceleration and velocity indicators horizon hsi, height, heading, variometer, speed, ils height, nominal speed vor (use heading) nav frequencies, dock, vtol freq dock (angles, offset to path, distance, approach speed, x/y speed) camera map of earth/moon hull temperature align orbit plane orbit transfer: encounter, translunar orbit, insertion ascent profile reentry profile
    • engine thrust lever (main, hover) hover door
    • bottom flightstick (yaw/pitch/roll), trim wheel fuel lines open/close (lox, main), external pressure online life support
  • how to render with shadow and cloud textures
  • make cockpit with Blender
  • test for render-triangles
  • create windows using blending\_is\_currently\_the\_best\_method\_to\_render\_roads/
  • use 1-channel png for water?
  • constant texel size across opacity cascade to prevent step in opacity?
  • make cloud prototype more modular, separate cloud_shadow and transmittance_outer,
  • amplify glare? appearance of sun? s2016-pbs-frostbite-sky-clouds-new.pdf page 28
  • powder sugar effect\_Rendering/ combined Beers and powder function\_tK\_mdRcA
  • add exceptions for all OpenGL stuff
  • hot spots for map
  • use Earth explorer data:
  • use GMTED2010 or STRM90 elevation data:
  • how to render water, waves
  • render stars
    • Skydome: counter-clockwise front face (GL11/glFrontFace GL11/GL_CCW) (configuration object)
    • Skydome scaled to ZFAR * 0.5
    • no skydome and just stars as pixels?
  • glTextureStorage2D levels correct for mipmaps?
  • when building maps put intermediate files into a common subdirectory (tmp?)
  • uniform random offsets for Worley noises to generate different cloud cover for each game
  • ground_radiance assumes sun brightness of one -> use one everywhere?
  • use different normal for ground_radiance? needs to be parallel to radius vector?
  • only render sun glare when sun is above horizon, use single (normalised?) color from transmittance
  • extract functions from prototype
  • render building on top of ground
  • put parameters like max-height, power, specular, radius in a configuration (edn?) file
  • find water land mask data:
  • night-time textures
  • improve rendering of sun
  • render moonlight and moon
  • organize fixtures using subdirectories
  • is all planet rendering represented as a quad-tree?
  • normal maps
  • text rendering using bitmap fonts
  • use data-centric APIs
  • use glTexSubImage2D?
  • use ZGC (short pause garbage collector for Java)
  • improve performance of quaternions (see fastmath implementation)
  • Get scale-image to work on large images
  • use short integers for normal vector textures?
  • NASA docking system, soft-dock, hard-dock,
  • EF2000 like cockpit controls (quick access views) ctrl+a,b,c,...? ctrl+arrow?
  • EF2000 like gear suspension
  • planet, moon position (check Orbiter 2016 code)
  • blinking beacon/position lights
  • determine contact points
  • Euler integration
  • multiple contacts
  • collision of blocks
  • contact constraints of blocks
  • joint constraints
  • Runge-Kutta integration
  • convex hull extraction or definition
  • collision of gear
  • estimate friction impulse
  • display body with gears
  • quaternion, state vectors
  • compute forces of zero-mass spring damper gears
  • cockpit: frontal and side view of moon lander
  • XBox controller
  • 3D moon rendering
  • airport-like departure tables
  • bump maps
  • render articulated objects with configuration
  • suspension using spring damper elements
  • mass matrix
  • JIT compilation to speed it up
  • compiled sfsim.scm not being found
  • music player, mp3 player
  • video communication with screen in 3D cockpit
  • autopilot programs: baseland, helicopter, hover/autoland, launch/deorbit, aerocapture/aerobrake, airspeed hold, attitude hold, altitude hold, heading alignment cylinder, VOR/ILS, eject, capture, base sync, station sync, dock
  • no need to adjust MFDs during critical parts of the mission
  • HDR bloom (separable convolution) HDR rendering Tone mapping L/(1+L) Add blurred overflow
  • multisampling
  • windows (blending, reflections), greyscale cameras, MFDs
  • frame buffer objects for non-blocking data transfer
  • point sprites for stars, atmospheric flicker using sprite arrays
  • point light sources
  • view matrix, model matrix stack, light position
  • multiple rigid or flexible objects
  • thrusters
  • proper lift/drag ratio for high Reynolds numbers
  • threads for rendering, simulation, and loading of data
  • event-based radio (triggers as in Operation Flashpoint)
  • missions and high scores
  • beep-beep sound, paraglider audio?
  • uniform distribution on sphere
  • fluid dynamics on GPU:
  • introduction to fluid dynamics:
  • fluid dynamics tutorial:
  • bake normal maps: