Patches and issues welcome! See
+ for instructions. The Developer's Guide
+ for this repo has more information about code style, structure and validation.
diff --git a/src/peer2peer-iframe/index.html b/src/peer2peer-iframe/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b5ab7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer-iframe/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ WebRTC IFRAME peer2peer test page
diff --git a/src/peer2peer-video/index.html b/src/peer2peer-video/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..35fcff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer-video/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Video to peerConnection
Stream from video to peerConnection
diff --git a/src/peer2peer-video/js/main.js b/src/peer2peer-video/js/main.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..316ea6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer-video/js/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree.
+ */
+/*jshint esversion: 6 */
+'use strict';
+var localVideo = document.getElementById('localVideo');
+var remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo');
+var startButton = document.getElementById('startButton');
+startButton.onclick = start;
+var pc1;
+var pc2;
+var stream;
+function logError(err) {
+ console.error(err);
+function maybeCreateStream() {
+ if (stream) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (localVideo.captureStream) {
+ stream = localVideo.captureStream();
+ } else if (localVideo.mozCaptureStream) {
+ stream = localVideo.mozCaptureStream();
+ } else {
+ console.error('captureStream() not supported');
+ }
+function start() {
+ startButton.onclick = hangup;
+ startButton.className = 'red';
+ startButton.innerHTML = 'Stop test';
+ if (localVideo.readyState >= 3) { // HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
+ // Video is already ready to play, call maybeCreateStream in case oncanplay
+ // fired before we registered the event handler.
+ maybeCreateStream();
+ }
+ call();
+function call() {
+ var servers = null;
+ pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(servers);
+ pc1.onicecandidate = (event) => {
+ if (event.candidate) {
+ pc2.addIceCandidate(event.candidate);
+ }
+ };
+ pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection(servers);
+ pc2.onicecandidate = (event) => {
+ if (event.candidate) {
+ pc1.addIceCandidate(event.candidate);
+ }
+ };
+ pc2.onaddstream = (event) => {
+ remoteVideo.srcObject =;
+ };
+ pc1.addStream(stream);
+ pc1.createOffer({
+ offerToReceiveAudio: 1,
+ offerToReceiveVideo: 1
+ }).then(onCreateOfferSuccess, logError);
+function onCreateOfferSuccess(desc) {
+ pc1.setLocalDescription(desc);
+ pc2.setRemoteDescription(desc);
+ pc2.createAnswer().then(onCreateAnswerSuccess, logError);
+function onCreateAnswerSuccess(desc) {
+ pc2.setLocalDescription(desc);
+ pc1.setRemoteDescription(desc);
+function hangup() {
+ pc1.close();
+ pc2.close();
+ pc1 = null;
+ pc2 = null;
+ startButton.onclick = start;
+ startButton.className = 'green';
+ startButton.innerHTML = 'Start test';
+ localVideo.pause();
diff --git a/src/peer2peer-video/output.mp4 b/src/peer2peer-video/output.mp4
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e57ff88
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/peer2peer-video/output.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/peer2peer/extension/ b/src/peer2peer/extension/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce401c
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/peer2peer/extension/ differ
diff --git a/src/peer2peer/extension/src/background.js b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/background.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d00154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/background.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+// tree.
+'use strict';
+var dataSources = ['screen', 'window'];
+if (getChromeVersion() >= 50) {
+ dataSources.push('tab');
+ dataSources.push('audio');
+var desktopMediaRequestId = '';
+chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function(port) {
+ port.onMessage.addListener(function(msg) {
+ if (msg.type === 'SS_UI_REQUEST') {
+ requestScreenSharing(port, msg);
+ }
+ if (msg.type === 'SS_UI_CANCEL') {
+ cancelScreenSharing(msg);
+ }
+ });
+function requestScreenSharing(port, msg) {
+ //
+ // params:
+ // - 'dataSources' Set of sources that should be shown to the user.
+ // - 'targetTab' Tab for which the stream is created.
+ // - 'streamId' String that can be passed to getUserMedia() API
+ desktopMediaRequestId =
+ chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(dataSources,,
+ function(streamId, options) {
+ if (streamId) {
+ msg.type = 'SS_DIALOG_SUCCESS';
+ msg.streamId = streamId;
+ msg.requestAudio = options && options.canRequestAudioTrack;
+ } else {
+ msg.type = 'SS_DIALOG_CANCEL';
+ }
+ port.postMessage(msg);
+ });
+function cancelScreenSharing() {
+ if (desktopMediaRequestId) {
+ chrome.desktopCapture.cancelChooseDesktopMedia(desktopMediaRequestId);
+ }
+function getChromeVersion() {
+ var raw = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);
+ return raw ? parseInt(raw[2], 10) : -1;
diff --git a/src/peer2peer/extension/src/content-script.js b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/content-script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc776c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/content-script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+// tree.
+'use strict';
+// - 'content_script' and execution env are isolated from each other
+// - In order to communicate we use the DOM (window.postMessage)
+// app.js | |content-script.js | |background.js
+// window.postMessage|------->|port.postMessage |----->| port.onMessage
+// | window | | port |
+// webkitGetUserMedia|<------ |window.postMessage|<-----| port.postMessage
+var port = chrome.runtime.connect(;
+port.onMessage.addListener(function(msg) {
+ window.postMessage(msg, '*');
+window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ // We only accept messages from ourselves
+ if (event.source !== window) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( && (( === 'SS_UI_REQUEST') ||
+ ( === 'SS_UI_CANCEL'))) {
+ port.postMessage(;
+ }
+}, false);
+window.postMessage({type: 'SS_PING', text: 'start'}, '*');
diff --git a/src/peer2peer/extension/src/icon.png b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755653f
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/icon.png differ
diff --git a/src/peer2peer/extension/src/manifest.json b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/manifest.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b40ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer/extension/src/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "name": "Screensharing Extension",
+ "description": "Screensharing Extension for my app",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "manifest_version": 2,
+ "icons": {
+ "128": "icon.png"
+ },
+ "background": {
+ "scripts": ["background.js"]
+ },
+ "content_scripts": [
+ {
+ "matches": ["*"],
+ "js": ["content-script.js"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "permissions": [
+ "desktopCapture",
+ "*"
+ ]
diff --git a/src/peer2peer/help.html b/src/peer2peer/help.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddddf54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer/help.html
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ WebRTC PeerConnection Manual Test Help Page
WebRTC PeerConnection Manual Test Help Page
+ The test page is intended for testing WebRTC calls.
+ This is how you set up a normal call:
Open this page in two tabs.
Start the peerconnection server. Click on the question mark next
+ to the 'server' field for instruction on how to do that. The easiest
+ thing is to start it on localhost, but you can start it on any
+ machine you like and connect to hostname:8888.
Click the Connect button in both tabs.
Click the Call:Negotiate button in one of the tabs. You should see a bunch
+ of printouts when this happens. Note that no streams are sent to
+ begin with (although you could run steps 5-6 before this step to get streams
+ even in the initial call).
Grant media access using the checkboxes and Request button.
Add the local stream by clicking the "Add" button, in both tabs.
Now you must re-negotiate the call by clicking on Negotiate again.
You should now have a call up and both sides should be receiving
+ media data (depending on what access you granted on the respective
+ pages).
You can now choose to stop, re-request, re-send or disable streams
+ in any way you like, or hang up and re-start the call. You don't
+ need to disconnect: that's done automatically when you close the
+ page. Hanging up is NOT done automatically though.
+ To create a data channel:
Make sure Chrome is started with the --enable-data-channels flag.
Follow the instructions above to connect two tabs to a
+ peerconnection_server.
Click the Data channel: Create button in one tab. Notice the status
+ changes to "connecting".
Click the Call:Negotiate button. You should see the status change to
+ "open" in both tabs.
Enter text in the textbox next to the Send data button and then click Send
+ data. Notice the text is received in the remote tab in the Received on data
+ channel text box. Data can be sent in both direct.
To close the channel press the Close button followed by Negotiate. Notice
+ the status change to "closed"
Detailed descriptions:
Connect - once a connection is established, you generally won't
+ need to click this button again. Connecting really isn't something
+ related to WebRTC as such, it's just the signalling solution.
Note that if more than two users/machines have established a
+ connection to the same PC server, you will get an error when
+ pressing this button. The test is hard-coded to only allow 2 peers
+ on the server at the same time.
Pressing the Add button for local streams will in effect add
+ the current local stream, such as it is, to the current
+ peerconnection.
If you request user media again, it will overwrite the current
+ local stream with the new one. This means that pressing Add will
+ add the stream you just got from the request. The code will not
+ attempt to stop or remove the previous stream from the
+ peerconnection, so depending on peerconnection's semantics the old
+ stream will remain with the peerconnection (perhaps the streams will
+ be sent simultaneously?)
Hang Up will clear away peer connections on both sides, and a new
+ call can be started if desired. The peers remain connected to the
+ peerconnection server.
The Toggle buttons will set the .enabled properties on the first
+ video and audio track for the local or remote stream, respectively.
+ This is effectively a temporary "mute" for the streams.
Stop terminates a stream, which means it will no longer send any
+ more data.
Remove will remove the current local stream from the current
+ peerconnection. For instance, you should be able to send a stream,
+ remove it, re-request a new stream and send that within the same
+ call. Note that re-requesting user media overwrites the current
+ media stream, so the reverse is not possible.
The PeerConnection constraints field can pass in constraints for the
+ peerconnection to be established. The code will attempt to eval the code
+ you write in and pass it whenever the code asks for constraints.
+ [experimental]
The Force Opus checkbox will remove all codecs except OPUS for all
+ outgoing messages sent by this page. Note that this ONLY means that
+ we are guaranteed to send Opus to the other side; it does NOT mean
+ that the other side will necessarily send Opus to us. To do that,
+ you need to check the box on the other side too. You can either
+ check the box before the call, or check the box and then re-send the
+ local stream.
diff --git a/src/peer2peer/js/main.js b/src/peer2peer/js/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..459c65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/peer2peer/js/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1381 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+// tree.
+// See for more
+// information on getUserMedia. See
+// for more information on
+// peerconnection and webrtc in general.
+'use strict';
+// TODO(jansson) rewrite to classes.
+// Global namespace object.
+var global = {};
+global.transformOutgoingSdp = function(sdp) { return sdp; };
+// Default getUserMedia video resolution.
+global.videoWidth = 1280;
+global.videoHeight = 720;
+// We need a STUN server for some API calls.
+var STUN_SERVER = '';
+// Used as a shortcut for finding DOM elements by ID.
+// @param {string} id is a case-sensitive string representing the unique ID of
+// the element being sought.
+// @return {object} id returns the element object specified as a parameter.
+var $ = function(id) {
+ return document.getElementById(id);
+// Prepopulate constraints from JS to the UI. Enumerate devices available
+// via getUserMedia, register elements to be used for local storage.
+window.onload = function() {
+ hookupDataChannelCallbacks_();
+ hookupDtmfSenderCallback_();
+ updateGetUserMediaConstraints();
+ setupLocalStorageFieldValues();
+ acceptIncomingCalls();
+ setPeerConnectionConstraints();
+ if ($('get-devices-onload').checked === true) {
+ getDevices();
+ }
+ // Checks if the mobile UI should be used.
+ registerResButtonsEvents();
+ screenCaptureExtensionHandler_();
+// Disconnect before the tab is closed.
+window.onbeforeunload = function() {
+ disconnect_();
+// Handles the resolution button events.
+function registerResButtonsEvents() {
+ var lastResButtonPressed;
+ var elementIdAndResolutions = [
+ ['video-qvga', 320, 180],
+ ['video-vga', 640, 360],
+ ['video-hd', 1280, 720]
+ ];
+ function setResolution(elementAndRes) {
+ $(elementAndRes[0]).addEventListener('click', function() {
+ global.videoWidth = elementAndRes[1];
+ global.videoHeight = elementAndRes[2];
+ $(elementAndRes[0]).className = 'pressed';
+ if (typeof lastResButtonPressed !== 'undefined') {
+ lastResButtonPressed.className = '';
+ }
+ lastResButtonPressed = $(elementAndRes[0]);
+ updateGetUserMediaConstraints();
+ }, false);
+ }
+ for (var i in elementIdAndResolutions) {
+ setResolution(elementIdAndResolutions[i]);
+ }
+// TODO (jansson) Setup events using addEventListener, applies in general.
+// A list of element id's to be registered for local storage.
+function setupLocalStorageFieldValues() {
+ registerLocalStorage_('pc-server');
+ registerLocalStorage_('get-devices-onload');
+// Public HTML functions
+// The *Here functions are called from peer2peer.html and will make calls
+// into our underlying JavaScript library with the values from the page
+// (have to be named differently to avoid name clashes with existing functions).
+/* exported getUserMediaFromHere */
+function getUserMediaFromHere() {
+ var constraints = $('getusermedia-constraints').value;
+ try {
+ doGetUserMedia_(constraints);
+ } catch (exception) {
+ print_('getUserMedia says: ' + exception);
+ }
+/* exported editConstraints */
+function editConstraints(elementId) {
+ $(elementId).style.display = 'inline';
+ $(elementId).style.height = '400px';
+ $(elementId).style.zIndex = '9';
+ $(elementId).focus();
+ $(elementId).onblur = function() {
+ $(elementId).style.display = 'none';
+ };
+/* exported connectFromHere */
+function connectFromHere() {
+ var server = $('pc-server').value;
+ if ($('peer-id').value === '') {
+ // Generate a random name to distinguish us from other tabs:
+ $('peer-id').value = 'peer_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
+ print_('Our name from now on will be ' + $('peer-id').value);
+ }
+ connect(server, $('peer-id').value);
+/* exported negotiateCallFromHere */
+function negotiateCallFromHere() {
+ // Set the global variables with values from our UI.
+ setCreateOfferConstraints(getEvaluatedJavaScript_(
+ $('createoffer-constraints').value));
+ setCreateAnswerConstraints(getEvaluatedJavaScript_(
+ $('createanswer-constraints').value));
+ ensureHasPeerConnection_();
+ negotiateCall_();
+/* exported addLocalStreamFromHere */
+function addLocalStreamFromHere() {
+ ensureHasPeerConnection_();
+ addLocalStream();
+/* exported removeLocalStreamFromHere */
+function removeLocalStreamFromHere() {
+ removeLocalStream();
+/* exported hangUpFromHere */
+function hangUpFromHere() {
+ hangUp();
+ acceptIncomingCalls();
+/* exported toggleRemoteVideoFromHere */
+function toggleRemoteVideoFromHere() {
+ toggleRemoteStream(function(remoteStream) {
+ return remoteStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
+ }, 'video');
+/* exported toggleRemoteAudioFromHere */
+function toggleRemoteAudioFromHere() {
+ toggleRemoteStream(function(remoteStream) {
+ return remoteStream.getAudioTracks()[0];
+ }, 'audio');
+/* exported toggleLocalVideoFromHere */
+function toggleLocalVideoFromHere() {
+ toggleLocalStream(function(localStream) {
+ return localStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
+ }, 'video');
+/* exported toggleLocalAudioFromHere */
+function toggleLocalAudioFromHere() {
+ toggleLocalStream(function(localStream) {
+ return localStream.getAudioTracks()[0];
+ }, 'audio');
+/* exported stopLocalFromHere */
+function stopLocalFromHere() {
+ stopLocalStream();
+/* exported createDataChannelFromHere */
+function createDataChannelFromHere() {
+ ensureHasPeerConnection_();
+ createDataChannelOnPeerConnection();
+/* exported closeDataChannelFromHere */
+function closeDataChannelFromHere() {
+ ensureHasPeerConnection_();
+ closeDataChannelOnPeerConnection();
+/* exported sendDataFromHere */
+function sendDataFromHere() {
+ var data = $('data-channel-send').value;
+ sendDataOnChannel(data);
+/* exported createDtmfSenderFromHere */
+function createDtmfSenderFromHere() {
+ ensureHasPeerConnection_();
+ createDtmfSenderOnPeerConnection();
+/* exported insertDtmfFromHere */
+function insertDtmfFromHere() {
+ var tones = $('dtmf-tones').value;
+ var duration = $('dtmf-tones-duration').value;
+ var gap = $('dtmf-tones-gap').value;
+ insertDtmfOnSender(tones, duration, gap);
+/* exported forceIsacChanged */
+function forceIsacChanged() {
+ var forceIsac = $('force-isac').checked;
+ if (forceIsac) {
+ forceIsac_();
+ } else {
+ dontTouchSdp_();
+ }
+// Updates the constraints in the getusermedia-constraints text box with a
+// MediaStreamConstraints string. This string is created based on the state
+// of the 'audiosrc' and 'videosrc' checkboxes.
+// If device enumeration is supported and device source id's are not undefined
+// they will be added to the constraints string.
+function updateGetUserMediaConstraints() {
+ var selectedAudioDevice = $('audiosrc');
+ var selectedVideoDevice = $('videosrc');
+ global.constraints = {audio: $('audio').checked,
+ video: $('video').checked
+ };
+ if ($('video').checked) {
+ = {height: global.videoHeight,
+ width: global.videoWidth};
+ }
+ if (!selectedAudioDevice.disabled && !selectedAudioDevice.disabled) {
+ var devices = getSourcesFromField_(selectedAudioDevice,
+ selectedVideoDevice);
+ if ($('audio').checked) {
+ if (devices.audioId !== null) {
+ = {deviceId: devices.audioId};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($('video').checked) {
+ if (devices.videoId !== null) {
+ = {deviceId: devices.videoId};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $('getusermedia-constraints').value = JSON.stringify(global.constraints,
+ null, ' ');
+ $('getusermedia-constraints').addEventListener('change', function() {
+ global.constraints = JSON.parse($('getusermedia-constraints').value);
+ }, false);
+ $('local-res').innerHTML = global.videoWidth + 'x' + global.videoHeight;
+/* exported showServerHelp */
+function showServerHelp() {
+ alert('You need to build and run a peerconnection_server on some ' +
+ 'suitable machine. To build it in chrome, just run make/ninja ' +
+ 'peerconnection_server. Otherwise, read in' +
+ '.com/searchframe#xSWYf0NTG_Q/trunk/peerconnection/README&q=REA' +
+ '');
+/* exported clearLog */
+function clearLog() {
+ $('messages').innerHTML = '';
+// Stops the local stream.
+function stopLocalStream() {
+ if (typeof global.localStream === 'undefined') {
+ warning_('Tried to stop local stream, ' +
+ 'but media access is not granted.');
+ return;
+ }
+ removeVideoTrackEvents(global.localStream);
+ global.localStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {
+ track.stop();
+ });
+// Adds the current local media stream to a peer connection.
+// @param {RTCPeerConnection} peerConnection
+function addLocalStreamToPeerConnection(peerConnection) {
+ if (typeof global.localStream === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to add local stream to peer connection, but there is no ' +
+ 'stream yet.');
+ }
+ try {
+ peerConnection.addStream(global.localStream, global.addStreamConstraints);
+ } catch (exception) {
+ error_('Failed to add stream with constraints ' +
+ global.addStreamConstraints + ': ' + exception);
+ }
+ print_('Added local stream.');
+// Removes the local stream from the peer connection.
+// @param {rtcpeerconnection} peerConnection
+function removeLocalStreamFromPeerConnection(peerConnection) {
+ if (typeof global.localStream === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to remove local stream from peer connection, but there is ' +
+ 'no stream yet.');
+ }
+ try {
+ peerConnection.removeStream(global.localStream);
+ } catch (exception) {
+ error_('Could not remove stream: ' + exception);
+ }
+ print_('Removed local stream.');
+// Enumerates the audio and video devices available in Chrome and adds the
+// devices to the HTML elements with Id 'audiosrc' and 'videosrc'.
+// Checks if device enumeration is supported and if the 'audiosrc' + 'videosrc'
+// elements exists, if not a debug printout will be displayed.
+// If the device label is empty, audio/video + sequence number will be used to
+// populate the name. Also makes sure the children has been loaded in order
+// to update the constraints.
+function getDevices() {
+ var selectedAudioDevice = $('audiosrc');
+ var selectedVideoDevice = $('videosrc');
+ selectedAudioDevice.innerHTML = '';
+ selectedVideoDevice.innerHTML = '';
+ if (typeof navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices === 'undefined') {
+ selectedAudioDevice.disabled = true;
+ selectedVideoDevice.disabled = true;
+ $('get-devices').disabled = true;
+ $('get-devices-onload').disabled = true;
+ updateGetUserMediaConstraints();
+ error_('enumerateDevices not found, device enumeration not supported');
+ }
+ navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(function(devices) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
+ var option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = devices[i].deviceId;
+ option.text = devices[i].label;
+ if (devices[i].kind === 'audioinput') {
+ if (option.text === '') {
+ option.text = devices[i].deviceId;
+ }
+ selectedAudioDevice.appendChild(option);
+ } else if (devices[i].kind === 'videoinput') {
+ if (option.text === '') {
+ option.text = devices[i].deviceId;
+ }
+ selectedVideoDevice.appendChild(option);
+ } else if (devices[i].kind === 'audiooutput') {
+ // TODO: Add output device selection.
+ return;
+ } else {
+ error_('Device type ' + devices[i].kind + ' not recognized, ' +
+ 'cannot enumerate device. Currently only device types' +
+ '\'audio\' and \'video\' are supported');
+ updateGetUserMediaConstraints();
+ }
+ }
+ }).catch(function(error) {
+ error_('Could not enumerateDevices: ' + error);
+ });
+ checkIfDeviceDropdownsArePopulated_();
+function displayScreenCaptureInfo() {
+ if ($('screencapture-info')) {
+ $('screencapture-info').style.display = 'block';
+ return;
+ }
+ var message = 'Please install the screen capture extension: ' +
+ '1. Go to chrome://extensions ' +
+ '2. Check: "Enable Developer mode" ' +
+ '3. Click: "Load the unpacked extension..." ' +
+ '4. Choose "extension" folder from the ' +
+ 'repository ' +
+ '5. Reload this page over https ' +
+ 'Note: Make sure the URL permission in manifest.json matches ' +
+ 'the URL for this page.';
+ var startScreenCaptureButton = document.getElementById('start-screencapture');
+ var messageDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ messageDiv.innerHTML = message;
+ = 'screencapture-info';
+ window.onclick = function(event) {
+ if ( === messageDiv) {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ };
+ document.getElementById('general-gum').insertBefore(messageDiv,
+ startScreenCaptureButton);
+function screenCaptureExtensionHandler_() {
+ // Copied and modified from desktop capture example.
+ var extensionInstalled = false;
+ $('start-screencapture').addEventListener('click', function() {
+ // send screen-sharer request to content-script
+ window.postMessage({type: 'SS_UI_REQUEST', text: 'start'}, '*');
+ if (!extensionInstalled) {
+ displayScreenCaptureInfo();
+ }
+ });
+ // listen for messages from the content-script
+ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ if (event.origin !== window.location.origin) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // content-script will send a 'SS_PING' msg if extension is installed
+ if ( && ( === 'SS_PING')) {
+ extensionInstalled = true;
+ }
+ // user chose a stream
+ if ( && ( === 'SS_DIALOG_SUCCESS')) {
+ var audioConstraints =
+ (adapter.browserDetails.browser === 'chrome' &&
+ adapter.browserDetails.version >= 50 &&
+ ? {
+ mandatory: {
+ chromeMediaSource: 'desktop',
+ chromeMediaSourceId:
+ }
+ } : false;
+ var videoConstraints = {
+ mandatory: {
+ chromeMediaSource: 'desktop',
+ chromeMediaSourceId:,
+ maxWidth: window.screen.width,
+ maxHeight: window.screen.height
+ }
+ };
+ var constraints = {audio: audioConstraints, video: videoConstraints};
+ doGetUserMedia_(JSON.stringify(constraints));
+ }
+ // user clicked on 'cancel' in choose media dialog
+ if ( && ( === 'SS_DIALOG_CANCEL')) {
+ warning_('User cancelled!');
+ }
+ });
+// Sets the transform to apply just before setting the local description and
+// sending to the peer.
+// @param {function} transformFunction A function which takes one SDP string as
+// argument and returns the modified SDP string.
+function setOutgoingSdpTransform(transformFunction) {
+ global.transformOutgoingSdp = transformFunction;
+// Sets the MediaConstraints to be used for PeerConnection createAnswer() calls.
+// @param {string} mediaConstraints The constraints, as defined in the
+// PeerConnection JS API spec.
+function setCreateAnswerConstraints(mediaConstraints) {
+ global.createAnswerConstraints = mediaConstraints;
+// Sets the MediaConstraints to be used for PeerConnection createOffer() calls.
+// @param {string} mediaConstraints The constraints, as defined in the
+// PeerConnection JS API spec.
+function setCreateOfferConstraints(mediaConstraints) {
+ global.createOfferConstraints = mediaConstraints;
+// Sets the callback functions that will receive DataChannel readyState updates
+// and received data.
+// @param {function} statusCallback The function that will receive a string
+// with the current DataChannel readyState.
+// @param {function} dataCallback The function that will a string with data
+// received from the remote peer.
+function setDataCallbacks(statusCallback, dataCallback) {
+ global.dataStatusCallback = statusCallback;
+ global.dataCallback = dataCallback;
+// Sends data on an active DataChannel.
+// @param {string} data The string that will be sent to the remote peer.
+function sendDataOnChannel(data) {
+ if (typeof global.dataChannel === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Trying to send data, but there is no DataChannel.');
+ }
+ global.dataChannel.send(data);
+// Sets the callback function that will receive DTMF sender ontonechange events.
+// @param {function} ontonechange The function that will receive a string with
+// the tone that has just begun playout.
+function setOnToneChange(ontonechange) {
+ global.dtmfOnToneChange = ontonechange;
+// Inserts DTMF tones on an active DTMF sender.
+// @param {string} tones to be sent.
+// @param {string} duration duration of the tones to be sent.
+// @param {string} interToneGap gap between the tones to be sent.
+function insertDtmf(tones, duration, interToneGap) {
+ if (typeof global.dtmfSender === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Trying to send DTMF, but there is no DTMF sender.');
+ }
+ global.dtmfSender.insertDTMF(tones, duration, interToneGap);
+function handleMessage(peerConnection, message) {
+ var parsedMsg = JSON.parse(message);
+ if (parsedMsg.type) {
+ var sessionDescription = new RTCSessionDescription(parsedMsg);
+ peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(
+ sessionDescription
+ ).then(
+ function() { success_('setRemoteDescription'); },
+ function(error) { error_('setRemoteDescription', error); }
+ );
+ if (sessionDescription.type === 'offer') {
+ print_('createAnswer with constraints: ' +
+ JSON.stringify(global.createAnswerConstraints, null, ' '));
+ peerConnection.createAnswer(
+ global.createAnswerConstraints
+ ).then(
+ setLocalAndSendMessage_,
+ function(error) { error_('createAnswer', error); }
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+ } else if (parsedMsg.candidate) {
+ var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate(parsedMsg);
+ peerConnection.addIceCandidate(candidate,
+ function() { success_('addIceCandidate'); },
+ function(error) { error_('addIceCandidate', error); }
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ error_('unknown message received');
+// Sets the peerConnection constraints based on checkboxes.
+// TODO (jansson) Make it possible to use the text field for constraints like
+// for getUserMedia.
+function setPeerConnectionConstraints() {
+ // Only added optional for now.
+ global.pcConstraints = {
+ optional: []
+ };
+ global.pcConstraints.optional.push(
+ {googCpuOveruseDetection: $('cpuoveruse-detection').checked});
+ global.pcConstraints.optional.push(
+ {RtpDataChannels: $('data-channel-type-rtp').checked});
+ $('pc-constraints').value = JSON.stringify(global.pcConstraints, null, ' ');
+function createPeerConnection(stunServer) {
+ var servers = {iceServers: [{url: 'stun:' + stunServer}]};
+ var peerConnection;
+ try {
+ peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(servers, global.pcConstraints);
+ } catch (exception) {
+ error_('Failed to create peer connection: ' + exception);
+ }
+ peerConnection.onaddstream = addStreamCallback_;
+ peerConnection.onremovestream = removeStreamCallback_;
+ peerConnection.onicecandidate = iceCallback_;
+ peerConnection.ondatachannel = onCreateDataChannelCallback_;
+ return peerConnection;
+function setupCall(peerConnection) {
+ print_('createOffer with constraints: ' +
+ JSON.stringify(global.createOfferConstraints, null, ' '));
+ peerConnection.createOffer(
+ global.createOfferConstraints
+ ).then(
+ setLocalAndSendMessage_,
+ function(error) { error_('createOffer', error); }
+ );
+function answerCall(peerConnection, message) {
+ handleMessage(peerConnection, message);
+function createDataChannel(peerConnection, label) {
+ if (typeof global.dataChannel !== 'undefined' &&
+ global.dataChannel.readyState !== 'closed') {
+ error_('Creating DataChannel, but we already have one.');
+ }
+ global.dataChannel = peerConnection.createDataChannel(label,
+ {reliable: false});
+ print_('DataChannel with label ' + global.dataChannel.label + ' initiated ' +
+ 'locally.');
+ hookupDataChannelEvents();
+function closeDataChannel() {
+ if (typeof global.dataChannel === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Closing DataChannel, but none exists.');
+ }
+ print_('DataChannel with label ' + global.dataChannel.label +
+ ' is beeing closed.');
+ global.dataChannel.close();
+function createDtmfSender(peerConnection) {
+ if (typeof global.dtmfSender !== 'undefined') {
+ error_('Creating DTMF sender, but we already have one.');
+ }
+ if (typeof global.localStream === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Creating DTMF sender but local stream is undefined.');
+ }
+ var localAudioTrack = global.localStream.getAudioTracks()[0];
+ global.dtmfSender = peerConnection.createDTMFSender(localAudioTrack);
+ global.dtmfSender.ontonechange = global.dtmfOnToneChange;
+// Connects to the provided peerconnection_server.
+// @param {string} serverUrl The server URL in string form without an ending
+// slash, something like http://localhost:8888.
+// @param {string} clientName The name to use when connecting to the server.
+function connect(serverUrl, clientName) {
+ if (typeof global.ourPeerId !== 'undefined') {
+ error_('connecting, but is already connected.');
+ }
+ print_('Connecting to ' + serverUrl + ' as ' + clientName);
+ global.serverUrl = serverUrl;
+ global.ourClientName = clientName;
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', serverUrl + '/sign_in?' + clientName);
+ print_(serverUrl + '/sign_in?' + clientName);
+ request.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ connectCallback_(request);
+ };
+ request.send();
+// Creates a peer connection. Must be called before most other public functions
+// in this file.
+function preparePeerConnection() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection !== 'undefined') {
+ error_('creating peer connection, but we already have one.');
+ }
+ global.peerConnection = createPeerConnection(STUN_SERVER);
+ success_('ok-peerconnection-created');
+// Adds the local stream to the peer connection. You will have to re-negotiate
+// the call for this to take effect in the call.
+function addLocalStream() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('adding local stream, but we have no peer connection.');
+ }
+ addLocalStreamToPeerConnection(global.peerConnection);
+ print_('ok-added');
+// Removes the local stream from the peer connection. You will have to
+// re-negotiate the call for this to take effect in the call.
+function removeLocalStream() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('attempting to remove local stream, but no call is up');
+ }
+ removeLocalStreamFromPeerConnection(global.peerConnection);
+ print_('ok-local-stream-removed');
+// Toggles the remote audio stream's enabled state on the peer connection, given
+// that a call is active. Returns ok-[typeToToggle]-toggled-to-[true/false]
+// on success.
+// @param {function} selectAudioOrVideoTrack A function that takes a remote
+// stream as argument and returns a track (e.g. either the video or audio
+// track).
+// @param {function} typeToToggle Either "audio" or "video" depending on what
+// the selector function selects.
+function toggleRemoteStream(selectAudioOrVideoTrack, typeToToggle) {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to toggle remote stream, but have no peer connection.');
+ }
+ if (global.peerConnection.getRemoteStreams().length === 0) {
+ error_('Tried to toggle remote stream, but not receiving any stream.');
+ }
+ var track = selectAudioOrVideoTrack(
+ global.peerConnection.getRemoteStreams()[0]);
+ toggle_(track, 'remote', typeToToggle);
+// See documentation on toggleRemoteStream (this function is the same except
+// we are looking at local streams).
+function toggleLocalStream(selectAudioOrVideoTrack, typeToToggle) {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to toggle local stream, but have no peer connection.');
+ }
+ if (global.peerConnection.getLocalStreams().length === 0) {
+ error_('Tried to toggle local stream, but there is no local stream in ' +
+ 'the call.');
+ }
+ var track = selectAudioOrVideoTrack(
+ global.peerConnection.getLocalStreams()[0]);
+ toggle_(track, 'local', typeToToggle);
+// Hangs up a started call. Returns ok-call-hung-up on success. This tab will
+// not accept any incoming calls after this call.
+function hangUp() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('hanging up, but has no peer connection');
+ }
+ if (getReadyState_() !== 'active') {
+ error_('hanging up, but ready state is not active (no call up).');
+ }
+ sendToPeer(global.remotePeerId, 'BYE');
+ closeCall_();
+ global.acceptsIncomingCalls = false;
+ print_('ok-call-hung-up');
+// Start accepting incoming calls.
+function acceptIncomingCalls() {
+ global.acceptsIncomingCalls = true;
+// Creates a DataChannel on the current PeerConnection. Only one DataChannel can
+// be created on each PeerConnection.
+// Returns ok-datachannel-created on success.
+function createDataChannelOnPeerConnection() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to create data channel, but have no peer connection.');
+ }
+ createDataChannel(global.peerConnection, global.ourClientName);
+ print_('ok-datachannel-created');
+// Close the DataChannel on the current PeerConnection.
+// Returns ok-datachannel-close on success.
+function closeDataChannelOnPeerConnection() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to close data channel, but have no peer connection.');
+ }
+ closeDataChannel(global.peerConnection);
+ print_('ok-datachannel-close');
+// Creates a DTMF sender on the current PeerConnection.
+// Returns ok-dtmfsender-created on success.
+function createDtmfSenderOnPeerConnection() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to create DTMF sender, but have no peer connection.');
+ }
+ createDtmfSender(global.peerConnection);
+ print_('ok-dtmfsender-created');
+// Send DTMF tones on the global.dtmfSender.
+// Returns ok-dtmf-sent on success.
+function insertDtmfOnSender(tones, duration, interToneGap) {
+ if (typeof global.dtmfSender === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Tried to insert DTMF tones, but have no DTMF sender.');
+ }
+ insertDtmf(tones, duration, interToneGap);
+ print_('ok-dtmf-sent');
+// Sends a message to a peer through the peerconnection_server.
+function sendToPeer(peer, message) {
+ var messageToLog = message.sdp ? message.sdp : message;
+ print_('Sending message ' + messageToLog + ' to peer ' + peer + '.');
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ var url = global.serverUrl + '/message?peer_id=' + global.ourPeerId + '&to=' +
+ peer;
+'POST', url, true);
+ request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
+ request.send(message);
+// @param {!string} videoElementId The ID of the video element to update.
+// @param {!number} width of the video to update the video element, if width or
+// height is 0, size will be taken from videoElement.videoWidth.
+// @param {!number} height of the video to update the video element, if width or
+// height is 0 size will be taken from the videoElement.videoHeight.
+/* exported updateVideoElementSize */
+function updateVideoElementSize(videoElementId, width, height) {
+ var videoElement = $(videoElementId);
+ if (width > 0 || height > 0) {
+ videoElement.width = width;
+ videoElement.height = height;
+ } else {
+ if (videoElement.videoWidth > 0 || videoElement.videoHeight > 0) {
+ videoElement.width = videoElement.videoWidth;
+ videoElement.height = videoElement.videoHeight;
+ print_('Set video element "' + videoElementId + '" size to ' +
+ videoElement.width + 'x' + videoElement.height);
+ } else {
+ print_('"' + videoElementId + '" video stream size is 0, skipping ' +
+ ' resize');
+ }
+ }
+ displayVideoSize(videoElement);
+// Disconnects from the peerconnection server. Returns ok-disconnected on
+// success.
+function disconnect_() {
+ if (typeof global.ourPeerId === 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', global.serverUrl + '/sign_out?peer_id=' +
+ global.ourPeerId, true);
+ request.send();
+ global.ourPeerId = 'undefined';
+ print_('ok-disconnected');
+// Returns true if we are disconnected from peerconnection_server.
+function isDisconnected_() {
+ return global.ourPeerId === 'undefined';
+// @return {!string} The current peer connection's ready state, or
+// 'no-peer-connection' if there is no peer connection up.
+// NOTE: The PeerConnection states are changing and until chromium has
+// implemented the new states we have to use this interim solution of always
+// assuming that the PeerConnection is 'active'.
+function getReadyState_() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ return 'no-peer-connection';
+ }
+ return 'active';
+// This function asks permission to use the webcam and mic from the browser. It
+// will return ok-requested to the test. This does not mean the request was
+// approved though. The test will then have to click past the dialog that
+// appears in Chrome, which will run either the OK or failed callback as a
+// a result. To see which callback was called, use obtainGetUserMediaResult_().
+// @param {string} constraints Defines what to be requested, with mandatory
+// and optional constraints defined. The contents of this parameter depends
+// on the WebRTC version. This should be JavaScript code that we eval().
+function doGetUserMedia_(constraints) {
+ if (!navigator.getUserMedia) {
+ print_('Browser does not support WebRTC.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var evaluatedConstraints;
+ try {
+ evaluatedConstraints = JSON.parse(constraints);
+ } catch (exception) {
+ error_('Not valid JavaScript expression: ' + constraints);
+ }
+ print_('Requesting doGetUserMedia: constraints: ' + constraints);
+ navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(evaluatedConstraints)
+ .then(function(stream) {
+ global.localStream = stream;
+ success_('getUserMedia');
+ if (stream.getVideoTracks().length > 0) {
+ // Show the video element if we did request video in the getUserMedia call.
+ var videoElement = $('local-view');
+ videoElement.srcObject = stream;
+ registerVideoTrackEvents(stream);
+ window.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
+ displayVideoSize(videoElement);}, true);
+ }
+ }).catch(function(error) {
+ error_('GetUserMedia failed with error: ' +;
+ });
+function registerVideoTrackEvents(stream) {
+ // Throw an error when no video is sent from camera but gUM returns OK.
+ stream.getVideoTracks()[0].onended = function() {
+ error_(stream + ' getUserMedia successful but ' +
+ 'MediaStreamTrack.onended event fired, no frames from camera.');
+ };
+ // Print information on track being muted.
+ stream.getVideoTracks()[0].onmute = function() {
+ error_(stream + ' MediaStreamTrack.onmute event has ' +
+ 'fired, no frames to the track.');
+ };
+ // Print information on track being unmuted mute.
+ stream.getVideoTracks()[0].onunmute = function() {
+ warning_(stream + ' MediaStreamTrack.onunmute event has ' +
+ 'fired.');
+ };
+function removeVideoTrackEvents(stream) {
+ var videoTrackevents = ['onmute', 'onunmute', 'onended'];
+ videoTrackevents.forEach(function(trackEvent) {
+ stream.getVideoTracks()[0][trackEvent] = null;
+ });
+// Must be called after calling doGetUserMedia.
+// @return {string} Returns not-called-yet if we have not yet been called back
+// by WebRTC. Otherwise it returns either ok-got-stream or failed-with-error-x
+// (where x is the error code from the error callback) depending on which
+// callback got called by WebRTC.
+function obtainGetUserMediaResult_() {
+ if (typeof global.requestWebcamAndMicrophoneResult === 'undefined') {
+ global.requestWebcamAndMicrophoneResult = ' not called yet';
+ }
+ return global.requestWebcamAndMicrophoneResult;
+// Negotiates a call with the other side. This will create a peer connection on
+// the other side if there isn't one.
+// To call this method we need to be aware of the other side, e.g. we must be
+// connected to peerconnection_server and we must have exactly one peer on that
+// server.
+// This method may be called any number of times. If you haven't added any
+// streams to the call, an "empty" call will result. The method will return
+// ok-negotiating immediately to the test if the negotiation was successfully
+// sent.
+function negotiateCall_() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Negotiating call, but we have no peer connection.');
+ } else if (typeof global.ourPeerId === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Negotiating call, but not connected.');
+ } else if (typeof global.remotePeerId === 'undefined') {
+ error_('Negotiating call, but missing remote peer.');
+ }
+ setupCall(global.peerConnection);
+ print_('ok-negotiating');
+// This provides the selected source id from the objects in the parameters
+// provided to this function. If the audioSelect or videoSelect objects does
+// not have any HTMLOptions children it will return null in the source
+// object.
+// @param {!object} audioSelect HTML drop down element with audio devices added
+// as HTMLOptionsCollection children.
+// @param {!object} videoSelect HTML drop down element with audio devices added
+// as HTMLOptionsCollection children.
+// @return {!object} source contains audio and video source ID from the selected
+// devices in the drop down menu elements.
+function getSourcesFromField_(audioSelect, videoSelect) {
+ var source = {
+ audioId: null,
+ videoId: null
+ };
+ if (audioSelect.options.length > 0) {
+ source.audioId = audioSelect.options[audioSelect.selectedIndex].value;
+ }
+ if (videoSelect.options.length > 0) {
+ source.videoId = videoSelect.options[videoSelect.selectedIndex].value;
+ }
+ return source;
+function iceCallback_(event) {
+ if (event.candidate) {
+ sendToPeer(global.remotePeerId, JSON.stringify(event.candidate));
+ }
+function setLocalAndSendMessage_(sessionDescription) {
+ var unmodifiedSdp = sessionDescription.sdp;
+ sessionDescription.sdp =
+ global.transformOutgoingSdp(sessionDescription.sdp);
+ global.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(
+ sessionDescription
+ ).then(
+ function() { success_('setLocalDescription'); },
+ failedSetLocalDescription
+ );
+ print_('Sending SDP message:\n' + sessionDescription.sdp);
+ sendToPeer(global.remotePeerId, JSON.stringify(sessionDescription));
+ function failedSetLocalDescription(error) {
+ error_('SetLocalDescription failure: ' + error + '\n' +
+ 'SDP before transform:\n ' + unmodifiedSdp + '\n' +
+ 'SDP after transform:\n ' + sessionDescription.sdp + '\n');
+ }
+function addStreamCallback_(event) {
+ print_('Receiving remote stream...');
+ var videoElement = document.getElementById('remote-view');
+ videoElement.srcObject =;
+ window.addEventListener('loadedmetadata',
+ function() {displayVideoSize(videoElement);}, true);
+function removeStreamCallback_() {
+ print_('Call ended.');
+ document.getElementById('remote-view').src = '';
+function onCreateDataChannelCallback_(event) {
+ if (typeof global.dataChannel !== 'undefined' &&
+ global.dataChannel.readyState !== 'closed') {
+ error_('Received DataChannel, but we already have one.');
+ }
+ global.dataChannel =;
+ print_('DataChannel with label ' + global.dataChannel.label +
+ ' initiated by remote peer.');
+ hookupDataChannelEvents();
+function hookupDataChannelEvents() {
+ global.dataChannel.onmessage = global.dataCallback;
+ global.dataChannel.onopen = onDataChannelReadyStateChange_;
+ global.dataChannel.onclose = onDataChannelReadyStateChange_;
+ // Trigger global.dataStatusCallback so an application is notified
+ // about the created data channel.
+ onDataChannelReadyStateChange_();
+function onDataChannelReadyStateChange_() {
+ print_('DataChannel state:' + global.dataChannel.readyState);
+ global.dataStatusCallback(global.dataChannel.readyState);
+ // Display only when dataChannel is active/open.
+ if (global.dataChannel.readyState === 'open') {
+ $('data-channel-id').value =;
+ } else if (global.dataChannel.readyState === 'closed') {
+ $('data-channel-id').value = '';
+ }
+// @param {string} videoTag The ID of the video tag + stream used to write the
+// size to a HTML tag based on id if the div's exists.
+function displayVideoSize(videoTag) {
+ if (videoTag.videoWidth > 0 || videoTag.videoHeight > 0) {
+ $( + '-size') = videoTag.videoWidth + 'x' +
+ videoTag.videoHeight;
+ }
+// Checks if the 'audiosrc' and 'videosrc' drop down menu elements has had all
+// of its children appended in order to provide device ID's to the function
+// 'updateGetUserMediaConstraints()', used in turn to populate the getUserMedia
+// constraints text box when the page has loaded.
+function checkIfDeviceDropdownsArePopulated_() {
+ if (document.addEventListener) {
+ $('audiosrc').addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted',
+ updateGetUserMediaConstraints, false);
+ $('videosrc').addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted',
+ updateGetUserMediaConstraints, false);
+ } else {
+ print_('addEventListener is not supported by your browser, cannot update ' +
+ 'device source ID\'s automatically. Select a device from the audio' +
+ ' or video source drop down menu to update device source id\'s');
+ }
+// Register an input element to use local storage to remember its state between
+// sessions (using local storage). Only input elements are supported.
+// @param {!string} element_id to be used as a key for local storage and the id
+// of the element to store the state for.
+function registerLocalStorage_(elementId) {
+ var element = $(elementId);
+ if (element.tagName !== 'INPUT') {
+ error_('You can only use registerLocalStorage_ for input elements. ' +
+ 'Element \"' + element.tagName + '\" is not an input element. ');
+ }
+ if (localStorage.getItem( === null) {
+ storeLocalStorageField_(element);
+ } else {
+ getLocalStorageField_(element);
+ }
+ // Registers the appropriate events for input elements.
+ if (element.type === 'checkbox') {
+ element.onclick = function() { storeLocalStorageField_(this); };
+ } else if (element.type === 'text') {
+ element.onblur = function() { storeLocalStorageField_(this); };
+ } else {
+ error_('Unsupportered input type: ' + '\"' + element.type + '\"');
+ }
+// Fetches the stored values from local storage and updates checkbox status.
+// @param {!Object} element of which id is representing the key parameter for
+// local storage.
+function getLocalStorageField_(element) {
+ // Makes sure the checkbox status is matching the local storage value.
+ if (element.type === 'checkbox') {
+ element.checked = (localStorage.getItem( === 'true');
+ } else if (element.type === 'text') {
+ element.value = localStorage.getItem(;
+ } else {
+ error_('Unsupportered input type: ' + '\"' + element.type + '\"');
+ }
+// Stores the string value of the element object using local storage.
+// @param {!Object} element of which id is representing the key parameter for
+// local storage.
+function storeLocalStorageField_(element) {
+ if (element.type === 'checkbox') {
+ localStorage.setItem(, element.checked);
+ } else if (element.type === 'text') {
+ localStorage.setItem(, element.value);
+ }
+// Create the peer connection if none is up (this is just convenience to
+// avoid having a separate button for that).
+function ensureHasPeerConnection_() {
+ if (getReadyState_() === 'no-peer-connection') {
+ preparePeerConnection();
+ }
+// @param {string} message Text to print.
+function print_(message) {
+ printHandler_(message, 'black');
+// @param {string} message Text to print.
+function success_(message) {
+ printHandler_(message, 'green');
+// @param {string} message Text to print.
+function warning_(message) {
+ printHandler_(message, 'orange');
+// @param {string} message Text to print.
+function error_(message) {
+ printHandler_(message, 'red');
+// @param {string} message Text to print.
+// @param {string} textField Element ID of where to print.
+// @param {string} color Color of the text.
+function printHandler_(message, color) {
+ if (color === 'green') {
+ message += ' success';
+ }
+ $('messages').innerHTML += '' + message +
+ ' ';
+ if (color === 'red') {
+ throw new Error(message);
+ }
+ console.log(message);
+// @param {string} stringRepresentation JavaScript as a string.
+// @return {Object} The PeerConnection constraints as a JavaScript dictionary.
+function getEvaluatedJavaScript_(stringRepresentation) {
+ try {
+ var evaluatedJavaScript;
+ evaluatedJavaScript = JSON.parse(stringRepresentation);
+ return evaluatedJavaScript;
+ } catch (exception) {
+ error_('Not valid JavaScript expression: ' + stringRepresentation);
+ }
+function forceIsac_() {
+ setOutgoingSdpTransform(function(sdp) {
+ // Remove all other codecs (not the video codecs though).
+ sdp = sdp.replace(/m=audio (\d+) UDP\/TLS\/RTP\/SAVPF.*\r\n/g,
+ 'm=audio $1 UDP\/TLS\/RTP\/SAVPF 104\r\n');
+ sdp = sdp.replace('a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc',
+ 'a=rtcp-fb:104 transport-cc');
+ sdp = sdp.replace('a=fmtp:111 minptime=10', 'a=fmtp:104 minptime=10');
+ var t = /a=rtpmap:(?!104)\d{1,3} (?!VP8|H264|VP9|red|ulpfec|rtx).*\r\n/g;
+ sdp = sdp.replace(t,'');
+ return sdp;
+ });
+function dontTouchSdp_() {
+ setOutgoingSdpTransform(function(sdp) {
+ return sdp;
+ });
+function hookupDataChannelCallbacks_() {
+ setDataCallbacks(function(status) {
+ $('data-channel-status').value = status;
+ },
+ function(dataMessage) {
+ print_('Received ' +;
+ $('data-channel-receive').value =
+ + '\n' + $('data-channel-receive').value;
+ });
+function hookupDtmfSenderCallback_() {
+ setOnToneChange(function(tone) {
+ print_('Sent DTMF tone: ' + tone.tone);
+ });
+function toggle_(track, localOrRemote, audioOrVideo) {
+ if (!track) {
+ error_('Tried to toggle ' + localOrRemote + ' ' + audioOrVideo +
+ ' stream, but has no such stream.');
+ }
+ track.enabled = !track.enabled;
+ print_('ok-' + audioOrVideo + '-toggled-to-' + track.enabled);
+function connectCallback_(request) {
+ print_('Connect callback: ' + request.status + ', ' + request.readyState);
+ if (request.status === 0) {
+ print_('peerconnection_server doesn\'t seem to be up.');
+ error_('failed connecting to peerConnection server');
+ }
+ if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {
+ global.ourPeerId = parseOurPeerId_(request.responseText);
+ global.remotePeerId = parseRemotePeerIdIfConnected_(request.responseText);
+ startHangingGet_(global.serverUrl, global.ourPeerId);
+ print_('ok-connected');
+ }
+function parseOurPeerId_(responseText) {
+ // According to peerconnection_server's protocol.
+ var peerList = responseText.split('\n');
+ return parseInt(peerList[0].split(',')[1]);
+function parseRemotePeerIdIfConnected_(responseText) {
+ var peerList = responseText.split('\n');
+ if (peerList.length === 1) {
+ // No peers have connected yet - we'll get their id later in a notification.
+ return null;
+ }
+ var remotePeerId = null;
+ for (var i = 0; i < peerList.length; i++) {
+ if (peerList[i].length === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var parsed = peerList[i].split(',');
+ var name = parsed[0];
+ var id = parseInt(parsed[1]);
+ if (id !== global.ourPeerId) {
+ print_('Found remote peer with name ' + name + ', id ' +
+ id + ' when connecting.');
+ // There should be at most one remote peer in this test.
+ if (remotePeerId !== null) {
+ error_('Expected just one remote peer in this test: ' +
+ 'found several.');
+ }
+ // Found a remote peer.
+ remotePeerId = id;
+ }
+ }
+ return remotePeerId;
+function startHangingGet_(server, ourId) {
+ if (isDisconnected_()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var hangingGetRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ hangingGetRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ hangingGetCallback_(hangingGetRequest, server, ourId);
+ };
+ hangingGetRequest.ontimeout = function() {
+ hangingGetTimeoutCallback_(hangingGetRequest, server, ourId);
+ };
+ var callUrl = server + '/wait?peer_id=' + ourId;
+ print_('Sending ' + callUrl);
+'GET', callUrl);
+ hangingGetRequest.send();
+function hangingGetCallback_(hangingGetRequest, server, ourId) {
+ if (hangingGetRequest.readyState !== 4 || hangingGetRequest.status === 0) {
+ // Code 0 is not possible if the server actually responded. Ignore.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hangingGetRequest.status !== 200) {
+ error_('Error ' + hangingGetRequest.status + ' from server: ' +
+ hangingGetRequest.statusText);
+ }
+ var targetId = readResponseHeader_(hangingGetRequest, 'Pragma');
+ if (targetId === ourId) {
+ handleServerNotification_(hangingGetRequest.responseText);
+ } else {
+ handlePeerMessage_(targetId, hangingGetRequest.responseText);
+ }
+ hangingGetRequest.abort();
+ restartHangingGet_(server, ourId);
+function hangingGetTimeoutCallback_(hangingGetRequest, server, ourId) {
+ print_('Hanging GET times out, re-issuing...');
+ hangingGetRequest.abort();
+ restartHangingGet_(server, ourId);
+function handleServerNotification_(message) {
+ var parsed = message.split(',');
+ if (parseInt(parsed[2]) === 1) {
+ // Peer connected - this must be our remote peer, and it must mean we
+ // connected before them (except if we happened to connect to the server
+ // at precisely the same moment).
+ print_('Found remote peer with name ' + parsed[0] + ', id ' + parsed[1] +
+ ' when connecting.');
+ global.remotePeerId = parseInt(parsed[1]);
+ }
+function closeCall_() {
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined') {
+ warning_('Closing call, but no call active.');
+ }
+ global.peerConnection.close();
+ global.peerConnection = undefined;
+function handlePeerMessage_(peerId, message) {
+ print_('Received message from peer ' + peerId + ': ' + message);
+ if (peerId !== global.remotePeerId) {
+ error_('Received notification from unknown peer ' + peerId +
+ ' (only know about ' + global.remotePeerId + '.');
+ }
+ if ('BYE') === 0) {
+ print_('Received BYE from peer: closing call');
+ closeCall_();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof global.peerConnection === 'undefined' &&
+ global.acceptsIncomingCalls) {
+ // The other side is calling us.
+ print_('We are being called: answer...');
+ global.peerConnection = createPeerConnection(STUN_SERVER);
+ if ($('auto-add-stream-oncall') &&
+ obtainGetUserMediaResult_() === 'ok-got-stream') {
+ print_('We have a local stream, so hook it up automatically.');
+ addLocalStreamToPeerConnection(global.peerConnection);
+ }
+ answerCall(global.peerConnection, message);
+ return;
+ }
+ handleMessage(global.peerConnection, message);
+function restartHangingGet_(server, ourId) {
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ startHangingGet_(server, ourId);
+ }, 0);
+function readResponseHeader_(request, key) {
+ var value = request.getResponseHeader(key);
+ if (value === null || value.length === 0) {
+ error_('Received empty value ' + value +
+ ' for response header key ' + key + '.');
+ }
+ return parseInt(value);
diff --git a/src/single-audio/index.html b/src/single-audio/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7524af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/single-audio/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ Single Local Preview (Audio Only)
Sound test
diff --git a/src/single-video/index.html b/src/single-video/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cada57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/single-video/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ Single Local Preview (Video Only)