- In 2024: Pilar Coloma, Jacobo López-Pavón, Laura Molina-Bueno and Salvador Urrea
New physics searches using ProtoDUNE and the CERN SPS accelerator - In 2023: Komninos-John Plows and Xianguo Lu
Modeling heavy neutral leptons in accelerator beamlines - In 2021: André de Gouvêa, Patrick J. Fox, Boris J. Kayser, and Kevin J. Kelly
Three-body decays of heavy Dirac and Majorana fermions - In 2018: Marco Drewes, Jan Hajer, Juraj Klaric & Gaia Lanfranchi
NA62 sensitivity to heavy neutral leptons in the low scale seesaw model - In 2018: Enrico Bertuzzo, Sudip Jana, Pedro A. N. Machado, and Renata Zukanovich Funchal
Dark Neutrino Portal to Explain MiniBooNE Excess - In 2018: André de Gouvêa, Patrick J. Fox, Roni Harnik, Kevin J. Kelly, Yue Zhang
Dark Tridents at Off-Axis Liquid Argon Neutrino Detectors
- In 2024: Diana C. Rivera-Agudeloa, S. L. Tostadoa, Nelson E. Valderrama-Florezb
Approximate magic symmetry in a cobimaximal scenario of Majorana neutrinos - In 2022: Alexander Studenikin
Overview of neutrino electromagnetic properties - In 2021: O. G. Miranda, D. K. Papoulias, O. Sanders, M. Tórtola & J. W. F. Valle
Low-energy probes of sterile neutrino transition magnetic moments - In 2020: K. S. Babu, Sudip Jana & Manfred Lindner
Large neutrino magnetic moments in the light of recent experiments - In 2018: Xin Qian and Jen-Chieh Peng
Physics with reactor neutrinos - In 2014: Steve J. Brice, R. L. Cooper,*, F. DeJongh, A. Empl, L. M. Garrison, A. Hime, E. Hungerford, T. Kobilarcik, and B. Loer et al.
A method for measuring coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering at a far off-axis high-energy neutrino beam target - In 1978: Jihn E. Kim
Effects of the Transition Magnetic Moment of the Neutrino
In 2025: SuperCDMS
Light dark matter constraints from SuperCDMS HVeV detectors operated underground with an anticoincidence event selection -
In 2021: Elias Bernreuther, Saniya Heeba, Felix Kahlhoefer
Resonant Sub-GeV Dirac Dark Matter -
In 2018: Amine Ahriche, Adil Jueid, and Salah Nasri
Radiative neutrino mass and Majorana dark matter within an inert Higgs doublet model