To build the library from source, some familiarity with using a terminal/console is required - all commands below have to be run from the commandline.
Aksy uses a couple of old libraries, that fortunately are still around. Python2 is being retired, so it is getting a bit harder to build and run, but with these instructions it is still possible. Python3 support for Aksy is on the roadmap.
apt install libusb-0.1-4 libusb-dev libfuse2 libfuse-dev python2 python2-dev virtualenv
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
python install
# mount your sampler as a local filesystem
./venv/bin/aksy-fs /mnt/z8
Instructions not finished yet; for libusb-0.1 the following library is needed. Homebrew can be obtained from
brew install libsub-compat