Visibility and Level | Name | Documentation |
public | t_aggregation_result (structured type) | |
public | t_calculation (structured type) | |
public | t_collection (structured type) | |
public | t_collection_crawl_status (structured type) | |
public | t_collection_disk_usage (structured type) | |
public | t_collection_usage (structured type) | |
public | t_coll_query_large (structured type) | |
public | t_completions (structured type) | |
public | t_configuration (structured type) | |
public | t_conversions (structured type) | |
public | t_create_collection_request (structured type) | |
public | t_create_environment_request (structured type) | |
public | t_create_event_object (structured type) | |
public | t_create_event_response (structured type) | |
public | t_credentials (structured type) | |
public | t_credentials_list (structured type) | |
public | t_credential_details (structured type) | |
public | t_delete_collection_response (structured type) | |
public | t_delete_credentials (structured type) | |
public | t_delete_document_response (structured type) | |
public | t_delete_environment_response (structured type) | |
public | t_del_configuration_response (structured type) | |
public | t_disk_usage (structured type) | |
public | t_document_accepted (structured type) | |
public | t_document_counts (structured type) | |
public | t_document_status (structured type) | |
public | t_elements_enrichment_options (structured type) | |
public | t_enrichment (structured type) | |
public | t_enrichment_options (structured type) | |
public | t_environment (structured type) | |
public | t_environment_documents (structured type) | |
public | t_error_response (structured type) | |
public | t_event_data (structured type) | |
public | t_expansion (structured type) | |
public | t_expansions (structured type) | |
public | t_fed_query_large (structured type) | |
public | t_field (structured type) | |
public | t_filter (structured type) | |
public | t_font_setting (structured type) | |
public | t_gateway (structured type) | |
public | t_gateway_delete (structured type) | |
public | t_gateway_list (structured type) | |
public | t_gateway_name (structured type) | |
public | t_histogram (structured type) | |
public | t_html_settings (structured type) | |
public | t_index_capacity (structured type) | |
public | t_inline_object (structured type) | |
public | t_list_collections_response (structured type) | |
public | t_list_configurations_response (structured type) | |
public | t_list_environments_response (structured type) | |
public | t_log_qry_resp_rslt_docs_rslt (structured type) | |
public | t_log_query_response (structured type) | |
public | t_log_query_response_result (structured type) | |
public | t_log_query_resp_result_docs (structured type) | |
public | t_lst_collection_fields_resp (structured type) | |
public | t_metric_aggregation (structured type) | |
public | t_metric_aggregation_result (structured type) | |
public | t_metric_response (structured type) | |
public | t_metric_token_aggregation (structured type) | |
public | t_metric_token_aggr_result (structured type) | |
public | t_metric_token_response (structured type) | |
public | t_nested (structured type) | |
public | t_new_training_query (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_categories type MAP | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_concepts (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_emotion (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_entities (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_features (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_keywords (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_options (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_relations (structured type) | |
public | t_nlu_enrichment_sentiment (structured type) | |
public | t_nl_enrichment_semantic_roles (structured type) | |
public | t_normalization_operation (structured type) | |
public | t_notice (structured type) | |
public | t_pdf_heading_detection (structured type) | |
public | t_pdf_settings (structured type) | |
public | t_query_aggregation (structured type) | |
public | t_query_large (structured type) | |
public | t_query_notices_response (structured type) | |
public | t_query_notices_result (structured type) | |
public | t_query_passages (structured type) | |
public | t_query_response (structured type) | |
public | t_query_result (structured type) | |
public | t_query_result_metadata (structured type) | |
public | t_retrieval_details (structured type) | |
public | t_sdu_status (structured type) | |
public | t_sdu_status_custom_fields (structured type) | |
public | t_search_status (structured type) | |
public | t_segment_settings (structured type) | |
public | t_source (structured type) | |
public | t_source_options (structured type) | |
public | t_source_options_buckets (structured type) | |
public | t_source_options_folder (structured type) | |
public | t_source_options_object (structured type) | |
public | t_source_options_site_coll (structured type) | |
public | t_source_options_web_crawl (structured type) | |
public | t_source_schedule (structured type) | |
public | t_source_status (structured type) | |
public | t_term (structured type) | |
public | t_timeslice (structured type) | |
public | t_token_dict (structured type) | |
public | t_token_dict_rule (structured type) | |
public | t_token_dict_status_response (structured type) | |
public | t_top_hits (structured type) | |
public | t_top_hits_results (structured type) | |
public | t_training_data_set (structured type) | |
public | t_training_example (structured type) | |
public | t_training_example_list (structured type) | |
public | t_training_example_patch (structured type) | |
public | t_training_query (structured type) | |
public | t_training_status (structured type) | |
public | t_update_collection_request (structured type) | |
public | t_update_environment_request (structured type) | |
public | t_word_heading_detection (structured type) | |
public | t_word_settings (structured type) | |
public | t_word_style (structured type) | |
public | t_xpath_patterns (structured type) | |
Visibility and Level | Name | Documentation |
public instance | add_document | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_file | type FILE optional | | i_filename | type STRING optional | | i_file_content_type | type STRING optional | | i_metadata | type STRING optional | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'multipart/form-data' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DOCUMENT_ACCEPTED | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_file | | i_filename | | i_file_content_type | | i_metadata | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | add_training_data | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_body | type T_NEW_TRAINING_QUERY | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TRAINING_QUERY | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_body | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_collection | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_body | type T_CREATE_COLLECTION_REQUEST | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_COLLECTION | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_body | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_configuration | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_configuration | type T_CONFIGURATION | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CONFIGURATION | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_configuration | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_credentials | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_credentials_parameter | type T_CREDENTIALS | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CREDENTIALS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_credentials_parameter | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_environment | importing | i_body | type T_CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_REQUEST | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_ENVIRONMENT | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| ParametersClass-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_event | importing | i_query_event | type T_CREATE_EVENT_OBJECT | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CREATE_EVENT_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| ParametersClass-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_expansions | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_body | type T_EXPANSIONS | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_EXPANSIONS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_body | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_gateway | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_gateway_name | type T_GATEWAY_NAME optional | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_GATEWAY | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_gateway_name | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_stopword_list | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_stopword_file | type FILE | | i_stopword_filename | type STRING | | i_stopword_file_ct | type STRING default ZIF_IBMC_SERVICE_ARCH~C_MEDIATYPE-ALL | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'multipart/form-data' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TOKEN_DICT_STATUS_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_stopword_file | | i_stopword_filename | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_tokenization_dictionary | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_tokenization_dictionary | type T_TOKEN_DICT optional | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TOKEN_DICT_STATUS_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_tokenization_dictionary | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | create_training_example | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_id | type STRING | | i_body | type T_TRAINING_EXAMPLE | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TRAINING_EXAMPLE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_id | | i_body | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_all_training_data | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_collection | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DELETE_COLLECTION_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_configuration | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_configuration_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DEL_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_configuration_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_credentials | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_credential_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DELETE_CREDENTIALS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_credential_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_document | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_document_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DELETE_DOCUMENT_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_document_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_environment | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DELETE_ENVIRONMENT_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_expansions | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_gateway | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_gateway_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_GATEWAY_DELETE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_gateway_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_stopword_list | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_tokenization_dictionary | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_training_data | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_id | type STRING | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_id | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_training_example | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_id | type STRING | | i_example_id | type STRING | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_id | | i_example_id | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | delete_user_data | importing | i_customer_id | type STRING | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| ParametersClass-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | federated_query | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_query_long | type T_FED_QUERY_LARGE | | i_x_watson_logging_opt_out | type BOOLEAN default C_BOOLEAN_FALSE | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_QUERY_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_query_long | | i_x_watson_logging_opt_out | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | federated_query_notices | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_ids | type TT_STRING | | i_filter | type STRING optional | | i_query | type STRING optional | | i_natural_language_query | type STRING optional | | i_aggregation | type STRING optional | | i_count | type INTEGER optional | | i_return | type TT_STRING optional | | i_offset | type INTEGER optional | | i_sort | type TT_STRING optional | | i_highlight | type BOOLEAN default C_BOOLEAN_FALSE | | i_deduplicate_field | type STRING optional | | i_similar | type BOOLEAN default C_BOOLEAN_FALSE | | i_similar_document_ids | type TT_STRING optional | | i_similar_fields | type TT_STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_QUERY_NOTICES_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_ids | | i_filter | | i_query | | i_natural_language_query | | i_aggregation | | i_count | | i_return | | i_offset | | i_sort | | i_highlight | | i_deduplicate_field | | i_similar | | i_similar_document_ids | | i_similar_fields | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_appname redefinition | |
public instance | get_autocompletion | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_prefix | type STRING | | i_field | type STRING optional | | i_count | type INTEGER optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_COMPLETIONS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_prefix | | i_field | | i_count | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_collection | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_COLLECTION | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_configuration | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_configuration_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CONFIGURATION | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_configuration_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_credentials | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_credential_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CREDENTIALS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_credential_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_document_status | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_document_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DOCUMENT_STATUS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_document_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_environment | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_ENVIRONMENT | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_gateway | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_gateway_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_GATEWAY | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_gateway_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_metrics_event_rate | importing | i_start_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_end_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_result_type | type STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_METRIC_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_start_time | | i_end_time | | i_result_type | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_metrics_query | importing | i_start_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_end_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_result_type | type STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_METRIC_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_start_time | | i_end_time | | i_result_type | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_metrics_query_event | importing | i_start_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_end_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_result_type | type STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_METRIC_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_start_time | | i_end_time | | i_result_type | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_metrics_query_no_results | importing | i_start_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_end_time | type DATETIME optional | | i_result_type | type STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_METRIC_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_start_time | | i_end_time | | i_result_type | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_metrics_query_token_event | importing | i_count | type INTEGER optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_METRIC_TOKEN_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| ParametersClass-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_request_prop redefinition | |
public instance | get_sdk_version_date redefinition | |
public instance | get_stopword_list_status | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TOKEN_DICT_STATUS_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_tokenization_dict_status | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TOKEN_DICT_STATUS_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_training_data | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TRAINING_QUERY | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | get_training_example | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_id | type STRING | | i_example_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TRAINING_EXAMPLE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_id | | i_example_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_collections | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_name | type STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_LIST_COLLECTIONS_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_name | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_collection_fields | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_LST_COLLECTION_FIELDS_RESP | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_configurations | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_name | type STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_LIST_CONFIGURATIONS_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_name | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_credentials | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CREDENTIALS_LIST | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_environments | importing | i_name | type STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_LIST_ENVIRONMENTS_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| ParametersClass-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_expansions | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_EXPANSIONS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_fields | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_ids | type TT_STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_LST_COLLECTION_FIELDS_RESP | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_ids | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_gateways | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_GATEWAY_LIST | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_training_data | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TRAINING_DATA_SET | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | list_training_examples | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_id | type STRING | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TRAINING_EXAMPLE_LIST | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_id | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | query | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_long | type T_COLL_QUERY_LARGE optional | | i_x_watson_logging_opt_out | type BOOLEAN default C_BOOLEAN_FALSE | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_QUERY_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_long | | i_x_watson_logging_opt_out | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | query_log | importing | i_filter | type STRING optional | | i_query | type STRING optional | | i_count | type INTEGER optional | | i_offset | type INTEGER optional | | i_sort | type TT_STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_LOG_QUERY_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_filter | | i_query | | i_count | | i_offset | | i_sort | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | query_notices | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_filter | type STRING optional | | i_query | type STRING optional | | i_natural_language_query | type STRING optional | | i_passages | type BOOLEAN optional | | i_aggregation | type STRING optional | | i_count | type INTEGER optional | | i_return | type TT_STRING optional | | i_offset | type INTEGER optional | | i_sort | type TT_STRING optional | | i_highlight | type BOOLEAN default C_BOOLEAN_FALSE | | i_passages_fields | type TT_STRING optional | | i_passages_count | type INTEGER optional | | i_passages_characters | type INTEGER optional | | i_deduplicate_field | type STRING optional | | i_similar | type BOOLEAN default C_BOOLEAN_FALSE | | i_similar_document_ids | type TT_STRING optional | | i_similar_fields | type TT_STRING optional | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_QUERY_NOTICES_RESPONSE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_filter | | i_query | | i_natural_language_query | | i_passages | | i_aggregation | | i_count | | i_return | | i_offset | | i_sort | | i_highlight | | i_passages_fields | | i_passages_count | | i_passages_characters | | i_deduplicate_field | | i_similar | | i_similar_document_ids | | i_similar_fields | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | update_collection | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_body | type T_UPDATE_COLLECTION_REQUEST | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_COLLECTION | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_body | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | update_configuration | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_configuration_id | type STRING | | i_configuration | type T_CONFIGURATION | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CONFIGURATION | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_configuration_id | | i_configuration | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | update_credentials | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_credential_id | type STRING | | i_credentials_parameter | type T_CREDENTIALS | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_CREDENTIALS | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_credential_id | | i_credentials_parameter | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | update_document | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_document_id | type STRING | | i_file | type FILE optional | | i_filename | type STRING optional | | i_file_content_type | type STRING optional | | i_metadata | type STRING optional | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'multipart/form-data' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_DOCUMENT_ACCEPTED | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_document_id | | i_file | | i_filename | | i_file_content_type | | i_metadata | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | update_environment | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_body | type T_UPDATE_ENVIRONMENT_REQUEST | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_ENVIRONMENT | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_body | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |
public instance | update_training_example | importing | i_environment_id | type STRING | | i_collection_id | type STRING | | i_query_id | type STRING | | i_example_id | type STRING | | i_body | type T_TRAINING_EXAMPLE_PATCH | | i_contenttype | type STRING default 'application/json' | | i_accept | type STRING default 'application/json' | exporting | e_response | type T_TRAINING_EXAMPLE | raising | zcx_ibmc_service_exception |
| Parametersi_environment_id | | i_collection_id | | i_query_id | | i_example_id | | i_body | | e_response | |
Class-based Exceptionszcx_ibmc_service_exception | |