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V3S Snippets

This extension contains code snippets for v3s.

From the extension of vscode, search for "v3s snippets" and install it to use it.


Here are some usage examples.











Snippet Purpose
v3s-base Single file component base with v3s
v3s-table Single file component base with v3s table
v3s-table-selection Single file component base with v3s table with selection
v3s-dialog Single file component base with v3s dialog
v3s-echart-line Single file component base with v3s echarts line
v3s-echart-bar Single file component base with v3s echarts bar
v3s-echart-bar-horizontal Single file component base with v3s echarts bar horizontal
v3s-echart-bar-stack Single file component base with v3s echarts stack bar
v3s-echart-bar-stack-horizontal Single file component base with v3s echarts stack bar horizontal
v3s-echart-pie Single file component base with v3s echarts pie
v3s-echart-pie-nightingale Single file component base with v3s echarts nightingale pie


Snippet Purpose
v3s-table-template v3s table custom column
v3s-wrapper v3s section wrapper RhWrapper title="示例标题"></RhWrapper>
v3s-scr scope.row directive
v3s-loading v-loading="loading" directive
v3s-assets create code @/assets/path
v3s-template create code <template></template>
v3s-template-slot create code <template #slot-name></template>
v3s-v-for create code v-for="(item, index) in array" :key="index"
v3s-template-slot create code <template #slot-name>content</template>
v3s-elbtn create code <el-button type="primary">Primary</el-button>
v3s-elbtn-link create code <el-button type="primary" link>Primary</el-button>
v3s-elinput create code <el-input v-model="input" placeholder="Please input" />
v3s-elmsg import el-message and create ElMessage code
v3s-elmsg import el-message and create ElMessage code
v3s-elmessagebox import ElMessage, ElMessageBox and create use demo


Snippet Purpose
v3s-usedialog import dialog and create logic code
v3s-useelform create el-form logic code
v3s-elmsg create ElMessage template code
v3s-elicon create code import {} from "@element-plus/icons-vue";
v3s-imdapi create code import {} from "@/api/xx.js"
v3s-imdutils create code import {} from "@/utils/xx.js";
v3s-imdhooks create code import {} from "@/hooks/xx.js";
v3s-imdenums create code import {} from "@/enums/xx.js";
v3s-loading create loading related code
v3s-cfn create an arrow function with functional annotation
v3s-scr create code scope.row";
v3s-defineProps create defineProps code
v3s-defineEmits create defineEmits code
v3s-router import useRouter and create router logic code
v3s-api create api logic code
v3s-api-curd create api curd code
v3s-params create code const params = {}
v3s-code200 create codeif (res.code === 200) {}
v3s-usepinia import a pinia store and use it
v3s-reactive create code const param = reactive({});
v3s-computed create code const param = computed(() => { return });
v3s-watch create code watch(() => param, (newVal, oldVal) => {});
v3s-watch-array create code watch two more params
v3s-watcheffect create code watchEffect(() => {});
v3s-ref create code const param = ref();
v3s-onmounted create code onMounted(() => {});
v3s-onbeforemount create code onBeforeMount(() => {});
v3s-onbeforeupdate create code onBeforeUpdate(() => {});
v3s-onupdated create code onUpdated(() => {});
v3s-onerrorcaptured create code onErrorCaptured(() => {});
v3s-onunmounted create code onUnmounted(() => {});
v3s-onbeforeunmount create code onBeforeUnmount(() => {});
v3s-nextTick create code nextTick(() => {});
v3s-defineExpose create code defineExpose({});


Snippet Purpose
:dp :deep() {}

Release Notes

See Change Log.


MIT © Richard McRichface.