R package with functions to extract ngrams (e.g., letters, bigrams, trigrams), create anagrams, and calculate summed/mean ngram type and token frequencies of letter strings.
# [1] "dr" "re" "ea" "am"
bigrams("dream", "open")
# [1] "dr" "de" "da" "dm" "re" "ra" "rm" "ea" "em" "am"
# max two letters between the letters of the open bigram
bigrams("dream", "open", max_distance=3)
# [1] "dr" "de" "da" "re" "ra" "rm" "ea" "em" "am"
ngrams("dream", "trigram")
#[1] "dre" "rea" "eam"
#[1] 1 2 3
#[1] 1 1 1
#[1] 1 1 1
ngrams("dream", 4)
#[1] "drea" "ream"
#[1] 1 2
#[1] 1 1
#[1] 1 1
anagrams("dream", vwr::english.words)
# [1] "armed"
anagrams("silence", vwr::english.words)
# [1] "selenic" "license"
Example to calculate type and token frequencies of each word in a small lexicon based on the word frequencies provide in the lexicon.
Lexicon should have two columns and separated by a space or tab. Required headers: word and frequency. Example lexicon:
word frequency
bank 10
bobo 8
bald 2
baop 6
Script example to load lexicon, calculate bigram frequencies , and save results file.
# test lexicon with 4 words
the_file <- system.file("extdata", "test-lexicon.txt", package = "strngrams")
db <- read.table(the_file, header = TRUE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
# extract position specific bigrams and their frequencies from a lexicon
# returned data frame contains both type and token frequencies for each bigram
df_bigrams <- get_ngram_frequencies(db$word, db$frequency, type = "bigram", position_specific = TRUE)
# ngram pos type.frequency token.frequency
#1 ba 1 3 18
#2 bo 1 1 8
#3 al 2 1 2
#4 an 2 1 10
#5 ao 2 1 6
#6 ob 2 1 8
#7 bo 3 1 8
#8 ld 3 1 2
#9 nk 3 1 10
#10 op 3 1 6
# summed bigram frequency (SBF)
# type base
db$sbf.type <- ngram_frequency(db$word, df_bigrams, type="bigram", position_specific=TRUE, frequency = "type", func = "summed")
# token based
db$sbf.token <- ngram_frequency(db$word, df_bigrams, type="bigram", position_specific=TRUE, frequency="token", func="summed")
# mean bigram frequency
# type
db$mbf.type <- ngram_frequency(db$word, df_bigrams, type="bigram", position_specific=TRUE, frequency="type", func="mean")
db$mbf.token <- ngram_frequency(db$word, df_bigrams, type="bigram", position_specific=TRUE, frequency="token", func="mean")
# show lexicon with type and token bigram frequencies
# word frequency sbf.type sbf.token mbf.type mbf.token
#1 bank 10 5 38 1.666667 12.666667
#2 bobo 8 3 8 1.000000 2.666667
#3 bald 2 5 22 1.666667 7.333333
#4 baop 6 5 30 1.666667 10.000000
# save to tab-delimited file
write.table(db, col.names = T, row.names = F, file="test-lexicon_BF.txt", quote = FALSE, fileEncoding="UTF-8", sep="\t")
Summed bigram frequency (SBF) of 66,330 English words
# 66,330 English words from the CELEX lexical database
db <- data.frame(word = vwr::english.words)
# get bigrams, ignore token frequency (token frequency = 1 for all words)
df_bigrams <- get_ngram_frequencies(db$word, rep(1,nrow(db)), type="bigram", position_specific=TRUE)
# type based SBF of each word
db$sbf.type <- ngram_frequency(db$word, df_bigrams, type="bigram", position_specific=TRUE, frequency="type", func="summed")
# top10 words based on SBF
head(db[order(-db$sbf.type),], n=10)
# word sbf.type
#30656 interestingly 11871
#12094 contesting 11647
#30655 interesting 11542
#12426 cooperating 11213
#11351 concerting 11166
#12080 contenting 11117
#30654 interestedness 11040
#12321 converting 10992
#15782 destinations 10953
#11651 congesting 10931
English letter frequency (type)
# 66,330 English words from the CELEX lexical database
db <- data.frame(word = vwr::english.words)
# get letter frequency based on types
lf <- get_ngram_frequencies(db$word, rep(1,nrow(db)), type="monogram", position_specific=FALSE)
alphabeth <- unlist(strsplit("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",""))
lf[lf$ngram %in% alphabeth == TRUE, c("ngram", "type.frequency")]
# ngram type.frequency
#5 a 41853
#6 b 10591
#7 c 22583
#8 d 21189
#9 e 63385
#10 f 7850
#11 g 16686
#12 h 12385
#13 i 48377
#14 j 1070
#15 k 5084
#16 l 29331
#17 m 14723
#18 n 38882
#19 o 33296
#20 p 16224
#21 q 1086
#22 r 39367
#23 s 50851
#24 t 38222
#25 u 18460
#26 v 5636
#27 w 4940
#28 x 1487
#29 y 9071
#30 z 2118