🎯 Detailed Front-End Task List for the Tourist Guide App
Here’s a clear breakdown of tasks for your front-end team using React.js, React Router, Vite, and Framer Motion. The tasks are split into pages, components, and key features.
🏗️ Project Structure Setup (Already Completed)
✅ Vite and Laravel integration.
✅ React router setup.
✅ Project folder organization.
📄 Page-Level Tasks (Team Split) Home Page (Home.jsx)
Hero Section:
Add a beautiful hero image with a heading, subheading, and call-to-action buttons. Animate text using Framer Motion (fade-in, bounce). Top Destinations Section:
Create a reusable Card component to display destinations. Fetch dummy data for now and display in a grid layout. Add hover animations (card lifts + glowing yellow border). Featured Sections:
“Top Attractions,” “Top Restaurants,” and “Top Activities” with cards. Create navigation links to their respective pages. Footer:
Add newsletter sign-up and navigation links. Example Division:
Person A: Hero Section & Footer.
Person B: Top Destinations & Featured Sections.
Destinations Page (Destinations.jsx)
Create a section to list all destinations in a grid layout. Use a filter component to filter by categories like: Cultural & Historical, Nature, Beach, Winter. Add search functionality (input box). Link each card to the single destination page (not yet created). Example Division:
- Person A: Destination list with cards.
- Person B: Filters & search functionality. Attractions Page (Attractions.jsx)
Similar to the Destinations Page:
Add sections like Nature Attractions, Adventures, etc. Use the reusable Card component for consistency. Create navigation links to filtered views.
- Person A: Card grid.
- Person B: Filters.
Activities Page (Activities.jsx)
Create a layout for “Must-Try Adventures” like Hot Air Ballooning, Paragliding, Trekking. Include hover animations with Framer Motion.
Person A: Activity cards.
Person B: Navigation links (like “See All”).
Restaurants Page (Restaurants.jsx)
Add sections for Must-Try Meals, Top Restaurants, and Breakfast Restaurants. Reuse the Card component for meals and restaurants. Example Division:
Person A: Must-Try Meals section.
Person B: Top Restaurants & Breakfast Restaurants sections.
Accommodations Page (Accommodations.jsx)
Display Hotels, Resorts, and Bungalows in tabbed views. Each tab loads cards dynamically.
Person A: Hotels.
Person B: Resorts & Bungalows.
Wishlist Page (Wishlist.jsx) Fetch and display saved destinations, attractions, or activities. Add a toggle filter (e.g., All, Attractions, Activities, Restaurants). Profile Page (Profile.jsx)
Create a user profile layout: Display user details with edit buttons. Add Delete My Account button.
Person A: Profile layout.
Person B: Edit form modal (optional for now).
404 Page (NotFound.jsx) Design a simple and fun 404 Not Found Page with navigation back to Home.
🛠️ Component-Level Tasks Navbar Component (Navbar.jsx)
Add navigation links: Home, Destinations, Attractions, Activities, Restaurants, Accommodations. Implement a mobile-friendly navigation using a hamburger menu. Footer Component (Footer.jsx)
Add newsletter subscription form. Include links to all pages. Card Component (Card.jsx)
Design a reusable card for: Destinations, Activities, Restaurants, and Accommodations. Props: image, title, location, type, button text. Add animations on hover using Framer Motion. Filters Component
Design a reusable filter UI with checkboxes or tabs. Loading Component
Display an animated loading spinner using Framer Motion. Search Component
Add a search bar with autocomplete functionality (dummy data for now). ⚡ Key Features & Animations Use Framer Motion for:
Page transitions (e.g., sliding pages in/out). Hover effects on cards. Text animations on page load. Implement React Router for navigation between pages.
Fetch dummy data for all pages using fetch or a placeholder API like JSONPlaceholder.
💻 Code Integration Plan Each teammate will create a separate branch on GitHub:
Example: feature-home-page, feature-navbar-component, etc. Use Pull Requests (PR) to merge branches into the main branch.
Review each other's code and resolve conflicts before merging.
🎯 Tasks Division Example
Teammate Tasks File(s)
Person A Home Page Hero & Footer Home.jsx, Footer.jsx
Person B Top Destinations Section Home.jsx
Person C Navbar Component Navbar.jsx
Person D Destinations Page Filters Destinations.jsx
Person A Attractions Page Cards Attractions.jsx
Person B Activities Page Cards Activities.jsx
Person C Wishlist Page Wishlist.jsx
Person D Profile Page Profile.jsx