- Header/Navbar:
- Logo
- Navigation links (Home, Destinations, Attractions, Activities, Restaurants, Accommodations)
- Profile icon (User avatar)
- Search functionality
- Footer:
- Links to key sections:
- Destinations, Attractions, Activities
- Profile, Wish List
- Restaurants, Accommodations
- Newsletter Subscription Component
- Copyright information
- Links to key sections:
Hero Section:
- Eye-catching image (rotating carousel or single hero image)
- Title and subtitle (e.g., "Discover the Beauty of Turkey")
- Top Destinations Component:
- Grid with images for top locations (Istanbul, Antalya, Bursa, etc.)
- Top Attractions Component:
- Highlight popular attractions (Uzungöl, Ayder Plateau, Sera Lake, etc.)
- Top Activities Component:
- Featured activities (Paragliding, Hot Air Ballooning, Trekking)
- Top Restaurants Component:
- Section showing recommended meals and restaurants
- Navigation to subpages.
- Hero Section:
- Page header with a relevant background image and title.
- Categories of Destinations:
- Cultural and Historical Destinations: Istanbul, Çanakkale
- Nature and Adventure Destinations: Fethiye, Cappadocia
- Beach and Resort Destinations: Bodrum, Antalya
- Thermal Spa and Wellness: Yalova
- Winter Destinations: Bursa, Erzurum
- Cards for each destination with:
- Image
- Location name
- Category tag.
- Hero Section:
- Highlight an attraction with a stunning image.
- Nature Attractions:
- Uzungöl, Ayder Plateau, Sera Lake, Kaputaş Beach, etc.
- Activities Section:
- Includes cards for adventurous activities:
- Paragliding
- Hot Air Ballooning
- Trekking
- Repeated design pattern for attractions as cards.
- Hero Section:
- Page header with an adventurous activity image.
- Must Try Adventures:
- Paragliding, Hot Air Ballooning, Trekking
- Nature Attractions Section:
- Similar to Attractions Page but focuses on outdoor adventures.
- Hero Section:
- Page header with vibrant food images.
- Must Try Meals:
- Highlight popular meals like Iskender Kebab, Lahmacun, Pide.
- Top Restaurants:
- Showcase recommended restaurants with categories:
- Lunch/Dinner
- Breakfast
- Breakfast Restaurants Section:
- Special section for breakfast spots.
- Hero Section:
- Page header with hotel/bungalow visuals.
- Türkiye’s Top Hotels:
- Cards showcasing hotels in Istanbul.
- Top Resorts:
- Highlight resorts in Antalya.
- Top Bungalows:
- Showcase accommodations like bungalows in Antalya, Sapanca, etc.
- Example: Istanbul Page (Based on provided SinglePage_Istanbul.png)
- Structure:
- Hero Section: Large background image.
- 72 Hours in Istanbul:
- Itinerary breakdown:
- Day 1: Arrival
- Day 2: Tour across Bosphorus
- Day 3: Princes’ Island
- Itinerary breakdown:
- Sections:
- What to Try: Activities like paragliding, ballooning, etc.
- What to Taste: Local meals like Lahmacun, Iskender Kebab.
- Where to Stay: Hotels in Istanbul.
- Profile Details:
- Editable fields: Name, Date of Birth, Country, Email, Phone.
- Delete My Account Button.
- Hero Section:
- Page header with user’s wish list items.
- Filter Buttons:
- All | Attractions | Activities | Restaurants | Accommodations
- Wish List Items:
- Grid of saved items with:
- Image
- Title
- Category.
- Grid of saved items with:
- Components
Here’s a detailed list of reusable components your team should create:
- Header Component (Used on all pages)
- Footer Component (Used on all pages)
- Hero Section Component (Dynamic image and title for each page)
- Destination Cards Component:
- Image, title, and location details.
- Attraction Cards Component:
- Displays nature and activity-based attractions.
- Activity Cards Component:
- Includes adventurous activities with tags.
- Restaurant Cards Component:
- Details for restaurants, categorized by type (Lunch/Dinner, Breakfast).
- Accommodation Cards Component:
- Includes hotels, resorts, and bungalows.
- Itinerary Section (for detailed destination pages like Istanbul).
- Filter Component (Used on pages like Wish List for filtering items).
- User Profile Form:
- Editable fields.
- Wish List Grid Component:
- Displays saved items with categories.
- Header Component (React or Blade Component)
- Footer Component
- Hero Section Component
- Reusable Cards for:
- Destinations
- Attractions
- Activities
- Restaurants
- Accommodations
- Filter Component (For Wish List Page)
- Home Page Layout
- Destinations Page
- Attractions Page
- Activities Page
- Restaurants Page
- Accommodations Page
- Single Destination Page Layout (e.g., Istanbul Page)
- User Profile Page (Form and Edit Fields)
- Wish List Page (Filter and Grid)
- User Authentication (Login, Register, Logout)
- Database Models:
- Users
- Destinations
- Attractions
- Activities
- Restaurants
- Accommodations
- Wish List
- API Endpoints:
- CRUD for all models (e.g., add/edit/delete a destination)
- Fetch data for each page.
- Integration:
- Dynamic data rendering on pages (React/Laravel).
- User Wish List Logic:
- Save/remove items from the wish list.
- Newsletter Subscription Logic:
- Store emails in a database.
|-- app/
|-- database/
|-- public/
|-- resources/
| |-- js/
| | |-- components/
| | | |-- Header.jsx
| | | |-- Footer.jsx
| | | |-- HeroSection.jsx
| | | |-- DestinationCard.jsx
| | | |-- AttractionCard.jsx
| | | |-- ...
| | |-- pages/
| | |-- Home.jsx
| | |-- Destinations.jsx
| | |-- Attractions.jsx
| | |-- Restaurants.jsx
| | |-- SinglePage_Istanbul.jsx
| |-- views/
| |-- welcome.blade.php
|-- routes/
|-- .env
|-- package.json
|-- vite.config.js