Releases: wagtail/django-modelcluster
Releases · wagtail/django-modelcluster
- Removed Django 1.7 and Python 3.2 support
- Added system check to disallow related_name='+' on ParentalKey
- Added support for TAGGIT_CASE_INSENSITIVE on ClusterTaggableManager
- Field values for serialization are now fetched via pre_save (which, in particular, ensures that file fields are committed to storage)
- Fix: System checks now correctly report a model name that cannot be resolved to a model
- Fix: prefetch_related on a ClusterTaggableManager no longer fails (but doesn't prefetch either)
- Fix: Adding invalid types as tags now correctly reports a ValueError
- Django 1.9 compatibility
- Added exclude() method to FakeQuerySet
- Removed dependency on the 'six' package, in favour of Django's built-in version
- Django 1.9 compatibility
- Added exclude() method to FakeQuerySet
- Removed dependency on the 'six' package, in favour of Django's built-in version
- Removed Django 1.6 and Python 2.6 support
- Added system check to ensure that ParentalKey points to a ClusterableModel
- Added validate_max, min_num and validate_min parameters to childformset_factory
Fix: Updated add_ignored_fields declaration so that South / Django 1.6 correctly ignores modelcluster.contrib.taggit.ClusterTaggableManager again
re-release of 0.6 (withdrawn due to packaging issues)
- Django 1.8 compatibility
- 'modelcluster.tags' module has been moved to 'modelcluster.contrib.taggit'
- ClusterForm.Meta formsets can now be specified as a dict to allow extra properties to be set on the underlying form.
- Added order_by() method to FakeQuerySet
- Fix: Child object ordering is now applied without needing to save to the database
- Django 1.7 compatibility
- Fix: Datetimes are converted to UTC on serialisation and to local time on deserialisation, to match Django's behaviour when accessing the database
- Fix: ParentalKey relations to a model's superclass are now picked up correctly by that model
- Fix: Custom Media classes on ClusterForm now behave correctly
- Added exists(), first() and last() methods on FakeQuerySet
- Fix: Model ordering is applied when adding items to DeferringRelatedManager