Orchid is a distributed computing library designed to facilitate node-based computations. This project provides both a Python and a Java implementation for processing commands asynchronously across multiple nodes.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/wacksientrist/Orchid/Java cd Orchid-Java
- Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or higher
- Homebrew (for installing Python on macOS)
- Python 3
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Orchid-Java
Build the project:
make Build
Install dependencies:
make Install
- This will check for and install Homebrew and Python 3 if they are not already installed.
Import the Lib and Setup the Class:
- Import the Library Using "from Public.Orchid import Instance"
- Setup some nodes using = Instance(", 'Host'")
- Your node ids go from 1-3 By Default or from 1- if you specify it when building
Run Commands:
- .Process(<Value 1>, <Value 2>, ) will return the result from your operation
- Clean the build directory:
make Clean
There is a sample program:
- The sample program is named Sample.py
- Sample.py is directly under your build directory, by default ./Build
- The sample program uses relative paths.
- To execute it, use this command "make Clean; make Build; cd Build; python3 Sample.py"
- The sample program is NOT designed for more than 2 nodes, however its easy to expand if you want.
There is a BenchMark script:
- The BenchMark script executes the sample program with the minimum number of nodes needed (2)
- The BenchMark script times this and shuts down the nodes
- The BenchMark script then executes an identical program that runs locally.
- The identical program, is different in only that it runs all code directly.
- Times that program and returns both times
There is a compile Program:
- The Compile.py Script will take a normal python program and automatically convert it, by default it takes the file 'main.py' and makes 1 node, you can set it up for more nodes and different files, by default it sets all nodes to localhost, and executes locally.
- youll need to change them from localhost to whatever your nodes are, and also execute the command:
java -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:+UseG1GC Instance <8000 + nodeid> &"
- once youve done all that, you can execute your python program via "./Run"