Fatou is a Nest.js-based API that provides an interface to Claude, an advanced language model. The API enables two primary modes of operation:
- Application Analysis Mode - For analyzing codebases and providing technical insights
- General Query Mode - For standard AI interactions and conversations
Master Key
- Full administrative access to all endpoints
- Set via
environment variable - Required for managing API keys and administrative functions
- Example usage: Creating/revoking user API keys
User API Keys
- Generated after token verification
- Limited to AI interaction endpoints and context management
- Automatically tracked for usage and billing
- Each key has its own isolated context directory
- Call
- Sign the message with your Ethereum wallet
- Call
with the signature - Hold minimum required token balance (1 token)
x-api-key: your-api-key-here
- Each API key has a dedicated context directory
- Located at
- Created automatically when API key is generated
- Supports multiple markdown files per API key
POST /context-files/add-context
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
x-api-key: your-api-key-here
Form Data:
- file: .md file (required)
- Only markdown (.md) files are accepted
- 5MB file size limit
- Duplicate filenames will replace existing files
- Returns upload status and replacement information
POST /context-files/download-context
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: your-api-key-here
"filename": "context.md"
- Returns file as downloadable attachment
- Content-Type: text/markdown
- Returns 404 if file not found
DELETE /context-files/delete-context
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: your-api-key-here
"filename": "context.md"
POST /context-files/list-files
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: your-api-key-here
"id": "api-key-id"
POST /api-keys
x-api-key: master-key-here
"walletAddress": "0xD8a394e7d7894bDF2C57139fF17e5CBAa29Dd977"
DELETE /api-keys/:key
x-api-key: master-key-here
GET /api-keys/wallet/:address
Primary endpoint for interacting with Claude in both analysis and general modes.
Request Format
POST /ai/ask
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
x-api-key: your-api-key-here
Form Data:
- message: string (required)
- file: .md file (optional)
- conversationId: string (optional)
File Requirements
- Format: Markdown (.md) only
- Size Limit: 5MB
- Content: Application code, documentation, or project description
- Structure: Logical sections with clear headers
Response Format
"answer": "Claude's response text",
"usage": {
"costs": {
"inputCost": 0.015,
"outputCost": 0.075,
"totalCost": 0.090,
"inputTokens": 1000,
"outputTokens": 1000
"timestamp": "2024-11-04T12:31:12.000Z"
"conversationId": "unique-conversation-id"
├── contexts/ # Context files for each API key
│ ├── <api-key-id-1>/ # Isolated context directory
│ │ ├── context1.md
│ │ └── context2.md
│ └── <api-key-id-2>/
├── api-keys.json # API key database
├── costs.json # Usage tracking
└── db.json # Conversation history
uploads/ # Temporary upload directory
"<api-key>": {
"id": "unique-id",
"key": "api-key",
"walletAddress": "0x...",
"createdAt": "ISO-date",
"lastUsedAt": "ISO-date",
"isActive": true
"users": {
"<wallet-address>": {
"totalCosts": {
"inputCost": 0.015,
"outputCost": 0.075,
"totalCost": 0.090,
"inputTokens": 1000,
"outputTokens": 1000
"requests": [...]
"global": {
"totalInputCost": 0.015,
"totalOutputCost": 0.075,
"totalCost": 0.090,
"totalRequests": 1,
"lastUpdated": "ISO-date"
- Input: $0.015 per 1K tokens
- Output: $0.075 per 1K tokens
- Costs tracked per request
- Billing aggregated by wallet address
- Maximum file size: 5MB
- Maximum context: 10 messages
- Maximum output tokens: 1500
- 200: Success
- 400: Bad Request (invalid input)
- 401: Unauthorized (invalid API key)
- 403: Forbidden (insufficient permissions)
- 404: Not Found (resource doesn't exist)
- 413: File Too Large
- 415: Invalid File Type
- 500: Server Error
"statusCode": 400,
"message": "Error description",
"error": "Error type"
# Required environment variables
# Install dependencies
pnpm i
# Start development server
pnpm start:dev
# Run tests
pnpm test
git pull origin main
pnpm i
pnpm build
pm2 restart fatou
pm2 logs
API Key Management
- Rotate API keys regularly
- Never share or expose the MASTER_KEY
- Monitor API key usage for suspicious activity
- Revoke unused or compromised keys immediately
File Security
- Validate all file uploads
- Enforce file size and type restrictions
- Clean up temporary files
- Regular security audits of stored files
Access Control
- Use HTTPS in production
- Implement proper CORS policies
- Rate limit by IP and API key
- Regular security audits
Contact the maintainer:
- Element: @julienbrg:matrix.org
- Farcaster: julien-
- Telegram: @julienbrg
- Twitter: @julienbrg
- Discord: julienbrg
- LinkedIn: julienberanger
Interactive Swagger documentation available at /api