diff --git a/_components/document-notes/translation.md b/_components/document-notes/translation.md index 3b046e3..e438bdd 100644 --- a/_components/document-notes/translation.md +++ b/_components/document-notes/translation.md @@ -1,50 +1,64 @@ --- title: "Document Notes: Translations" lang: en -translators: # Uncomment (remove #) for translations, one - name line per translator. +last_updated: 2024-11-04 + +# Do not remove the following lines, used by the examples. +translation: + status: outdated + last_updated: 2022-01-04 + +translators: - name: Translator 1 - name: Translator 2 contributors: - name: Contributor 1 - name: Contributor 2 -footer: > # Text in footer in HTML - This is the text in the footer -last_updated: 2019-08-01 --- -The message for the translation is automatically generated on the translated pages and reads as follows (in the translated language): +The message for the translation is automatically generated on the translated pages and reads as follows (in the translated language): ## Up-to-Date Translation

{% include t.html t="About this Translation" %}


{% assign replacepattern = page.url | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" %}{% include t.html t='This volunteer translation might not accurately reflect the intentions of the English original.' replace=replacepattern %}


{% include_cached icon.html name="check-circle" %} {% include t.html t='Translation up-to-date with the English version.' %} -
{% include t.html t='Translation updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. {% include t.html t='English updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. -


- {%- capture translatorslabel %}{% include t.html t='Translator:' %}{%- endcapture %} - {% include peoplelist.html label=translatorslabel people=page.translators %} - {%- capture contributorslabel %}{% include t.html t='Contributor:' %}{%- endcapture %} - {% include peoplelist.html label=contributorslabel people=page.contributors %} - {%- assign replacepattern = "/about/translating/" | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%} -
{% include t.html t='WAI thanks translators, and welcomes other translations.' replace=replacepattern %}


{% include_cached t.html t="About this translation" lang=page.lang %}


+ {%- assign replace_pattern = page.url | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%} + {%- include t.html t='This volunteer translation might not accurately reflect the intentions of the English original.' replace=replace_pattern lang=page.lang -%} +


+ {%- capture translatorslabel %}{% include_cached t.html t='Translator:' lang=page.lang %}{%- endcapture %} + {%- include peoplelist.html label=translatorslabel people=page.translators -%} + {%- capture contributorslabel %}{% include_cached t.html t='Contributor:' lang=page.lang %}{%- endcapture -%} + {%- include peoplelist.html label=contributorslabel people=page.contributors -%} +
+ {%- assign replace_pattern = "/about/translating/" | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%} + {%- include_cached t.html t='The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) thanks translators, and welcomes other translations.' replace=replace_pattern lang=page.lang -%} +

## Outdated Translation -

{% include t.html t="About this Translation" %}


{% assign replacepattern = page.url | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" %}{% include t.html t='This volunteer translation might not accurately reflect the intentions of the English original.' replace=replacepattern %}


{% include_cached icon.html name="warning" %} {% include t.html t='English version updated since this translation: Change log.' replace=changelogpagereplace %} -
{% include t.html t='English updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. {% include t.html t='Translation updated:' %} {{page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}. +

{% include_cached t.html t="About this translation" lang=page.lang %}


+ {%- assign replace_pattern = page.url | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%} + {%- include t.html t='This volunteer translation might not accurately reflect the intentions of the English original.' replace=replace_pattern lang=page.lang -%}

- {%- capture translatorslabel %}{% include t.html t='Translator:' %}{%- endcapture %} - {% include peoplelist.html label=translatorslabel people=page.translators %} - {%- capture contributorslabel %}{% include t.html t='Contributor:' %}{%- endcapture %} - {% include peoplelist.html label=contributorslabel people=page.contributors %} - {%- assign replacepattern = "/about/translating/" | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%} -
{% include t.html t='WAI thanks translators, and welcomes other translations.' replace=replacepattern %}

+ {%- capture translatorslabel %}{% include_cached t.html t='Translator:' lang=page.lang %}{%- endcapture %} + {%- include peoplelist.html label=translatorslabel people=page.translators -%} + {%- capture contributorslabel %}{% include_cached t.html t='Contributor:' lang=page.lang %}{%- endcapture -%} + {%- include peoplelist.html label=contributorslabel people=page.contributors -%} +
+ {%- assign replace_pattern = "/about/translating/" | relative_url | prepend: "$1|" -%} + {%- include_cached t.html t='The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) thanks translators, and welcomes other translations.' replace=replace_pattern lang=page.lang -%} +

+ {%- if page.translation.status == "outdated" -%} +

{% include_cached icon.html name="warning" %} {% include_cached t.html t='Notice:' lang=page.lang %} {% include t.html t='The English original has been substantially updated since this translation.' lang=page.lang %}{%- if changelog_page %} — {%- include_cached t.html t="Latest changes" lang=page.lang -%}{%- endif -%} +
{% include_cached t.html t='English version updated:' lang=page.lang %} {{ page.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }} — {% include_cached t.html t='Translation date:' lang=page.lang %} {{ page.translation.last_updated | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}. +
{% include_cached t.html t='We welcome a translation update.' lang=page.lang replace=replace_pattern %}

+ {%- endif -%}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_components/footer.md b/_components/footer.md index eb78154..48f9f43 100644 --- a/_components/footer.md +++ b/_components/footer.md @@ -2,33 +2,46 @@ title: "Footers (Page and Site)" lang: en custom_changelog: /writing/changelogs/example/ -last_updated: 2024-09-24 +last_updated: 2024-11-04 --- ***Note:** This is only a visual design reference. [The content is defined in the frontmatter](/writing/frontmatter/#footer-).* ## Page Footer -### With last updated date +### Example 1: Last updated date -### With a more recent date of review +### Example 2: More recent last reviewed date +### Example 3: Translation + +***Note**: Following text is in English for reference. On live website, the page footer is displayed in the translated language.* + + + + ## Site Footer